UniCa UniCa News Communication B2 level in English - Communication from UniCa Language Center

B2 level in English - Communication from UniCa Language Center

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

01 February 2022
Notice for Ph.D. Students of Cycle XXXVII


The Secretariat of the University Language Center sent a communication regarding the B2 level in English.

The email has been sent to the address @studenti.unica.it, which will be the one necessary for registration. To access, cclick on “Accedi al servizio” at unica.it - Posta studenti, type your @studenti.unica.it address and the password you use to enter your Esse3 webpage.

We invite you to check that you have received the email on your institutional account and follow the instructions. If you have already completed your registration, you will not need to register again.

The deadline for registration has been postponed allowing you to complete the registration, in case you did not read the e-mail.


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