HUTWIN Project
HuTwin focuses on the definition of the Human Cyter Twin (HCT), i.e. a digital representation of the user, which describes the objective characteristics with a slow dynamic (e.g. gender, age, preferences) and those with a faster dynamic such as the emotions and level of quality of the experience perceived while taking part in immersive communications. The main focus concerns: i) definition and development of emotion and user experience estimation algorithms; ii) the development of multimodal data fusion techniques to estimate emotions and QoE based on the integration of two or more different types of features; iii) the definition of a mapping between emotions and emotional states; iv) the creation of datasets that will be made available in an open manner.
Project purpose
The HCT will be developed to support the definition of immersive communications systems that are human-centric and take into account the user's state and perceived QoE. To estimate emotions and QoE, systems for analyzing facial expressions, vocal characteristics and body movements will be used.
Expected results
The expected results of the project concern: i) The definition of an architecture for the HCT; ii) The development of functionalities and interfaces for the HCT; iii) The development of solutions for the sustainable management of HCT instances; iv) The development of emotion and experience prediction systems based on features extracted from facial expressions, voice characteristics and body movements.
Achieved results
The following are the expected impacts of participating in the project for the participant: i) Possibility of introducing innovative contents into the courses on digital media held by the members of the laboratory as part of the Degree course in Internet Technology Engineering; ii)) Strengthening of skills in the field of immersive communications that can be used by the proponent in the context of technology transfer activities.
CUP: C29J24000300004
Importo totale del progetto: 305.000,00 euro
Importo finanziato: 305.000,00 euro
Fonte di finanziamento:
Finanziamento dell’Unione Europea – Next Generation EU PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) - MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2 INVESTIMENTO 1.5 – Avviso MUR 341 del 15/03/2022 Programma RESTART (Codice PE00000001) - Bando a Cascata per le Università Statali ed EPR vigilati dal MUR - Spoke 4
Data inizio: 11/03/2024
Data fine: 30/09/2025
Scientific Manager: prof. LUIGI ATZORI
Luigi Atzori,
Alessandro Floris,