Elective activities

The 12 ECTS credits for Student-Selected Educational Activities can be earned in various ways:

  • By attending seminars or participating in educational activities that will be proposed by the Degree Course (CdS) and advertised on the homepage of the website, in the "Notices" section.
  • By choosing one or more exams from those listed in the attached file. In this case, approval from the Student Practices Committee is NOT required because the list has already been approved by the Degree Course;

  • By choosing one or more exams from the educational offerings of the University, provided they are consistent with the educational objectives of the degree course in Applied Informatics and Data Analytics, subject to approval by the Student Practices Committee;

For the selection of courses belonging to degree programs with restricted access, the student must first consult the professor to ensure the possibility of attending the course and taking the related exam.

Below is the procedure to follow in case you choose exams NOT present in the list already approved by the Student Practices Committee:

  • Write an email to Professors Ilaria Lunesu, Mirko Marras, and Lorenzo Putzu;

  • Once approval is obtained, send an email to the student office (segrstudbiofarmscienze@unica.it) attaching the specifically prepared form, cc'ing the Chair of the Committee (ilaria.lunesu@unica.it), to request that the exam be included in your academic record.


6 ECTS credits "of the student's choice" are recognized for those who have attended and successfully passed the Cyberchallenge.

The course manager for the University of Cagliari sends to the coordinator of the CdS the list of participants, complete with student ID numbers, and at the first available meeting, the Degree Course Council approves the recognition of the 6 ECTS credits and sends the approved excerpt to the Student Office. 

Samsung Innovation Campus

6 ECTS credits "of the student's choice" are recognized for those who have attended and successfully passed the Samsung Innovation Campus.

The course manager for the University of Cagliari sends to the coordinator of the CdS the list of participants, complete with student ID numbers, and at the first available meeting, the Degree Course Council approves the recognition of the 6 ECTS credits and sends the approved excerpt to the Student Office.

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