Final test

The student has 14 CFU (350 hours) to devote to the preparation of the Degree Thesis and its dissertation during the Final Examination.

A student who intends to carry out the preparation of the dissertation in a specific structure must present a formal request to the lecturer (Supervisor), with whom he/she intends to carry out the preparation of the same, together with his/her curriculum (list of exams taken and marks obtained in each of them, list of optional activities followed, internships in laboratories or clinics or any other activity carried out for training purposes). The Supervisor, having consulted the Professors belonging to the same structure and having checked the availability of places, accepts the request and is responsible for checking and certifying the activities carried out by the Student in the structure. The preparation of the dissertation may also be carried out in facilities in other foreign countries, in agreement with the Supervisor.

The thesis may be writen in English; the discussion must however take place in Italian.

In order to be admited to the Final Examination, the student must have already acquired the remaining 346 CFUs as detailed in the Course Schedule.

The rules and procedures for admission to the Final Examination can be found on the Student Secretariat's webpage.

The degree program offers at least three degree examinations per year. The degree examination involves the presentation and discussion of a thesis/dissertation prepared by the candidate before a committee appointed by the Coordinator of the Study Program

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