
Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

26 July 2016
Per iscriversi al concorso è obbligatorio utilizzare la procedura online disponibile nella sezione servizi online del sito del università, all' indirizzo a decorrere dal 26.07.2016 e fino al termine di scadenza del 26.08.2016, ore 12.00.


Is is compulsory to register through the online procedure at the website HTTPS://WEBSTUDENTI.UNICA.IT/ESSE3/START.DO FROM 26/07/2016 to the deadline dor the submission of applications 26/08/2016 (local time).

Online registration Procedure to the entrance selection for the PhD

Candidate must upload the documents preferably in pdf format (not more than 1MB each document):

  • Degree certificate with the transcript of records including marks, in original or legalized copy and translated into Italian or English;
  • Signed curriculum vitae preferably in European format, in English or in Italian;
  • One or more letters of reference, in English or in Italian, on institution letterhead paper, signed by from a university professors or expert in the Phd scientific area (up to three);
  • Additional qualifications, certifications, publications (up to 5) in English or in Italian, and work experiences to be assessed for the evaluation procedure;
  • Form requesting the interview by videoconference via Skype (It is compulsory to use this FORM);
  • Colored copy of Identity Card or Passport (front and back) with a clear photo.

In order to complete the enrolment to the entrance examination, applicants must pay a fee of € 22,35 within 27.08.2016

How to pay:
Candidates residing abroad
can pay the fee of € 22,35 by bank transfer without fees charged to the recipient to:
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
via Università 40, 09124 CAGLIARI - Tesoreria universitaria Banco di Sardegna
IBAN code IT51T0101504800000000043280
Reason for payment: “Competition for admission to PhD courses - XXXII cycle, name and surname of the candidate and the PhD course he/she wants to apply for”
The receipt of payment via bank transfer has to be sent to

Candidates residing in Italy
have to pay the fee using the method specified at the webpage (Come si pagano le tasse universitarie).

Dates and venues of the competitions will be published on the web page
web publication will be the only official notice for the admission tests; no further notice will be given

Last notices

Questionnaire and social

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