UniCa UniCa News Communication “European University” EDUC-European Digital UniverCity: thematic seminars

“European University” EDUC-European Digital UniverCity: thematic seminars

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

14 December 2020
First deadline for applications: 5th January 2021


In the field of our "European University EDUC-European Digital UniverCity", professors and PhD students are invited to apply for attending thematic seminars about the 7 areas identified as prioritary. The goal is to strengthen and encourage cooperation in research, thanks to the meeting with the scientific representatives of the 6 Universities involved in the project.

The first seminars are scheduled in March 2021. Some of them will be online with the chance of an event in the presence of participants, whenever possible. English will be the work language. The topics are:

1.            Life Long Health and Wellbeing (18-19 March 2021) - University of Pècs (Hungary);

2.            Culture and heritage (24 March 2021) - University of Paris Nanterre (France, online);

3.            Justice, inequality and inclusion (25 March 2021) - University of Paris Nanterre (France, online);

4.            Mobility / Smart cities (8-9 April 2021) – University of Rennes 1 (France);

5.            European Union Studies (21-22 April 2021) – University of Cagliari?(Italy);

6.            Sustainable Changes: climate and resources (end of June/ beginning of July 2021) - University of Potsdam (Germany);

7.            Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence (Autumn 2021) - University of Masaryk (Czech Republic).

As regards the first three seminars, the deadline for applications is 5th January 2021, but applications are open also for the other events.

Seven places are available for each seminar: max 5 for PhD students and min 2 for professors/researchers. Mobilities will be supported by the EDUC project.

At this link you will find the notice and the application form: https://www.unica.it/unica/it/educ_opportunita.page.

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