Showing results 1 to 50 of 126
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
An Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Metaphorical Ad Hominem Arguments 1-Jan-2024 Ervas, Francesca; Mosca, Oriana INFORMAL LOGIC -
Irony across cultures: a contrastive analysis of conceptualizations and social functions 1-Jan-2024 Ervas, Francesca; Schnell, Zsuzsanna - Palgrave Macmillan
Imaginary communities: Multimodal reasoning on vaccination in social networks 1-Jan-2024 Ervas, Francesca - Peter Lang
"Tu me penses, donc je suis”. Imre Toth e la traduzione come creazione di spazi non-euclidei 1-Jan-2024 Ervas, Francesca - Armando Siciliano
When language goes on holiday: A Wittgensteinian approach to metacognitive feelings 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca; Lisco, Sonia PARADIGMI -
La vaccinazione come un alveare: metafora e ragionamento per una maggiore fiducia nelle istituzioni 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca - UNICApress
Linguaggio metaforico e problemi dell’ambiente 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca - UNICApress
The communicative effects of metaphors for vaccination as a collective health endeavor 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca; Salis, PIETRO MARIA; Fanari, Rachele - Bloomsbury
Translation in Analytic Philosophy 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca - Cambridge University Press
Two levels in the feeling of familiarity 1-Jan-2023 Lisco, Sonia; Ervas, Francesca THEORIA -
Multimodal artistic metaphors: research on a corpus of Sardinian art 1-Jan-2023 Guerrieri, Alice; Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
Metaphors for vaccination and defeasible reasoning 1-Jan-2023 Ervas, Francesca; Salis, PIETRO MARIA; Fanari, Rachele PPIAS - Proceedings of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study -
Exploring metaphor’s communicative effects in reasoning on vaccination 1-Jan-2022 Ervas, Francesca; Salis, PIETRO MARIA; Sechi, Cristina; Fanari, Rachele FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
Translation as a Test for the Explicit-Implicit Distinction 1-Jan-2022 Ervas, Francesca JOLMA -
Feeling the extraordinary in ordinary language: familiarity and linguistic intimacy 1-Jan-2022 Ervas, Francesca METODO -
Intercultural discussion of conceptual universals in discourse. Joint online methodology to bring about social change through novel conceptualizations of Covid-19 1-Jan-2022 Schnell, Z.; Ervas, F. HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS -
Developing the Semantic Web via the Resolution of Meaning Ambiguities 1-Jan-2022 Pinna, Simone; Ervas, Francesca; Giunti, Marco - Springer
Fostering safe Behaviors via metaphor-based nudging technologies 1-Jan-2022 Ervas, Francesca; Gunia, Artur; Lorini, Giuseppe; Stojanov, Georgi; Indurkhya, Bipin - Springer
Scripta manent. Dieci lezioni sulla scrittura argomentativa 1-Jan-2021 Ervas, F.; Gola, E.; Melis, V. - Mimesis
Idòla sermonis. Il potere cognitivo degli stereotipi nel linguaggio implicito 1-Jan-2021 Cocco, R.; Ervas, F. - Meltemi
The Double Framing Effect of Emotive Metaphors in Argumentation 1-Jan-2021 Ervas, Francesca; Grazia Rossi, Maria; Ojha, Amitash; Indurkhya, Bipin FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
Evidence, defeasibility, and metaphors in diagnosis and diagnosis communication 1-Jan-2021 Salis, PIETRO MARIA; Ervas, Francesca TOPOI -
Ignorant Cognition: limits, habits and imaginative thinking 1-Jan-2021 Ervas, Francesca STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION -
Comprensione vs. produzione del sarcasmo: il ruolo delle capacità affettive e argomentative in età evolutiva 1-Jan-2021 Cocco, Roberta; Ervas, Francesca RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI FILOSOFIA E PSICOLOGIA -
How nice does it sound? An argumentative approach to the affective aspects of irony production 1-Jan-2020 Ervas, Francesca - John Benjamins
Language and emotions 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta; Sedda, Francesco; Storari, GIAN PIETRO RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA DEL LINGUAGGIO Università della Calabria
Metaphor in argument production vs. understanding 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, F; Ojha, A. - Sciential International Centre for Scholarship in Argumentation Theory
Logical pluralism and translation 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, Francesca; Ledda, Antonio; Paoli, Francesco; Sergioli, Giuseppe TOPOI Springer
Comprensione multimodale: metafore visive vs. metafore verbali 1-Jan-2019 Gola, Elisabetta; Ojha, Amitash; Ervas, Francesca - Mimesis
Natura multimodale e creatività del linguaggio poetico 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, Francesca RIVISTA DI ESTETICA -
Introduction: Logical Pluralism and Translation 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, F.; Ledda, A.; Paoli, F.; Sergioli, G. TOPOI -
Metafore visive, comunità immaginate e razionalità differita 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, Francesca SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI -
Metaphor, Ignorance and the sentiment of (ir)rationality 1-Jan-2019 Ervas, Francesca SYNTHESE -
Similarities and differences between verbal and visual metaphor processing: an EEG study 1-Jan-2019 Ojha, A.; Ervas, F.; Gola, E.; Indurkhya, B. MULTIMODAL COMMUNICATION -
When visual metaphors are tough but highly persuasive 1-Jan-2018 Ojha, A; Gola, E; Lai, N; Ervas, F FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
Creative argumentation: when and why people commit the metaphoric fallacy 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca; Ledda, Antonio; Ojha, Amitash; Pierro, Giuseppe A.; Indurkhya, Bipin FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
Not worth a thousand words: On the meaning of a metaphor 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca - Editorial Universidad de La Serena
Review of Multimodal Argumentation and Rhetoric in Media Genres, edited by Assimakis Tseronis and Charles Forceville (2017). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 301 pp. 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PRAGMATICS -
Argumentation as a bridge between metaphor and reasoning 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta; Rossi, MARIA GRAZIA - Springer
Bigi Sarah, Communicating (with) Care: A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Doctor-Patient Interactions, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington, DC. 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA DEL LINGUAGGIO -
From the “Garrison” to the “Beehive”. Metaphors and framing strategies in vaccine communication 1-Jan-2018 Ervas, Francesca NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA -
One Hundred Years of Donald Davidson. Introduction 1-Jan-2017 Cristina, Amoretti; DE CARO, Mario; Ervas, Francesca ARGUMENTA -
How embodied cognition still matters to metaphor studies 1-Jan-2017 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta; Rossi, MARIA GRAZIA - De Gruyter
Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education 1-Jan-2017 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta; Rossi, MARIA GRAZIA - De Gruyter
From a Ghost to a Sketch: Translating Metaphors in Context 1-Jan-2017 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta ISONOMIA -
“Predictably irrational”. Expertise, metaphors and argumentation 1-Jan-2017 Ervas, Francesca FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY -
One Hundred Years of Donald Davidson 1-Jan-2017 Amoretti, Cristina; De Caro, Mario; Ervas, Francesca ARGUMENTA University of Sassari
Emotions as intrinsic cognitive load An eye movement analysis of high and low intelligent individuals 1-Jan-2017 Ojha, Amitash; Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta - IEEE
Another metaphor is possible. Challenging social stereotypes in figurative language comprehension 1-Jan-2017 Ervas, Francesca RETI SAPERI LINGUAGGI -
Che cos'è una metafora 1-Jan-2016 Ervas, Francesca; Gola, Elisabetta - Carocci
Showing results 1 to 50 of 126
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