UniCa Medicine and Surgery Organization Commissions Professional Training Commission

Professional Training Commission

The Commission for Professional Training has the task of defining the objectives of the training courses themselves and which locations outside the Cagliari AOU are most suitable for carrying them out. It is a joint faculty-student commission.

The results of the committee's work, which is still ongoing, will have to be ratified by the Course Council before it can become operational.

Mais Valerio
Phone: +39 070 5109 3398 - Fax: +39 070 5109 3265
Email: vmais@unica.it; gineca.vmais@tiscali.it

Teachers Traineeship Coordinators (medical area)

Atzori Luigi
Phone: +39 0706758390
Email: latzori@unica.it

Firinu Davide
Phone: 070 6754560
Email: davide.firinu@unica.it

Teachers Traineeship Coordinators (surgical area)

Peiretti Enrico
Phone: +39 070 609 2319 - Fax: +39 070 609 2318
Email: epeiretti@unica.it

Restivo Angelo
Phone: 070 6753949
Email: arestivo@unica.it

Medical Area Representative Teachers

Campagna Marcello
Phone: 070/675-4711
Email: mcampagna@unica.it

Teachers Representative for sectors BIO/17 and BIO/16

Sogos Valeria
Phone: 070/675-4087 - 4063
Email: sogos@unica.it

TA Staff Representative

Leo Maria Rosa
Phone: +39 070 6754722 - Fax: +39 070 6754721
Email: marialeo@amm.unica.it


Rappresentante dell’Ordine dei Medici
Montado Emilio

Vacant position

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