The Bachelor's Degree in Applied Informatics and Data Analytics (IADA) is a three-year degree program, classified as L-31.

This degree program was established to meet the significant demand for niche professional figures in the fields of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, a demand that exists at regional, national, and international levels. Indeed, contemporary society increasingly shows interest in issues related to Data Analytics and the exploitation of the vast amount of data available today, to develop new applications and services that can improve the quality of life. The ability to automatically analyze this enormous and ever-growing mass of data, using algorithms that can learn from the data itself, is essential for making predictions, analyzing scenarios, classifying even complex situations, and making optimal decisions, even automatically. One of the most evident manifestations of this interest is the substantial state investments in recent years by all the most industrialized nations, including those of the European Union, in the development of activities related to Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

The teachings of the IADA program include learning methods based on both individual study and practical implementation through laboratory activities, both individual and group. Learning the techniques of Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning cannot be separated from the performance of practical activities, where students can engage with the formulation of the problem in quantitative terms, with the optimal choice of algorithms and their parameters, and with the verification on real or simulated data of the comparative effectiveness of various possible approaches.
In the Applied Informatics and Data Analytics course, on one hand, the course instructors will conduct tutorials and practical exercises during the lessons. On the other hand, most of the technical subjects of the degree program involve the completion of a practical test using techniques and technologies illustrated within each subject. The more applied subjects also involve the completion, individually or in groups, of practical projects related to real-life applications.

Objectives and Career Opportunities

The Bachelor's Degree in Applied Informatics and Data Analytics at the University of Cagliari aims to train graduates with all the basic and practical knowledge related to the fields of Informatics, with particular attention to the technologies and methodologies related to Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, enabling direct access to the job market and the profession. Furthermore, such knowledge allows graduates the potential access to Master's Degree courses in the LM-18 (Informatics), LM-91 (Data Science, Business Analytics, and Innovation), and LM-32 (Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence) classes, and other related classes. These degree courses are offered by the university.

The degree program is designed with the general objective of responding to the growing demand for professional figures in informatics capable of addressing and solving problems 

of the information society in the context of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and the use of the enormous and growing amount of data available today to refine the best automatic methods for solving problems of predicting future events or classifying data. The technical preparation of graduates in Applied Informatics and Data Analytics at the University of Cagliari will allow for their insertion predominantly, but not exclusively, in the vibrant fabric of SMEs in the sector present in Sardinia, as well as in all activities that require a background in information technology and Artificial Intelligence, even if not falling within the ICT sector companies.

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