Geoffrey J. Laurent, Director of the Centre for Respiratory Research at University College London, visiting professor a Cagliari
12 June 2008
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Tossicologia
Sezione di Oncologia e Patologia Molecolare
Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa Visiting Professor, finanziata dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, il Prof. Geoffrey J. Laurent direttore del Centre for Respiratory Research dell’University College of London terrà un ciclo di lezioni dal titolo: 

“The lung in health and disease: in defence of the delicate"

Giovedì 12 giugno 2008, ore 17
Aula magna Chimica, Palazzo delle Scienze
Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari
The lung plays key roles in gas exchange as well as having endocrine functions. At the same time it is exposed to the threat of pathogens and toxins from our environment. The lung has also developed exquisite systems of defence but it is not surprising that at times these systems are overwhelmed and pathologies occur. This lecture introduces lung defence systems and  the  common themes of pathology  in many chronic respiratory diseases.
"Fighting pulmonary fibrosis:
new science brings new opportunities"
Venerdì 13 giugno 2008, ore 17
Aula magna Chimica, Palazzo delle Scienze
Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari
Fibrosis with deposition of excessive scar tissue is a feature of the interstitial lung diseases but is also seen in chronic asthma and COPD. As we better understand the molecular events leading to fibrosis we are discovering novel approaches to treat this aspect of lung pathology for which we currently have no adequate therapies. This lecture focuses on recent research suggesting that multiple pathways are involved in developing fibrosis and discusses the challenges this presents to treatment.
Professor Laurent is the Director of the Centre for Respiratory Research at University College London where he directs a team of scientists and physicians conducting research into basic aspects of the mechanisms of inflammation and tissue repair, as well as programmes in translational research leading to clinical trials in collaboration with industry. He has published over 200 articles in international journals of biomedical research and was recently awarded the European Respiratory Societies Presidential Award for his contribution to lung science. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, an associate editor of the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and has edited several books including a four volume Encyclopaedia of Respiratory Medicine. In June 2006 he was appointed a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He was appointed Director of the European Respiratory Society Lung Science Conference in August 2006. He is also the President of the British Association for Lung Research.
Per gli Studenti di Medicina che frequenteranno saranno riconosciuti CFU: 0.2 per seminario
Per eventuali informazioni e discutere con il prof. Laurent rivolgersi a:
Prof. Luigi Atzori
Dipartimento Tossicologia,
Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Via Porcell 4 , 09124 Cagliari

Phone: +39 0706758390, Mobile: +39 3804335776 , Fax: +39 070666062, email:

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