UniCa UniCa News Communication Seminar Advanced Web Security

Seminar Advanced Web Security

Autore dell'avviso: Davide Maiorca

17 January 2024
Registrations are open for the seminar Advanced Web Security


From February 19th to March 1st, 2024, dott. Lorenzo Pisu will provide a seminar called "Advanced Web Security". The seminar will provide an overview of Client-Side and Server-Side vulnerabilities in web applications. The total duration of the course is 16 hours, distributed over two weeks (8 hours/week). The seminar will be held in person and online according to the attached program. The seminar will be provided in English. 
The seminar is open to the students of the following courses: 
- DRIEI Ph.D. 
- National Ph.Ds  

- Master's Degree in Computer Science

- Master's Degree Students in Electronic Engineering 
- Master's Degree Students in Internet Engineering 
- Master's Degree Students in Computer Engineering, CyberSecurity, and Artificial Intelligence. 
Registration is possible at this link by February 16th, 2024 (late registrations will not be accepted). The link to register is the following: https://forms.office.com/e/BYtF8AnPnn
Attached is reported the full description of the course, with its detailed schedule.

For more information, contact Prof. Davide Maiorca davide.maiorca@unica.it or Lorenzo Pisu lorenzo.pisu@unica.it

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