The Data Science, Business Analytics and Innovation Postgraduate Degree Programme coaches students to become professionals who can meet the challenges of innovation using interdisciplinary skills, ranging from Computer Science and Statistics to Economics and Management. Graduates will be able to carry out the following activities:

  • research, collect and analyse large data sets, making forecasts and extracting information in order to take strategic and operational decisions in corporate-organisational contexts;
  • combine the data-driven approach with the traditional business planning and control systems, in order to efficiently manage procedures in complex organisations;
  • manage projects and apply innovative solutions, taking into account commercial and socio-organisational issues, and the potential of IT systems and network technologies;
  • work in interdisciplinary teams, including in a coordinating role;
  • be proficient in English as well as Italian; be able to effectively present data; develop innovative entrepreneurial skills.

Sbocchi professionali

  • Data scientist;
  • Analista di dati provenienti dal web e dai socialmedia;
  • Analista di dati a supporto delle decisioni aziendali (business analyst, controller aziendale, analista di area d’affari/divisione);
  • Esperto in marketing digitale;
  • Manager dell’innovazione;
  • Sviluppatore di piattaforme web (Application Programming Interface – API) per la raccolta e l’analisi di dati complessi.

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