On Recent Developments in the Six-Parameter Shell Theory: Rayleigh and Courant variational principles
18 May 2017

Il Prof. Victor A. Eremeyev (Rzeszów University of Technology) terrà un seminario dal titolo "On Recent Developments in the Six-Parameter Shell Theory: Rayleigh and Courant variational principles", il prossimo giovedì 18 maggio 2017 ore 10:30-11:30 nell'aula Berio (Ex Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, via Marengo 2)




We formulated the Rayleigh variational principle for eigen-oscillations of the prestressed elastic shells. Using the Rayleigh quotient we shown that influence of initial stresses on the eigen-frequencies are determined by the changes of the elastic moduli tensors due to deformations and by the term depending on initial stress and couple stress tensors only. The latter term may play more important role in the case of flexible thin shells. Some specific examples are considered.


Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi a antonio.cazzani@unica.it, fstochino@unica.it.


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