The components of life - An introduction to cellular and structural biology
03 July 2012
Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Il Prof. Martin Andrew (University College London, UK) terrà nei giorni martedì 3 e mercoledì 4 luglio 2012 presso l’Aula Y, Facoltà di Ingegneria, h. 15.00 – 19.00, i seguenti seminari:
3 luglio 2012, Aula Y, Facoltà di Ingegneria, h. 15.00 - 19.00:

    The components of life - An introduction to cellular and structural biology

4 luglio, Aula Y, Facoltà di Ingegneria, h. 15.00 - 19.00:

Computational Biology - Applications of computing to problems in biology

Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare Giuliano Armano, email:
Gli abstract dei seminari sono disponibili sotto.

Instructor: Prof. Andrew C. R. Martin, University College, London

Duration: 8h

Schedule: Tue July 3rd (15-19), Wed July 4th (15-19)

Venue: Aula Y (close to DIEE pav.


[ 4hours ] The components of life - An introduction to cellular and structural biology

This seminar will introduce the basic concepts of biology. We will look at the structure of cells and of proteins and nucleic acids - the fundamental building blocks of life. Methods used to look at these molecules (too small to be seen by even the most powerful microscopes) will be introduced. We will then examine the processes by which these come together to create life.

[ 4hours ] Computational Biology - Applications of computing to problems in biology

The sequencing of the human genome and the advent of rapid technologies for sequencing DNA has led to a huge explosion in the amount of available biological data. This seminar will examine some of the key concepts in computational biology exploring how computers can be used to analyze and make predictions about nucleic acids and proteins.  It will end with a presentation of research in my group, in particular the analysis of effects of mutations that are identified in the sequencing projects.

Assessment: Paper review (assigned by the teacher)

Organizer: Giuliano Armano
Dep. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Cagliari, Italy

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