Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

2006 – present Assistant professor in Hydraulics (ICAR/01), Faculty of Engineering – University of Cagliari
2004 – PhD in Land Engineering – University of Cagliari- Thesis title “Analysis and simulation of space-time precipitation fields aimed at hydrological applications”; advisor Prof. Roberto Deidda.
2001 – Degree in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics) cum laude – University of Cagliari- Thesis title: “Analysis and statistical modelling of precipitation in Sardinia by means of multifractal theory”; advisors: Prof. Enrico Piga and Prof. Roberto Deidda.
1995 – Diploma Scientifico with a final mark of 60/60 – Liceo Alberti Cagliari.


-2017 “Numerical/Sperimental analysis of methodologies for energy harvesting from waves” (Call “Capitale Umano ad Alta Qualificazione” – L.R. 7 agosto 2007, n° 7 –  project number F72F16002880002). 24 months. Position; co-investigator

-2014 – PRIN 2012 “Emodynamics of valve/aorta in presence of morphological variations from pathological conditions” n. 2012HMR7CF. 36 months. Position: co-investigator

– 2012 Cooperation between DIT – University of Cagliari and APRAS within the project “RES-MAR”, funded by Operative Programme of Transfrontalier Cooperation Italy- France 2007-2013. 24 months. Position: co-investigator

– 2009 “Polarimetric radar measurements of precipitation to interpret, retrieve, and validate X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar observations”, Italian Spatial Agency, within the project  COSMO-SkyMed, call 2008. Durata: 24 mesi. Position; co-investigator

– PRIN 2009 “Experimental and numerical investigation of cardiac flow”. 24 months. Position: co-investigator

– 2009 – Title: “Mediterranean precipitation Mediterranean Calibration and validation activities in Italy for the GPM missionin mission”. NASA project. Principal Investigator: Prof. Luca Baldini. Position; co-investigator.

– 2009 – Title: “Experimental study of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer” Funding: Start-up of young researchers – University of Cagliari (progetti 5%)

– 2008 – Title: “Experimental modelling of the Convective boundary Layer”. Funding: Local research projects University of Cagliari (ex 60%)

– 2007 – Title: “Experimental study of penetrative convection in the atmospheric boundary layer”. Funding: Local research projects University of Cagliari (ex 60%)

– 2003-2004 – Title: “Statistical characterization of intense precipitation on data base at high time resolution”, within the project “Meteo climatic extremes in the Mediterranean area: statistical and dynamical properties”. Funding: Italian National Research Funding – PRIN. Local Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Deidda

– 2002-2005 – Title: “Evaluation and forecast of hydrological processes with relevant socio-economic impact, by means of meteorological forecast”, within the project “Development of industrial districts for earth observation”. Funding: Piani Operativi Nazionali (PON). Local Coordinator locale: Prof. Roberto Deidda.

– 2002 – Title: “Analysis of space-time variability of remotely-sensed rainfall fields”. Funding: Italian Spatial Agency (ASI) – Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Deidda.

– 2001 – Title: “Analysis of intense precipitation events by means of multifractal techniques”. Funding: National Research Council (CNR) – Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Deidda.

– 2002 – Awarded a prize for “Young Researchers” University of Cagliari for the project “Rainfall downscaling for probabilistic flood forecast in small watersheds”


CV updated  on 10/07/2017


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