Federica Donno
The Impact of Methylphenidate on Pubertal Maturation and Bone Age in ADHD Children and Adolescents: Results from the ADHD Drugs Use Chronic Effects (ADDUCE) Project
2024-01-01 Carucci, S.; Zuddas, A.; Lampis, A.; Man, K. K. C.; Balia, C.; Buitelaar, J.; Danckaerts, M.; Dittmann, R. W.; Donno, F.; Falissard, B.; Gagliano, A.; Garas, P.; Hage, A.; Hollis, C.; Inglis, S. K.; Konrad, K.; Kovshoff, H.; Liddle, E.; Mccarthy, S.; Neubert, A.; Nagy, P.; Rosenthal, E.; Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S.; Wong, I. C. K.; Banaschewski, T.; Coghill, D.
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents
2022-01-01 Mulraney, M.; Arrondo, G.; Musullulu, H.; Iturmendi-Sabater, I.; Cortese, S.; Westwood, S. J.; Donno, F.; Banaschewski, T.; Simonoff, E.; Zuddas, A.; Dopfner, M.; Hinshaw, S. P.; Coghill, D.
Clinical characteristics, neuroimaging findings, and neuropsychological functioning in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Sex differences
2022-01-01 Carucci, S.; Narducci, C.; Bazzoni, M.; Balia, C.; Donno, F.; Gagliano, A.; Zuddas, A.
Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study
2021-01-01 Balia, C.; Carucci, S.; Milone, A.; Romaniello, R.; Valente, E.; Donno, F.; Montesanto, A.; Brovedani, P.; Masi, G.; Glennon, J. C.; Coghill, D.; Zuddas, A.
The neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents with CD/ODD: preliminary results from a multicentric case-control study (MATRICS_consortium)
2020-01-01 Balia, C; Carucci, S; Milone, A; Romaniello, R; Valente, E; Potenza, C; Placini, F; Cera, F; Donno, F; Montesanto, A; Caligaris, Gg; Brovedani, P; Masi, G; Coghill, D; Glennon, J; Zuddas, A
Caratterizzazione Neuropsicologica del Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico senza Disabilità Intellettiva (CNeSA)
Title | Issue Date | Author(s) | Journal | Publisher |
The Impact of Methylphenidate on Pubertal Maturation and Bone Age in ADHD Children and Adolescents: Results from the ADHD Drugs Use Chronic Effects (ADDUCE) Project | 1-Jan-2024 | Carucci, S.; Zuddas, A.; Lampis, A.; Man, K. K. C.; Balia, C.; Buitelaar, J.; Danckaerts, M.; Dittmann, R. W.; Donno, F.; Falissard, B.; Gagliano, A.; Garas, P.; Hage, A.; Hollis, C.; Inglis, S. K.; Konrad, K.; Kovshoff, H.; Liddle, E.; Mccarthy, S.; Neubert, A.; Nagy, P.; Rosenthal, E.; Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S.; Wong, I. C. K.; Banaschewski, T.; Coghill, D. | JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS | - |
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents | 1-Jan-2022 | Mulraney, M.; Arrondo, G.; Musullulu, H.; Iturmendi-Sabater, I.; Cortese, S.; Westwood, S. J.; Donno, F.; Banaschewski, T.; Simonoff, E.; Zuddas, A.; Dopfner, M.; Hinshaw, S. P.; Coghill, D. | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY | - |
Clinical characteristics, neuroimaging findings, and neuropsychological functioning in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Sex differences | 1-Jan-2022 | Carucci, S.; Narducci, C.; Bazzoni, M.; Balia, C.; Donno, F.; Gagliano, A.; Zuddas, A. | JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH | - |
Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study | 1-Jan-2021 | Balia, C.; Carucci, S.; Milone, A.; Romaniello, R.; Valente, E.; Donno, F.; Montesanto, A.; Brovedani, P.; Masi, G.; Glennon, J. C.; Coghill, D.; Zuddas, A. | BRAIN SCIENCES | - |
The neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents with CD/ODD: preliminary results from a multicentric case-control study (MATRICS_consortium) | 1-Jan-2020 | Balia, C; Carucci, S; Milone, A; Romaniello, R; Valente, E; Potenza, C; Placini, F; Cera, F; Donno, F; Montesanto, A; Caligaris, Gg; Brovedani, P; Masi, G; Coghill, D; Glennon, J; Zuddas, A | EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY | - |
Caratterizzazione Neuropsicologica del Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico senza Disabilità Intellettiva (CNeSA) | 21-Jun-2019 | - | - | Università degli Studi di Cagliari |
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