Autore dell'avviso: Antonio Pusceddu

07 March 2023
The cycle of monographic seminars organized by the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences will be held from 8 March to 26 April 2023.


The cycle of DiSVA Seminars will be held from 8 March to 26 April 2023 according to the calendar shown in the attached poster.

The seminars, held in English, will be on Wednesdays at 15.00

Students of the Degree Courses in Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Marine Bio-Ecology and Neuropsychobiology who intend to use the seminars to accumulate free-choice credits must send a brief report to the Coordinator (coord.biologia@unica.it) within 48 hours from the end of the seminar.

The report must be sent from your each student's institutional email address (studenti@unica.it): any submission from another email address or any message sent more than 48 hours after the end of the seminar will not be taken into consideration and therefore not counted.

Attendance will be collected directly in the classroom.

Each seminar will allow you to accumulate 1/8 of credits.

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