Showing results 1 to 50 of 63
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
In-situ resource utilization to produce Haematococcus pluvialis biomass in simulated Martian environment 1-Jan-2024 Casula, Mattia; Caboni, Pierluigi; Fais, Giacomo; Dessì, Debora; Scano, Paola; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro ALGAL RESEARCH -
Estimation of differential pathlength factor from NIRS measurement in skeletal muscle 1-Jan-2024 Koirala, B.; Concas, A.; Cincotti, A; Sun, Yi; Hernández, Hernandeza.; Goodwin, M. L.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N. RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROBIOLOGY -
Transcriptional programming of translation by BCL6 controls skeletal muscle proteostasis 1-Jan-2024 Ramachandran, Krithika; Futtner, Christopher R.; Sommars, Meredith A.; Quattrocelli, Mattia; Omura, Yasuhiro; Fruzyna, Ellen; Wang, Janice C.; Waldeck, Nathan J.; Senagolage, Madhavi D.; Telles, Carmen G.; Demonbreun, Alexis R.; Prendergast, Erin; Lai, Nicola; Arango, Daniel; Bederman, Ilya R.; Mcnally, Elizabeth M.; Barish, Grant D. NATURE METABOLISM -
Recent advances on ISRU technologies and study of microgravity impact on blood cells for deep space exploration 1-Jan-2023 Cao, G.; Concas, A.; Orru', R.; Licheri, R.; Sani, E.; Dell’Oro, A.; Fais, G.; Manis, C.; Manca, A.; Uras, G.; Caboni, P.; Locci, A. M.; Cincotti, A.; Lai, N.; Congiu, T.; Faa, G.; Pisu, M.; Brelstaff, G.; Pantaleo, A. FRONTIERS IN SPACE TECHNOLOGIES -
A Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanochemical Degradation of 2,6 Dichlorophenol in Simulated Sandy Soils: Modeling End Experiments 1-Jan-2023 Concas, Alessandro; Delogu, Francesco; Lai, Nicola; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Modeling and experimental assessment of Synechococcus nidulans cultivation using simulated Martian medium and astronauts’ urine 1-Jan-2023 Concas, Alessandro; Fais, Giacomo; Enna, Marco; Zucchelli, Susanna; Caboni, Pierluigi; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo ACTA ASTRONAUTICA -
Relationship between muscle venous blood oxygenation and near-infrared spectroscopy: quantitative analysis of the Hb and Mb contributions 1-Jan-2023 Koirala, Bhabuk; Concas, Alessandro; Sun, Yi; Gladden, L Bruce; Lai, Nicola JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Nanoparticles from Microalgae and Their Biomedical Applications 1-Jan-2023 Sidorowicz, A.; Fais, G.; Casula, M.; Borselli, M.; Giannaccare, G.; Locci, A. M.; Lai, N.; Orru', R.; Cao, G.; Concas, A. MARINE DRUGS -
The production of OH in a nanosecond pulsed helium plasma jet impinging on water, saline, or pigskin 1-Jan-2022 Lai, Meimei; Song, Shutong; Oshin, Edwin; Potter, Lucas; Lai, Nicola; Jiang, Chunqi JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS -
Reply to Grassi and Quaresima 1-Jan-2022 Koirala, B.; Concas, A.; Sun, Y.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Mechanochemical Treatment of Soils Contaminated by Heavy Metals in Attritor and Impact Mills: Experiments and Modeling 1-Jan-2021 Concas, Alessandro; Montinaro, Selena; Pisu, Massimo; Lai, Nicola; Cao, Giacomo CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS -
Effect of Blood Flow on Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Oxygenation in Contracting Muscle Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 1-Jan-2021 Koirala, B.; Saidel, G. M.; Hernandez, A.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N. - Spring
Blood volume vs. deoxygenated NIRS signal: computational analysis of the effects muscle O2 delivery and blood volume on the NIRS signals 1-Jan-2021 Koirala, Bhabuk; Concas, Alessandro; Sun, Yi; Gladden, L Bruce; Lai, Nicola JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Relating cardiorespiratory responses to work rate during incremental ramp exercise on treadmill in children and adolescents: sex and age differences 1-Jan-2021 Lai, Nicola; Fiutem, Justin J.; Pfaff, Nora; Salvadego, Desy; Strainic, James EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Modulation of ROS in nanosecond-pulsed plasma-activated media for dosage-dependent cancer cell inactivation in vitro 1-Jan-2020 Jiang, C.; Sozer, E. B.; Song, S.; Lai, N.; Vernier, P. T.; Guo, S. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS -
