
Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

09 January 2019
Prof. Drew Parsons, Murdoch University, Perth (AUSTRALIA)


Nell'ambito del programma Visiting Professor/Scientist 2018, finanziato dalla LR 7/2007 della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, il Prof. Drew Parsons (, della Murdoch University, Perth (AUSTRALIA), terrà i seguenti seminari:

Mercoledì 9 gennaio 2019 (h 11-13)
Aula IV asse didattico I, Cittadella Monserrato

Modelling Protein-Protein Interactions and Specific Ion Effects
Abstract:  The standard DLVO model of particle interactions in salt solution treats ions as simple point charges. This model is incapable of distinguishing the differences in properties such as protein zeta potential or aggregation, known as Hofmeister effects. This lecture addresses the elements that must be added to theory to enable Hofmeister effects to be modelled.  Key elements of the improved model include van der Waals interactions of ions (nonelectrostatic physisorption) and specific binding of ions at carboxylate or amine sites (chemisorption).

Lunedì 14 e mercoledì 16 gennaio 2019 (h 11-13,30),
Sala Riunioni Piano Terra Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Cittadella di Monserrato

Protein and particle-particle interactions: modelling general interactions and specific ion effects
Abstract:  This set of lectures reviews the standard DLVO model of particle interactions in salt solution. The overall interaction is primarily a balance between attraction due to bulk van der Waals forces and repulsion arising from the entropy of an ion adsorption layer at the surface. This model treats ions as simple point charges and is therefore incapable of distinguishing the differences in properties such as protein zeta potentials or aggregation, known as Hofmeister effects. We address the additional elements that must be added to theory to enable us to model Hofmeister effects.  Key elements of the improved model include van der Waals interactions of ions (nonelectrostatic physisorption) which can be evaluated using quantum chemical methods, and specific binding of ions at carboxylate, amine sites or oxide surface sites (chemisorption).

An in-class test will be provided with this lecture set allowing postgraduate course credit.

La frequenza dei Ciclo di seminari (14 e 16 Gennaio) e il superamento del test finale comporterà il riconoscimento di 0.5 CFU (studenti LM) o 1 CFR (dottorandi)

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