Showing results 1 to 50 of 99
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Effect of cheese whey on phycobiliproteins production and FAME profile by Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina): Promoting the concept of a circular bio-economy 1-Jan-2024 Cavallini, Andrea; Torre, Serenella; Usai, Luca; Casula, Mattia; Fais, Giacomo; Nieri, Paola; Concas, Alessandro; Lutzu, Giovanni Antonio SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY -
A new model-aided approach for the design of packed columns for CO2 absorption in aqueous NH3 solutions 1-Jan-2024 Atzori, Federico; Barzagli, Francesco; Dai, Suzhou; Concas, Alessandro; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE -
Cultivation of Chroococcidiopsis thermalis Using Available In Situ Resources to Sustain Life on Mars 1-Jan-2024 Fais, Giacomo; Casula, Mattia; Sidorowicz, Agnieszka; Manca, Alessia; Margarita, Valentina; Luigi Fiori, Pier; Pantaleo, Antonella; Caboni, Pierluigi; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro LIFE -
Effects of a novel bioprocess for the cultivation Synechococcus nidulans on Mars on its biochemical composition: focus on the lipidome 1-Jan-2024 Casula, Mattia; Fais, Giacomo; Sidorowicz, Agnieszka; Caboni, Pierluigi; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING -
Microalgae-derived Co3O4 nanomaterials for catalytic CO oxidation 1-Jan-2024 Sidorowicz, Agnieszka; Yigit, Nevzat; Wicht, Thomas; Stöger-Pollach, Michael; Concas, Alessandro; Orru, Roberto; Cao, Giacomo; Rupprechter, Günther RSC ADVANCES -
In-situ resource utilization to produce Haematococcus pluvialis biomass in simulated Martian environment 1-Jan-2024 Casula, Mattia; Caboni, Pierluigi; Fais, Giacomo; Dessì, Debora; Scano, Paola; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro ALGAL RESEARCH -
The production of FAHFA is enhanced when Haematococcus pluvialis is grown in CO2 1-Jan-2024 Casula, M.; Fais, G.; Manis, C.; Scano, P.; Concas, A.; Cao, G.; Caboni, P. FOOD CHEMISTRY -
Estimation of differential pathlength factor from NIRS measurement in skeletal muscle 1-Jan-2024 Koirala, B.; Concas, A.; Cincotti, A; Sun, Yi; Hernández, Hernandeza.; Goodwin, M. L.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N. RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROBIOLOGY -
Characterization of hypersaline Oklahoma native microalgae cultivated in flowback and produced water: growth profile and contaminant removal 1-Jan-2024 Lutzu, Giovanni Antonio; Concas, Alessandro; Dunford, Nurhan Turgut BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING -
Cultivation and nutritional characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris cultivated using Martian regolith and synthetic urine 1-Jan-2024 Casula, Mattia; Fais, Giacomo; Manis, Cristina; Scano, Paola; Verseux, Cyprien; Concas, Alessandro; Cao, Giacomo; Caboni, Pierluigi LIFE SCIENCES IN SPACE RESEARCH -
Recent advances on ISRU technologies and study of microgravity impact on blood cells for deep space exploration 1-Jan-2023 Cao, G.; Concas, A.; Orru', R.; Licheri, R.; Sani, E.; Dell’Oro, A.; Fais, G.; Manis, C.; Manca, A.; Uras, G.; Caboni, P.; Locci, A. M.; Cincotti, A.; Lai, N.; Congiu, T.; Faa, G.; Pisu, M.; Brelstaff, G.; Pantaleo, A. FRONTIERS IN SPACE TECHNOLOGIES -
Cultivation of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae using Simulated in-situ Available Resources for the Production of useful Bio-compounds on Mars: Modelling of Experiments 1-Jan-2023 Brughitta, Eleonora; Atzori, Federico; Gamboni, Emanuela; Foddi, Stefano; Casula, Mattia; Fais, Giacomo; Manca, Alessia; Pantaleo, Antonella; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
CO2 absorption in aqueous NH3 solutions: Novel dynamic modeling of experimental outcomes 1-Jan-2023 Atzori, Federico; Barzagli, Francesco; Varone, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL -
A Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanochemical Degradation of 2,6 Dichlorophenol in Simulated Sandy Soils: Modeling End Experiments 1-Jan-2023 Concas, Alessandro; Delogu, Francesco; Lai, Nicola; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Dairy Wastewater to Promote Mixotrophic and Heterotrophic Metabolism in Chlorella Vulgaris: Effect on Growth and Fame Profile 1-Jan-2023 Miotti, Tea; Sansone, Francesco; Lolli, Veronica; Concas, Alessandro; Lutzu Giovanni, Antonio CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Modeling and experimental assessment of Synechococcus nidulans cultivation using simulated Martian medium and astronauts’ urine 1-Jan-2023 Concas, Alessandro; Fais, Giacomo; Enna, Marco; Zucchelli, Susanna; Caboni, Pierluigi; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo ACTA ASTRONAUTICA -