Integrated approach for data acquisition, visualization and processing of analog polarographic systems for bioenergetics studies 1-Jan-2020 Potter, Lucas; Krusienski, Dean; Kennedy, Jesse; Hoppel, CHARLES LESLIE; Lai, Nicola ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY -
Mitochondrial Utilization of Competing Fuels Is Altered in Insulin Resistant Skeletal Muscle of Non-obese Rats (Goto-Kakizaki) 1-Jan-2020 Lai, N.; Fealy, C. E.; Kummitha, C. M.; Cabras, S.; Kirwan, J. P.; Hoppel, C. L. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY -
Bioenergetic functions in subpopulations of heart mitochondria are preserved in a non-obese type 2 diabetes rat model (Goto-Kakizaki) 1-Jan-2020 Lai, N.; Kummitha, C. M.; Loy, F.; Isola, R.; Hoppel, C. L. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
Experiments and modeling of mine soil inertization through mechano-chemical processing: from bench to pilot scale using attritor and impact mills 1-Jan-2020 Concas, A.; Montinaro, S.; Pisu, M.; Lai, N.; Cao, G. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL -
Alterations of skeletal muscle bioenergetics in a mouse with F508del mutation leading to a cystic fibrosis-like condition 1-Jan-2019 Lai, N.; Kummitha, C.; Drumm, M.; Hoppel, CHARLES LESLIE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM -
Isolation of mitochondrial subpopulations from skeletal muscle: optimizing recovery and preserving integrity 1-Jan-2019 Lai, N.; M. Kummitha, C.; Rosca, M. G.; Fujioka, H.; Tandler, B.; Hoppel, C. L. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA -
Defects in skeletal muscle subsarcolemmal mitochondria in a non-obese model of type 2 diabetes mellitus 1-Jan-2017 Lai, N; Kummitha, C; Hoppel, C PLOS ONE -
Gender Differences In The Cardiorespiratory Response To Exercise Using A Modified Bruce Protocol In Children 1-Jan-2016 Lai, N; Pfaff, N; Fiutem, Jj; Shivapour, J; Strainic, J; Grassi, B MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE -
Gender differences in V˙O2 and HR kinetics at the onset of moderate and heavy exercise intensity in adolescents 1-Jan-2016 Lai, N; Martis, A; Belfiori, A; Tolentino-Silva, F; Nasca, Mm; Strainic, J; Cabrera, Me PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS -
Mitochondrial function assessed by 31P MRS and BOLD MRI in non-obese type 2 diabetic rats 1-Jan-2016 Liu, Y; Mei, X; Li, J; Lai, N; Yu, X PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS -
Contribution Of The Skeletal Muscle Pump To Blood Flow At The Onset Of Contractions 1-Jan-2015 Ferguson, Bs; Rogatzki, Mj; Lai, N; Wüst, Rci; Rossiter, Hb; Kluess, H; Gladden, Lb MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE -
Chronic hindlimb suspension unloading markedly decreases turnover rates of skeletal and cardiac muscle proteins and adipose tissue triglycerides 1-Jan-2015 Bederman, Ir; Lai, N; Shuster, J; Henderson, L; Ewart, S; Cabrera, Me JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Relating tissue/organ energy expenditure to metabolic fluxes in mouse and human: experimental data integrated with mathematical modeling 1-Jan-2014 Kummitha, Cm; Kalhan, Sc; Saidel, Gm; Lai, N PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS -
Exercise training decreases activation of the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein-1 in insulin-resistant human skeletal muscle 1-Jan-2014 Fealy, C. E.; Mulya, A.; Lai, N.; Kirwan, J. P. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Functional abdominal wall reconstruction improves core physiology and quality-of-life 1-Jan-2014 Criss, Cn; Petro, Cc; Krpata, Dm; Seafler, Cm; Lai, N; Fiutem, J; Novitsky, Yw; Rosen, Mj SURGERY -
An online model composition tool for system biology models 1-Jan-2013 Coskun, Sa; Cicek, Ae; Lai, N; Dash, Rk; Ozsoyoglu, Zm; Ozsoyoglu, G BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY -
Distinguishing the effects of convective and diffusive O2 delivery on V̇o2 on-kinetics in skeletal muscle contracting at moderate intensity 1-Jan-2013 Spires, J; Gladden, Lb; Grassi, B; Goodwin, Ml; Saidel, Gm; Lai, N AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. REGULATORY, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY -
