
Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

08 November 2016
30st Cycle (XXX Cycle) Enrolment for the 3rd Year Academic Year 2016/2017 We whis to Inform All the PH.D. students -either on scholarship ro not - that, in order to confirm your enrolment for the current academic year you need to pay €21.50 for the concerning revenue tax and insurance cover. Payment deadline: 1st December 2016


N.B. PH.D. students who are noy up to sate whit this payment won't be able to attend our university facilities due to the lock of a valid insurance cover

PH.D. students on scholarship:
By 28th November 2016 Ph.D. students on scholarship will have delivered their 2017 Income Declaration. They can deliver their declaration personally at the Office “Dottorati e Master” (via San Giorgio 12, 09124 Cagliari) or by e-mail (PDF format and Ph.D. student’s ID copy) at the e-mail address

Download the form

Starting fron 21st november, Ph.D. students can deliver their 2nd year attendance register (once duly filled in and signed), and collect their 3rd year register.

Taxes and contributions reminder:

€ 5.50 Insurance cover
€ 16.00 Revenue tax


PH.D. Students on scholarship or not
For the whole cycle, at the beginning of the academic year, all the Ph.D. students must pay their insurance cover and the stamp duty.


€ 157.32 1st enrolment fee


PH.D. Students on scholarship


€ 140.00 ERSU tax


PH.D. Students on scholarship(if due)*


€ 109.00 2nd enrolment fee


PH.D. Students not on scholarship


How to pay the PH.D. taxes
You can find the electronic bank MAv form in the reserved area of the online students’ services section (; click login, write your username and password; on the menu, chose “Segreteria-Pagamenti”; click the number on the column “Pagamento non pervenuto” (payment not received); Save the MAv.

Once you have downloaded the PDF containing the MAv, you can pay as it follows:

  • Online, through an Internet banking section, inserting the MAv code data, the total amount and the reason for payment.
  • AT AN ATM of any bank providing this service; you will have to insert your MAv data (identification code, total amount, reason for payment) and pay with a cash card.
  • Print your MAv and deliver it to any bank counter all over the country.

Following one of the above-mentioned procedures, the MAv payment does not include extra charges.
After 2-5 working days (depending on the time your bank needs to transfer your payment to UNICA) from the date of your payment, you will be able to check it in the reserved area of the online students’ services section. For the purpose of the administrative deadlines, we will consider the effective day of your payment.

* Exoneration from ersu tax


Being exempt from all taxes, Ph.D. students on scholarship are exempt also from the payment of ERSU tax, as well as Ph.D. students with a total gross familiar income between 0 and € 25,000.00.

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