UniCa UniCa News Communication Erasmus students' Aesthetics of Cinema

Erasmus students' Aesthetics of Cinema

Autore dell'avviso: Antioco Floris

23 May 2023
Indications for the Erasmus students' Aesthetics of Cinema (LM Architecture) exam


Erasmus students who have to take the Aesthetics of Cinema exam and do not have sufficient knowledge of the Italian language, can take a written test in English, French, German or Spanish instead of the oral one.

The test must in any case take place in person on the date set for the exam to which you will be admitted only if you have registered through the esse3 platform according to the official procedures.

Those who intend to make use of this possibility, after registering on esse3 and a few days before the exam date, must send an email to the professor (antioco.floris@unica.it) requesting it.

Two hours are available for the written test, in which a certain number of questions must be answered.

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