Showing results 1 to 50 of 57
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Moral-Hazard Conduct in the European Banks During the First Wave of the Global Financial Crisis In press Rossi, STEFANIA PATRIZIA SONIA; Mattana, Paolo CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMICS Springer
Stabilization of chaotic dynamics emerging in an economy with international labor migration 1-Jan-2024 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES OPEN -
Shilnikov chaos, low interest rates, and New Keynesian macroeconomics 1-Jan-2022 Barnett, William A.; Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Ghoshtaniya, ; Venturi, Beatrice JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL -
Existence and implications of a pitchfork-Hopf bifurcation in a continuous-time two-sector growth model 1-Jan-2022 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTERACTION AND COORDINATION -
Controlling chaos in New Keynesian macroeconomics 1-Jan-2022 Barnett, William; Bella, Giovanni; Ghosh, Taniya; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS -
Is policy causing chaos in the United Kingdom? 1-Jan-2022 Barnett, William A.; Bella, Giovanni; Ghosh, Taniya; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice ECONOMIC MODELLING -
A panel SVAR analysis of the long-run economic impact of migration 1-Jan-2021 Piras, Romano; Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo ECONOMIA INTERNAZIONALE / INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS -
Globally indeterminate growth paths in the Lucas model of endogenous growth 1-Jan-2021 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS -
Chaos control in presence of financial bubbles 1-Jan-2020 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo ECONOMICS LETTERS -
Equilibrium selection in an environmental growth model with a S -shaped production function 1-Jan-2020 Bella, Giovanni; Liuzzi, Danilo; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS -
Multiple equilibria and global indeterminacy in an endogenous growth model with congestible public goods 1-Jan-2019 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY -
Policy implications in an environmental growth model with a generalized Hotelling depletion of non-renewable resources 1-Jan-2019 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY -
Immigrants and sector productivity in the Italian regions 1-Jan-2018 Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo; Piras, Romano - Franco Angeli
Global indeterminacy and equilibrium selection in a model with depletion of non-renewable resources 1-Jan-2018 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo DECISIONS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE -
Bistability of equilibria and the 2-tori dynamics in an endogenous growth model undergoing the cusp–Hopf singularity 1-Jan-2018 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS -
Chaotic solutions and global indeterminacy in the Romer endogenous growth model 1-Jan-2017 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Christos H. Skiadas
Sovereign and bank CDS spreads during the European debt crisis: laying the foundation for SMEs’ financial distress 1-Jan-2017 Mascia, Danilo Valerio; Mattana, Paolo; Rossi, Stefania Patrizia Sonia; D'Aietti, Roberto - Palgrave Macmillan
The impact of immigration on output and its components: a sectoral analysis for Italy at regional level 1-Jan-2017 Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo; Piras, Romano ECONOMIA POLITICA -
Shilnikov chaos in the Lucas model of endogenous growth 1-Jan-2017 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY -
Shilnikov chaos in the Lucas model of endogenous growth 1-Jan-2017 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - -
Randomeness in the Dynamics of a Deterministic Continuous Two Sector Endougenous Growth Models 1-Jan-2015 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Christos H. Skiadas
A test for the too-big-to-fail hypothesis for European banks during the financial crisis 1-Jan-2015 Mattana, Paolo; Petroni, Filippo; Rossi, STEFANIA PATRIZIA SONIA APPLIED ECONOMICS -
Global analysis and indeterminacy of atwo sector endougenous growth model 1-Jan-2014 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Christos H. Skiadas
The relationship among CO2 emissions, electricity power consumption and GDP in OECD countries 1-Jan-2014 Bella, Giovanni; Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING -
