UniCa Medicine and Surgery Teaching Internships Evaluative practical training

Evaluative practical training

The traineeship for professional licensing, which in previous academic years took place after graduation, as of the 2019/20 academic year has been incorporated within the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree course and is called Practical Appraisal Traineeship (PTV).

On the basis of Ministerial Decree no. 58 of 09/05/2018 and DL no. 18 of 17/03/2020, art. 102, which establishes that, as of April 2020, the attainment of the single-cycle master's degree in Medicine and Surgery qualifies for the practice of the profession of medical surgeon, subject to the acquisition of the judgement of suitability, the Degree Course Council in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Cagliari has defined that:

  • Eligibility for the licence to practise as a medical surgeon is obtained after passing the PTV;
  • the TPV is carried out during the course of study, starting in the sixth year, provided that all the statutory teaching activities relating to the first four years of the course have been successfully completed;
  • the PTV shall be carried out for a total number of 300 hours, also non-consecutive, for a total of 15 CFU, divided as follows:
  1. 100 hours in the Surgical Area;
  2. 100 hours in the Medical Area;
  3. 100 hours to be carried out at the surgery of a *General Practitioner according to the agreement stipulated between the Order of Surgeons and Dentists of the Province of Cagliari and the University of Cagliari
  • certification and assessment of attendance are carried out by, and under the direct responsibility of, the university lecturer or medical director in charge of the facility attended by the trainee, and the General Practitioner, who issue formal certification of attendance;

    - express an ongoing opinion on the progress of the traineeship;

    - issue an assessment of the results of the skills demonstrated

Following the enactment of Ministerial Decree no. 12 on April 9, 2020, under Article 6, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 8/2020, exceptional measures have been introduced due to the ongoing emergency regarding evaluative practical internships necessary for acquiring the license to practice as a Surgeon. In instances where there is an insufficient number of available contracted general practitioners, the internship period focusing on the specific area of general medicine, typically conducted in a general practitioner's office, may also take place in the facilities mentioned in letter a) of Article 26, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 368 dated August 17, 1999.

Before attending the TPVs, the student must:

  • Pay the state fee and the regional fee for professional qualification, as outlined on the Student Secretariat website.
  • Ensure you meet the requirements for starting the TPV: being enrolled in the 6th year and having passed all the educational activities of the first four years.
  • Register for the TPV internship. Please note that the system will not allow you to register if you do not meet the aforementioned requirements.
  • Independently select the facility for your PTV from those listed in Annex 1 and coordinate with the responsible individual regarding the feasibility and timing of the internship. Participating in PTVs at facilities not listed will lead to a judgement of ineligibility. To participate in the TPV in General Medicine, students must, until further notice, independently contact a General Practitioner registered with the Order of Surgeons and Dentists of the Province of Cagliari*.
  • Download the booklet, which is crucial for attendance verification and subsequent evaluations.
  • Make sure to complete the self-certification in the booklet and fill in the student's section (signature sheet).

The final assessment of the candidate for the TPV of the medical and surgical areas shall be carried out by the Coordinating Tutor Lecturer identified from among the university lecturers of the SSDs of INTERNAL MEDICINE and GENERAL SURGERY. The Coordinating Tutor Lecturer for the respective clinical areas of TPV, after assessing the intermediate judgements of the tutors, will formulate the final judgement of suitability or unsuitability and, in the event of a positive assessment, will record the activity. In the event of unsuitability, the trainee will be required to repeat attendance and have a new assessment made on the TPV of the area in which he/she made the aforementioned negative assessment. To ensure proper attendance tracking and subsequent reporting, the trainee must register for the teaching activities corresponding to the TPVs for each specific area through their personal page on the ESSE3 platform. This registration will only be permitted if the trainee has successfully passed all examinations from the first four years of the course.

The last useful PTV call for graduation must have a final registration date three months and 15 days before the chosen graduation session.

The University provides each student with an ad hoc booklet consisting of a descriptive part of the activities carried out and an evaluative part of the skills demonstrated. The specific booklet for each clinical area of TPV can be downloaded from this page:

  • Booklet-TPV Medical Area ENG
  • BOOKLET-TPV Surgical Area ENG

At the end of each specific TPV, the student must send a copy of the booklet to the coordinating Tutor and, for information, to the following address of the teaching secretariat segreteriamedicina@unica.it.

For each TPV in the medical and surgical area, a maximum of 2 different facilities may be attended. In each facility, the student must attend for a minimum of 50 hours. Emergency room facilities may be attended as either surgical or medical area but for a maximum of 50 hours per area.

TPVs can be held at any time of the year while complying with the C.I. attendance obligation.

Periods spent by students in the 5th and 6th year of the course abroad, within the European Community, on authorized projects outlined in a Learning Agreement, for a minimum of 5 CFU/ECTS or 100 hours of clinical activity in a ward, and well documented by partner universities through certification, may be recognized for the completion of the TPV in the Medical and/or Surgical Area. This is possible due to the international equivalence agreements already in effect within the European Community. In such cases, the conducted activities must be documented in a logbook prepared in English, which is available for download from the Degree Course website. These activities must be included in the Learning Agreement and formally certified to the competent offices by the respective offices of the host university. The partial validation of a VET course attended abroad will only be considered by the degree course's internationalization commission if it follows the process described above. It is important to note that practical activities related to General Practice cannot be carried out abroad.

Recognition of TPVs will only be possible if the examinations of the first four years of the course have already been taken at the time of attendance.

For all students belonging to the 2015 and later cohorts, TPV attendance is mandatory for graduation purposes. For students from cohorts before 2015, the following options are available:

  1. carry out the postgraduate traineeship (Ministerial Decree no. 445 of 19 October 2001 art. 2 para. 1);
  2. carry out the VET prior to graduation. In this case, the student must register through his or her personal page on the ESSE3 platform for the educational activities corresponding to the VPT. In the event that all or part of the Internal Medicine II-part II, General Surgery II-part II and General Practitioner part II internships of the VI year have been carried out, these will have to be repeated according to the new procedures.

For students who have not yet taken the Internal Medicine Part II and/or Surgery Part II examinations, attendance at the TPV automatically validates their respective placements.

For students enrolled in the single-cycle degree course in Medicine and Surgery pursuant to Ministerial Decree No 270/2004 (matriculation number preceded by 40/39), attendance of the PTV at the General Practitioner's Office automatically exempts them from attending only the Basic Medical Internship activity - Part Two (the activity sticker will still be yellow).

For students enrolled in the single-cycle specialisation degree course in Medicine and Surgery pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/1999 (matriculation number preceded by 40/21), attendance of the PTV at the General Practitioner's Office fully exempts them from attending the Basic Medical Internship activity (the activity sticker will still be yellow).

*NOTE for students belonging to the former regulations of Table XVIII (40/2), Table XVIII bis (40/2), Table XVIII ter (40/11) and Ministerial Decree 509/1999 (40/21):

Students will be able to enroll in the TPVs if they have successfully passed all the activities related to the first four years of the course, even if not recorded on the ESSE3 page.

Registration will take place by sending requests to the following e-mails:

segreteriamedicina@unica.it; marialeo@amm.unica.it; giuliapiga@amm.unica.it The email must necessarily have the following subject line: 

  • TPV - Surname-First Name - Full Serial Number (e.g. 40/11/12822)

If the traineeship is not completed by the initially requested session, it will be necessary to send a new email indicating the new session for which enrollment is requested.

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