The maximum number of CFU Credits for elective modules is set at 9.
Students can freely choose from a range of activities designed to provide further knowledge on specific issues, or selecting cultural activities promoted by the Degree Programme or other local bodies.
Elective activities include any exam-based subject course available at the University, as long as it is consistent with the students’ learning plan. They may not include a course/module that has been already completed. Students must always obtain prior authorization from the Degree Programme Coordinator, by submitting the outline of the chosen course/module.
Completed learning activities beyond or outside the Course offering can be validated, as long as they are consistent with the student’s learning plan. Students should apply for validation to the Degree Board, submitting the relevant documentation (attendance record, course description, duration, timetable, issuing body and final test results).
There is no need to apply before or after participating in learning activities accredited by the Postgraduate Degree Programme, as these are seminars and courses promoted by the Programme to advance students’ skills in IT, Statistics, Economics and Management. Credits are recognised ex officio. These accredited activities are advertised on the ‘Other learning activities’ page and may be organised for a programmed number of students.
Finally, students may request the validation of credits for any activity carried out concurrently with the Postgraduate Degree Programme but not previously accredited by it. They will need to submit a specific application to the Student Office and attach all related documentation (attendance record, course description, duration, timetable, issuing body and final test results).
When evaluating each application, the Postgraduate Degree Board will only accept those that are consistent with the Degree Programme and comply with the University regulations on the acquisition of elective credits.
The Board will never validate courses/seminars attended against payment as elective activities.