Image and Video Search
26 April 2012


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica
Il Prof. Arnold Smeulders (University of Amsterdam) terrà dal 26 Aprile al 2 Maggio presso l'Aula Mocci del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica (Pad.
A - Piazza D'Armi) 
il ciclo di lezioni sul tema:
Image and Video Search
Il programma del seminario è disponibile all'indirizzo
Giovedì 26 Aprile ore 10-13
• Lecture 1 - Image search: the problem
• Lecture 2 - Features 1: spatio-temporal-color, first things first
• Lecture 3 - Features 2: measurements & invariance, desireable properties
Venerdì 27 Aprile ore 10-13
• Lecture 4 - Features 3: descriptors, to grasp the image
• Lecture 5 - Detection 1: words, lots of them
• Lecture 6 - Detection 2: to context or not to context
Mercoledì 2 Maggio ore 15-17
• Lecture 7 - Image search: making it work: computation and samples
• Lecture 8 - Video search: performance, what can be done & what not?
Biografia. Arnold Smeulders received an M.Sc from the Technical University of Delft in physics in 1977, and in 1983, a PhD from the medical faculty of Leiden University on the topic of visual pattern analysis. Subsequently, he was associated professor in medical image analysis at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 1989, he moved to the University of Amsterdam to become associate professor of computer science and full professor in biological image processing. Since 1994, he is full professor in multimedia information analysis at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam.
Currently, Prof. Smeulders leads the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam. ISLA is composed of three groups. The IAS group researches intelligent autonomous systems and the ILPS group investigates information and language processing. The Intelligent Sensory Information Systems group, ISIS, conducts research in the theory, practice, and implementation of multimedia information analysis. 
Since 2001, he is the director of MultimediaN, a nation-wide, large program for multimedia information processing supported by the Dutch government. I am currently also director of ASCI, a nation-wide research school on computing and imaging. 
Prof. Smeulders an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision and of the IEEE transactions on multimedia. 

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