

METBIOTEL: "Artificial Intelligence-controlled Bio-Sensor Tests to assess Metabolic Syndrome in Telemedicine-assisted Health monitoring"

METBIOTEL will develop a wearable sensor node integrating a low-power microcontroller (e.g., ARM Cortex-M) with DSP, miniaturized biometric sensors (ECG, accelerometer, temperature, GSR), and a BLE wireless communication module. The hardware architecture will be optimized for low power consumption by implementing power gating and duty cycling techniques. The node will execute TinyML algorithms for real-time analysis of biometric data, extracting informative features such as heart rate, heart rate variability, and physical activity level. Communication with the cloud platform will be handled via BLE, implementing security protocols to ensure data privacy. The system will allow remote monitoring of physiological parameters, anomaly detection, and real-time alert sending.


Project purpose

The main objective of METBIOTEL is the creation of an innovative telemonitoring system based on an ultra-low power wearable sensor node. This device, with its small size and very low energy consumption, will be able to acquire physiological parameters through miniaturized biometric sensors.

Expected results

Data processing will occur directly on the node, leveraging TinyML algorithms for real-time analysis and extraction of significant features. The node will communicate with a cloud-based telemedicine platform via low-power wireless technologies such as BLE, ensuring an efficient, secure, and reliable data flow.

Achieved results

(Subsequently, the achieved results will be presented, highlighting the financial support received from the European Union)

CUP: B83C22002820006.

Importo totale del progetto: € 700.025,75

Importo finanziato: € 510.647,54

Importo progetto per UNICA: € 137.276,23 €

fonte di finanziamento: Progetto Metbiotel -BANDO A CASCATA Ecosistema dell'Innovazione ECS 0000024 ROME TECHNOPOLE - CUP B83C22002820006 - SPOKE 1 Applied research technology development and innovation E SPOKE 6 - Open Research Infrastructures, joints labs, higher education with industrial collaboration - Avviso MUR n. 3277 del 30.12.2021- PNRR, Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.5 - finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU.

data inizio: 10 Giugno2024

data fine: 31 Dicembre 2025





Scientific Manager: Paolo Meloni




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