Convegno internazionale su argomenti di Analisi matematica, equazioni differenziali e sistemi dinamici
24 September 2008
Il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica ha organizzato un convegno internazionale su argomenti di Analisi Matematica, Equazioni Differenziali e Sistemi Dinamici (24-26 settembre 2008)
The Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Cagliari, Italy, organises in the period of September
22-26 a minicourse and seminars for Ph.D. students and Postdocs on Perturbative Methods in Functional Spaces for Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, September 22-23, and the international workshop
The workshop is in occasion of the 60 years of Prof. Luigi Rodino (Universit\`a di Turino, Italy) computed in 2008 and is the framework of the activities of a PRIN project of MIUR (Italy), involving research groups from the Universities of Cagliari, Ferrara, Padova and Torino The meetings will take place on the premises of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Cagliari.
The main purpose of the workshop is to expose the recent developments in the study of the regularity in the framework of Sobolev type spaces, spaces of uniformly analytic--Gevrey functions and the type of decay on infinity for solutions to differential equations and dynamical systems, focusing on travelling wave and homoclinic type solutions, existence and classification of compact travelling waves for nonsmooth potentials, global properties for pseudodifferential operators and Fourier integral operators on compact manifolds and on $\R^n$, global well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for evolution equations,convergence issues and Gevrey regularity estimates for singular PDEs and normal form transformations in the presence of degeneracies and/or diophantine phenomena, PDEs with singular coefficients, decay--regularity issues for differential operators on noncompact manifolds.

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