UniCa Medicine and Surgery Organization Commissions International Mobility Commission

International Mobility Commission

The International Mobility Commission:

  • proposes criteria for the awarding of scholarships for curricular activities at foreign universities and companies;
  • proposes the set of activities that each student applying for a scholarship may carry out abroad;
  • proposes the recognition of training credits for curricular activities carried out abroad;
  • selects student winners of scholarships for curricular activities abroad;
  • verifies that interchange agreements with foreign universities are consistent with the educational objectives of the CCdS;
  • maintains the historical archive of curricular activities that students undertake abroad;
  • tutors students and supervises their curricular activities abroad;
  • carries out tutoring activities for foreign students undertaking training activities organised by the CCdS referring to the Department/Faculty;
  • proposes initiatives for the internationalisation of the CCdS referring to the Department/Faculty;
  • maintains contact and coordinates initiatives with the Directorate for Education and Guidance - Student Mobility and Exchange Programme Activities (ISMOKA).

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