In addition to lectures, the Law Degree Programme provides for other educational activities accruing CFU credits. These are listed under the heading "Elective Activities" in the Study Plan. Please refer to the relevant enrolment year Study Plan for the exact number of Elective Credits allowed.
Alternative educational activities can be training courses; workshops and internships. They are subject to the prior approval of the Degree Board and must be supervised by a lecturer. The CFU credits accruing to each activity are established on a case-by-case basis by the Degree Board, which will only approve activities consistent with the specific educational objectives of the Degree Programme.
Please note that 1 CFU credit corresponds to 25 hours of student work (including classroom learning, tutorials and individual study).
The award of CFU credits is subject to a final test of the knowledge and/or skills acquired. The format of the final assessment must be clearly specified in the application for accreditation.
The reference lecturer for non-lecture learning is Prof. Maria Virginia Sanna