UniCa UniCa News Communication PhD in Personalized Medicine and Public Health, Cycle XXXIX - Scores and candidates admitted to interview

PhD in Personalized Medicine and Public Health, Cycle XXXIX - Scores and candidates admitted to interview

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

30 August 2023
Results of the assessment of qualifications and list of candidates admitted/not admitted to the interview


Posti ordinari/Ordinary positions:

Colloquio in presenza presso l’Aula Zedda della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Edificio I, piano 0, mediante presentazione PowerPoint, max 5 slide, 10 munuti a candidato/a. Potrà essere svolto a distanza nel caso di candidati/eimpossibilitati/e, per giustificati motivi, a sostenerlo presso la sede concorsuale.

Interview in person at Aula Zedda, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Buiding I, floor 0, through a PowerPoint presentation (max 5 slides, 10 minutes for each candidate). To be taken online in case the applicant cannot come to Cagliari, for justifiable reason.

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