The art of modelling
04 July 2017

Si informano tutti gli interessati che, nell’ambito del Visiting Professor Programme 2017 finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna e del Corso di Morfodinamica e conservazione dei litorali, il Prof. Giovanni Coco, Associate Professor alla University of Auckland (New Zealand), terra’ alle ore 9 di martedì 4 luglio nell’Aula 16 della  Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, il seminario dal titolo The art of modelling:

  • Introduction & the Scientific Method
  • Models and Modelling
  • Model-data comparison
  • Sensitivity and Uncertainty
Obiettivo del seminario:
1. To introduce the role that environmental modelling plays in the environmental sciences, and the rationales behind the use of environmental models. 
2. To introduce you to the principle types of environmental models that environmental scientists use (including mathematical, empirical and simulation models).
3. To discuss the relationship between models, theory and data; especially in the context of the evaluation of environmental models.
4. To introduce, through the use of case studies, to the application of environmental models in a range of different settings.

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