Model analysis of the relationship between intracellular PO2 and energy demand in skeletal muscle 1-Jan-2012 Spires, J; Gladden, Lb; Grassi, B; Saidel, Gm; Lai, N AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. REGULATORY, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY -
Computational model of cellular metabolic dynamics in skeletal muscle fibers during moderate intensity exercise 1-Jan-2012 Li, Y; Lai, N; Kirwan, Jp; Saidel, Gm CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOENGINEERING -
VO2 on-kinetics in isolated canine muscle in situ during slowed convective O2 delivery 1-Jan-2012 Goodwin, Ml; Hernández, A; Lai, N; Cabrera, Me; Gladden, Lb JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
PathCase-SB: integrating data sources and providing tools for systems biology research 1-Jan-2012 Coskun, Sa; Qi, X; Cakmak, A; Cheng, E; Cicek, Ae; Yang, L; Jadeja, R; Dash, Rk; Lai, N; Ozsoyoglu, G; Ozsoyoglu, Zm BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY -
Exercise intensity and oxygen uptake kinetics in African-American and Caucasian women 1-Jan-2012 Lai, N; Tolentino-Silva, F; Nasca, Mm; Silva, Ma; Cabrera, Me EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Hemoglobin and myoglobin contributions to skeletal muscle oxygenation in response to exercise 1-Jan-2011 Spires, J; Lai, N; Zhou, H; Saidel, Gm. - -
PathCase-SB architecture and database design 1-Jan-2011 Cakmak, A; Qi, Xj; Coskun, Sa; Das, M; Cheng, E; Cicek, Ae; Lai, N; Ozsoyoglu, G; Ozsoyoglu, Zm BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY -
A prior bout of contractions speeds (V) over dotO(2) and blood flow on-kinetics and reduces the (V) over dotO(2) slow-component amplitude in canine skeletal muscle contracting in situ 1-Jan-2010 Hernandez, A; Mcdonald, Jr; Lai, N; Gladden, Lb JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Contraction-by-contraction (V) over dotO(2) and computer-controlled pump perfusion as novel techniques to study skeletal muscle metabolism in situ 1-Jan-2010 Hernandez, A; Goodwin, Ml; Lai, N; Cabrera, Me; Mcdonald, Jr; Gladden, Lb JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Non-invasive estimation of metabolic flux and blood flow in working muscle: Effect of blood-tissue distribution 1-Jan-2009 Lai, N; Saidel, Gm; Iorio, M; Cabrera, Me - -
Modeling oxygenation in venous blood and skeletal muscle in response to exercise using near-infrared spectroscopy 1-Jan-2009 Lai, N; Zhou, Hy; Saidel, Gm; Wolf, M; Mccully, K; Gladden, Lb; Cabrera, Me JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Multiscale Modeling of Respiration Linking External to Cellular Respiration During Exercise 1-Jan-2009 Zhou, Hy; Lai, N; Saidel, Gm; Cabrera, Me IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY MAGAZINE -
Multi-scale model of O-2 transport and metabolism - Response to exercise 1-Jan-2008 Zhou, Hy; Lai, N; Saidel, Gm; Cabrera, Me ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES -
Muscle oxygen uptake differs from consumption dynamics during transients in exercise 1-Jan-2008 Lai, N; Syed, N; Saidel, Gm; Cabrera, Me - -
Models of muscle contraction and energetics 1-Jan-2008 Lai, N; Gladden, Lb; Carlier, Pg; Cabrera, Me DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. DISEASE MODELS -
Influence of exercise intensity on pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics at the onset of exercise and recovery in male adolescents 1-Jan-2008 Lai, N; Nasca, Mm; Silva, Ma; Silva, Ft; Whipp, Bj; Cabrera, Me APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, NUTRITION AND METABOLISM -
Model of oxygen transport and metabolism predicts effect of hyperoxia on canine muscle oxygen uptake dynamics 1-Jan-2007 Lai, N; Saidel, Gm; Grassis, B; Gladden, Lb; Cabrera, Me JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY -
Linking pulmonary oxygen uptake, muscle oxygen utilization and cellular metabolism during exercise 1-Jan-2007 Lai, N; Camesasca, M; Saidel, Gm; Dash, Rk; Cabrera, Me ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING -
Showing results 1 to 50 of 63
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