Kaldorian Assumptions and Endogenous Fluctuations in the Dynamic Fixed-Price IS-LM Model 1-Jan-2014 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Springer
Some notes on the structure of limit sets in IS-LM models 1-Jan-2014 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES -
Global indeterminacy of the equilibrium in the Chamley model of endogenous growth in the vicinity of a Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation 1-Jan-2014 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES -
Kaldorian assumptions and endogenous fluctuations. A note on Schinasi’s IS-LM model 1-Jan-2013 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS -
Il “secondo pilastro” della PAC nel ciclo di programmazione 2000-2006. L’efficacia sull’occupazione in agricoltura per il caso dei comuni della Sardegna 1-Jan-2013 Etzo, Ivan; Mandarino, A; Mattana, Paolo POLITICA ECONOMICA -
Chaotic solutions in non linear economic-financial models 1-Jan-2013 Bella, Giovanni.; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice. - Skiadas
The double scroll chaotic attractor in the dynamics of a fixed-price IS-LM model 1-Jan-2013 Bella, Giovanni; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND NUMERICAL OPTIMISATION -
A SVECM analysis of the relationship between international tourism arrivals, GDP and trade in Italy 1-Jan-2013 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH -
Homoclinic bifurcation and global indeterminacy of equilibrium in a two-sector endogenous growth model 1-Jan-2012 Mattana, Paolo; Nishimura, K; Shigoka, T. - Springer Verlag
Gli interventi di ‘mitigazione’ del “disagio sociale” nel quadro della Programmazione della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. Alcuni profili di utilità ed efficacia 1-Jan-2012 Mattana, Paolo SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI -
CHAOTIC SOLUTIONS IN ENDOGENOUS GROWTH MODELS 1-Jan-2012 Bella, G; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Christos H. Skiadas
MULTIPLE STEADY STATES AND ENDOGENOUS CYCLES IN A IS-LM MODEL WITH A NEGATIVE INTEREST ELASTICITY OF SAVINGS 1-Jan-2011 Mattana, Paolo; Bella, G; Venturi, Beatrice - comitato organizzatore convegno AMASES 2011
How the financial crisis is affecting bank risk taking and profitability: an empirical investigation on European banks 1-Jan-2011 Mattana, Paolo; Rossi, STEFANIA PATRIZIA SONIA - -
“Stable endogenous cycles in a non-Kaldorian IS-LM model with a negative interest elasticity of savings 1-Jan-2011 Bella, G; Mattana, Paolo; Venturi, Beatrice - Christos H. Skiadas
SOME NOTES ON THE STRUCTURE OF LIMIT SETS IN IS-LM MODELS 1-Jan-2010 Neri, U; Mattana, Paolo; Bella, Giovanni; Venturi, Beatrice - Comitato Organizzatore AMASES XXXVI2010 Pressacco
L'istituzione del Fondo di Garanzia in Sardegna. La quantificazione degli effetti attesi, diretti e sistemici. 1-Jan-2010 Mattana, Paolo RIV. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI VALUTAZIONE -
Real and Nominal Sides of Disaggregated Economies: The Estimation of a NKPC at Italian Regional Level 1-Jan-2009 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo - Nova Science Publisher Inc.
The estimation of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve for the Italian economy when inflation is non stationary 1-Jan-2009 Massidda, C.; Mattana, P. - Tilapia
A homoclinic bifurcation and global indeterminacy of equilibrium in a two-sector endogneous growth model 1-Jan-2009 Mattana, Paolo; Nishimura, K; Shigoka, T. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY -
Il contributo del capitale umano al processo di crescita: nuovi risultati per l’Italia da un panel di dati regionali 1-Jan-2008 Mattana, Paolo; Piras, Romano - Il Mulino
Estimating the NKPC at Regional level: Some Evidence from Italy 1-Jan-2008 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo - -
La relazione tra prezzi relativi e shock reali nelle regioni italiane 1-Jan-2008 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo - Il Mulino
Regional productivity and relative prices dynamics: the case of Italy 1-Jan-2008 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE -
Estimating the NKPC at Regional level: Some Evidence from Italy 1-Jan-2006 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo - -
On the nature of regional price differentials: Some panel results for Italy 1-Jan-2006 Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo THE REVIEW OF REGIONAL STUDIES -
The Uzawa-Lucas Endogenous Growth model 1-Jan-2004 Mattana, Paolo - Ashgate
Showing results 1 to 50 of 57
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