Department of Literature, Languages and Cultural Heritage

Professore associato
Disciplinary scientific area
Sciences of antiquity, philological-literary and historical-artistic
Scientific disciplinary sector
Via San Giorgio, 12 – 09124 Cagliari
Address details

Campus Aresu, 2nd floor, studio 24

Reception hours


Due to the medical emergency, the student reception in attendance cannot yet be resumed. Students are requested to contact the teacher by email. For those problems that cannot be resolved by email, an appointment can be arranged on platforms, such as, for example, Teams or Skype.

11 July 2024

Ricevimento studenti

Si avvisano gli studenti che il ricevimento in presenza è sospeso. Per informazioni e per fissare un eventuale appuntamento su Teams, scrivere alla docente, al seguente indirizzo mail:

05 July 2024

ricevimento studenti in presenza

L'ultimo ricevimento studenti in presenza prima della pausa estiva avrà luogo martedì 9 luglio, dalle ore 16 alle ore 18.


July 2024

No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled
No event scheduled

Teaching materials

Questionnaire and social

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