Integrating remote sensing data for the assessments of coastal cliffs hazard: MAREGOT project

G. Deiana
M. T. Melis
Writing - Original Draft Preparation
A. Funedda
Project Administration
S. Da Pelo
Writing - Review & Editing
M. Meloni
Member of the Collaboration Group
L. Naitza
Member of the Collaboration Group
P. Orrù


The assessment of cliffs instability to understand the dynamics of erosive phenomena and the dynamics of coastlines, in relation to the geomorphological and hydrodynamic characteristics of the coast is an important challenge worldwide, mainly where coastal retreat imply an economic impact. The MAREGOT Project (MAnagement des Risques de l'Erosion cotière et actions de GOuvernance Transfrontalière – “Managing the Risks of Coastal Erosion and Cross-border Governance Actions), funded under the Programme: 2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Italy - France (Maritime), aims at the joint prevention and management of the risks arising from coastal erosion in the cooperation area. In this context, a methodology consisting of the characterization of morphological and geological features collecting data from remote and proximal sensing sensors either on the sub-aerial or in the submerged cliff has been proposed. These data will be integrated by direct observation and surveys of the different geological features and with laboratory analysis of the geotechnical properties of sampled rocks and terrains. The main aim of this study is to integrate data acquired by different sensors as optical and Lidar data, side scan sonar and multibeam information to propose methodologies to assess and monitor coastal cliff landslide susceptibility.
Geology; Landslides; Coastal erosion; Geomorphology; Sardinia
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