Effect of Mixotrophy on Lipid Content and Fatty Acids Methyl Esters Profile by Chromochloris zofingiensis Grown in Media Containing Sugarcane Molasses 1-Jan-2023 Vitali, L.; Lolli, V.; Sansone, F.; Concas, A.; Lutzu, G. A. BIOENERGY RESEARCH -
Relationship between muscle venous blood oxygenation and near-infrared spectroscopy: quantitative analysis of the Hb and Mb contributions 1-Jan-2023 Koirala, Bhabuk; Concas, Alessandro; Sun, Yi; Gladden, L Bruce; Lai, Nicola JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Structured population balances to support microalgae-based processes: Review of the state-of-art and perspectives analysis 1-Jan-2023 Usai, Alessandro; Theodoropoulos, Constantinos; Di Caprio, Fabrizio; Altimari, Pietro; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL -
Nanoparticles from Microalgae and Their Biomedical Applications 1-Jan-2023 Sidorowicz, A.; Fais, G.; Casula, M.; Borselli, M.; Giannaccare, G.; Locci, A. M.; Lai, N.; Orru', R.; Cao, G.; Concas, A. MARINE DRUGS -
Lipid content and fatty acid methyl ester profile by Chromochloris zofingiensis under chemical and metabolic stress 1-Jan-2023 Vitali, L; Lolli, V; Sansone, F; Kumar, A; Concas, A; Lutzu, Ga BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY -
On the Use of Agro-industrial Wastewaters to Promote Mixotrophic Metabolism in Chlorella vulgaris: Effect on FAME Profile and Biodiesel Properties 1-Jan-2022 Miotti, T.; Pivetti, L.; Lolli, V.; Sansone, F.; Concas, A.; Lutzu, G. A. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Microalgae Growth in Physically Pre-Treated Wastewater Generated During Hydraulic Fracturing 1-Jan-2022 Lutzu, G. A.; Concas, A.; Dunford, N. T. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
A novel process to grow edible microalgae on Mars by exploiting in situ-available resources: Experimental investigation 1-Jan-2022 Fais, G.; Manca, A.; Concas, A.; Pantaleo, A.; Cao, G. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA -
Wide Range Applications of Spirulina: From Earth to Space Missions 1-Jan-2022 Fais, G; Manca, A; Bolognesi, F; Borselli, M; Concas, A; Busutti, M; Broggi, G; Sanna, P; Castillo-Aleman, Ym; Rivero-Jimenez, Ra; Bencomo-Hernandez, Aa; Ventura-Carmenate, Y; Altea, M; Pantaleo, A; Gabrielli, G; Biglioli, F; Cao, G; Giannaccare, G MARINE DRUGS -
Characterization of nanomaterials synthesized from Spirulina platensis extract and their potential antifungal activity 1-Jan-2022 Sidorowicz, Agnieszka; Margarita, Valentina; Fais, Giacomo; Pantaleo, Antonella; Manca, Alessia; Concas, Alessandro; Rappelli, Paola; Fiori, Pier Luigi; Cao, Giacomo PLOS ONE -
Reply to Grassi and Quaresima 1-Jan-2022 Koirala, B.; Concas, A.; Sun, Y.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Cultivation of hydrocarbon-tolerant microalgae in flowback wastewaters produced during hydrofracking of impermeable rocks 1-Jan-2022 Lutzu, Giovanni Antonio; Concas, Alessandro; Dunford, Nurhan Turgut JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH -
Mechanochemical Treatment of Soils Contaminated by Heavy Metals in Attritor and Impact Mills: Experiments and Modeling 1-Jan-2021 Concas, Alessandro; Montinaro, Selena; Pisu, Massimo; Lai, Nicola; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Latest developments in wastewater treatment and biopolymer production by microalgae 1-Jan-2021 Lutzu, G. A.; Ciurli, A.; Chiellini, C.; Di Caprio, F.; Concas, A.; Dunford, N. T. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING -
Blood volume vs. deoxygenated NIRS signal: computational analysis of the effects muscle O2 delivery and blood volume on the NIRS signals 1-Jan-2021 Koirala, Bhabuk; Concas, Alessandro; Sun, Yi; Gladden, L Bruce; Lai, Nicola JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Single cell analysis of microalgae and associated bacteria flora by using flow cytometry 1-Jan-2021 Di Caprio, F.; Posani, S.; Altimari, P.; Concas, A.; Pagnanelli, F. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING -
Experiments and modeling of Komvophoron sp. Growth in hydraulic fracturing wastewater 1-Jan-2021 Concas, A.; Lutzu, G. A.; Turgut Dunford, N. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL -
