The Final examination (18 CFU credits) consists of a written paper, in Italian or English, prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and discussed before the Graduation Committee. The dissertation should demonstrate that the student has achieved the following:

  • the ability to apply the acquired methodologies and knowledge by addressing issues related to the data-driven economy, with originality and independent judgement
  • the ability to effectively represent and communicate the results obtained;
  • the ability to manage their research, acquiring any necessary knowledge and technique.

Purely theoretical papers are generally strongly discouraged, unless students are able to use a formal approach in an original way. The supervisor should assess whether students possess the logical and mathematical skills needed to draft a purely theoretical paper with elements of originality. The Degree Programme is committed to ensuring that the final paper can accurately signal the graduates’ acquired skillset to the job market. Students are encouraged to design and, possibly, plan their thesis as part of an internships/work placement project.


The dissertation is discussed during a public session in front of a Graduation Committee formed by 7 lecturers.

Criteria for awarding the degree mark

The final mark is determined by adding three factors:

1 - The 'base' grade average. The students’ weighted grade average is converted into a scale from 0-110 and used as a base;

2 - The time it took to graduate. Additional points are awarded for early or timely graduations as follows:

  • 3 points, if the student graduates within the set duration of the course. The last graduating session that qualifies is held in February of the year following the last academic year of enrolment. Students can graduate in this session, without re-enrolment, as long as the last exam is taken by 31 January;
  • 1 point if the student graduates within one year of the end of the Degree Programme.

No additional points are awarded beyond these sessions.

If a student earned at least 15 CFU credits per semester within the Erasmus/GlobusStudio exchange programmes, the time spent abroad is not taken into account for the calculation referred to in point 2.

Part-time student status will also be taken into account in calculating the marks for timely graduation.

3 - Final examination. Additional points may be awarded based on the quality of the dissertation and the presentation skills, as indicated below:

  • up to 4 points if the base grade average is less than or equal to 93.000;
  • up to 6 points if the base grade average ranges between 93.001 and 98.999;
  • up to 8 points if the base grade average is greater than 99,000.

Should the sum thus calculated reach a score of one hundred and ten, the graduation committee may unanimously award honours, provided that the base grade average is no less than 102.

The final mark is given at the end of the Final examination.

Special exam sessions for graduating students

Students who have applied for graduation and are one exam away from completing their Degree Programme may apply for a special exam session reserved for them, subject to the availability of the relevant lecturer.

At least 40 days before the planned graduation session, qualifying students must send a special request via e-mail to the relevant Student Office (, to the Coordinator of their Degree Programme and, for information, to the dissertation supervisor.

The request must contain the following information:

  • First name, surname and Student Number;
  • Code and Degree Programme
  • Code and name of the examination;
  • Name of the dissertation supervisor.

The request must be accompanied by the dissertation supervisor's statement on the progress of the dissertation (which must be close to completion within the deadline set for its upload).

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