Software Mining and Analysis
18 June 2012
Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Il Prof. Kim Sung Hun (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Korea) terrà il giorno lunedì 18 giugno dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 17.00 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica, padiglione B, sala riunioni, piano secondo un seminario dal titolo:
"Software Mining and Analysis"
con particolare enfasi su:
• automatic bug fixing (open to public)
• bug cache
• change classification
The lectures will be based on the state-of-art research results. Discussions followed by each lecture will give you deep  understanding on the topics covered by the lecture.
Day 1:
• automatic bug fixing (open to public)
• bug cache
• change classification
Day 2:
Defect prediction (in general), noise detection, ReLink
Day 3:
Bug triage
Day 4:
Crash report mining/crash reproduction
Note that the first lecture, "automatic bug fixing" is open to public, and I really welcome you all.

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