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the effects of iron on growth and lipid synthesis of microalgae in view of their use to produce biofuels 1-Jan-2021 Concas, A.; Steriti, A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, G. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING -
Biomass and lipid production by pseudochloris wilhelmii in sea-wastewater mixtures: modeling and experiments 1-Jan-2021 Concas, A.; Lutzu, G. A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, G. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Experiments and modeling of mine soil inertization through mechano-chemical processing: from bench to pilot scale using attritor and impact mills 1-Jan-2020 Concas, A.; Montinaro, S.; Pisu, M.; Lai, N.; Cao, G. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL -
Growing Picochlorum oklahomensis in Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater Supplemented with Animal Wastewater 1-Jan-2020 Lutzu, G. A.; Marin, M. A.; Concas, A.; Dunford, N. T. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION -
Mechanochemical immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils: A novel mathematical modeling of experimental outcomes 1-Jan-2020 Concas, A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, G. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS -
Modeling and experimental investigation of the effect of nitrogen starvation and pH variation on the cultivation of the extremophile microalga Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA048 1-Jan-2019 Soru, S.; Malavasi, V.; Concas, A.; Caboni, P.; Cao, G. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Behavior of the extremophile green alga Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA 048 in terms of lipids production and morphology at different pH values 1-Jan-2019 Soru, Santina; Malavasi, Veronica; Caboni, Pierluigi; Concas, Alessandro; Cao, Giacomo EXTREMOPHILES -
On the feasibility of Pseudochloris wilhelmii cultivation in sea-wastewater mixtures: Modeling and experiments 1-Jan-2019 Concas, A.; Lutzu, G. A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, G. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING -
A novel investigation of the growth and lipid production of the extremophile microalga Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA 048 under the effect of different cultivation conditions: Experiments and modeling 1-Jan-2019 Soru, Santina; Malavasi, Veronica; Concas, Alessandro; Caboni, Pierluigi; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL -
Experiments and modeling of the growth of C. sorokiniana in lab batch and BIOCOIL photobioreactors for lipid production 1-Jan-2017 Concas, A; Malavasi, Veronica; Pisu, M; Soru, Santina; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
A novel mathematical model to simulate the size-structured growth of microalgae strains dividing by multiple fission 1-Jan-2016 Concas, A; Pisu, M; Cao, G CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL -
Complete genome sequence of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of Chlorella sorokiniana 1-Jan-2016 Orsini, M; Cusano, R; Costelli, C; Malavasi, Veronica; Concas, A; Angius, A; Cao, Giacomo MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. PART A. DNA MAPPING, SEQUENCING, AND ANALYSIS -
Complete genome sequence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Chlorella sorokiniana 1-Jan-2016 Orsini, M; Costelli, C; Malavasi, Veronica; Cusano, R; Concas, A; Angius, A; Cao, Giacomo MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. PART A. DNA MAPPING, SEQUENCING, AND ANALYSIS -
A novel quantitative model of cell cycle progression based on cyclin-dependent kinase activity and population balances 1-Jan-2015 Pisu, M.; Concas, A.; Cao, Giacomo COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY -
Disruption of microalgal cells for lipid extraction through Fenton reaction: modeling of experiments and remarks on its effect on lipids composition 1-Jan-2015 Concas, A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL -
Microalgal cell disruption through Fenton reaction: Experiments, modeling and remarks on its effect on the extracted lipids composition 1-Jan-2015 Concas, Alessandro; Pisu, Massimo; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Engineering Aspects related to the Use of Microalgae for bio-fuel production and CO2 capture from flue gases 1-Jan-2014 Concas, A.; Pisu, M.; Cao, Giacomo - -
Showing results 1 to 50 of 99
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