Showing results 1 to 50 of 95
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Stock discrimination of two European squids (Illex coindetii, Loligo forbesii) by statolith shape analysis 1-Jan-2024 Bobowski, Bianca T. C.; Power, Anne Marie; Burns, Finlay; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Cuccu, Danila; Donnaloia, Marilena; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Moreno, Ana; Sokolova, Inna M.; Valls, Maria; Oesterwind, Daniel FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY -
Scattered accumulation hotspots of macro-litter on the seafloor: Insights for mitigation actions 1-Jan-2022 Cau, A.; Franceschini, S.; Moccia, D.; Gorule, P. A.; Agus, B.; Bellodi, A.; Cannas, R.; Carugati, L.; Cuccu, D.; Dessi, C.; Marongiu, M. F.; Melis, R.; Mulas, A.; Porceddu, R.; Porcu, C.; Russo, T.; Follesa, M. C. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION -
First integrative morphological and genetic characterization of tremoctopus violaceus sensu stricto in the mediterranean sea 1-Jan-2022 Agus, B.; Carbonara, P.; Melis, R.; Cannas, R.; Carugati, L.; Cera, J.; Donnaloia, M.; Mulas, A.; Pais, A.; Ruiu, S.; Vinci, G.; Cuccu, D. ANIMALS -
The Use of Reproductive Indicators for Conservation Purposes: The Case Study of Palinurus elephas in Two Fully Protected Areas and Their Surrounding Zones (Central-Western Mediterranean) 1-Jan-2022 Porcu, Cristina; Carugati, Laura; Bellodi, Andrea; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Cannea, Faustina Barbara; Marongiu, Martina Francesca; Mulas, Antonello; Padiglia, Alessandra; Pascale, Noemi; Pesci, Paola; Follesa, Maria Cristina BIOLOGY -
Fisheries for common octopus in Europe: socioeconomic importance and management 1-Jan-2021 Pita, C.; Roumbedakis, K.; Fonseca, T.; Matos, F. L.; Pereira, J.; Villasante, S.; Pita, P.; Bellido, J. M.; Gonzalez, A. F.; García-Tasende, M.; Lefkaditou, E.; Adamidou, A.; Cuccu, D.; Belcari, P.; Moreno, A.; Pierce, G. J. FISHERIES RESEARCH -
New insights into life–history traits of Mediterranean Electric rays (Torpediniformes: Torpedinidae) as a contribution to their conservation 1-Jan-2021 Bellodi, Andrea; Mulas, Antonello; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Francesca Marongiua, Martina; Mura, Veronica; Pesci, Paola; Zupa, Walter; Porcu, Cristina; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA ZOOLOGY -
Molecular and Biological Analysis on Ommastrephes caroli Findings in the Central Western Mediterranean Sea (Sardinian Waters) Including First Age Investigation Using Eye Lenses and Beaks 1-Jan-2021 Agus, B.; Carugati, L.; Bellodi, A.; Cannas, R.; Cau, A.; Cera, J.; Coluccia, E.; Melis, R.; Ruiu, S.; Cuccu, D. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE -
The MEDITS maturity scales as a useful tool for investigating the reproductive traits of key species in the Mediterranean Sea 1-Jan-2019 Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Agus, Blondine; Bellodi, Andrea; Cannas, Rita; Capezzuto, Francesca; Casciaro, Loredana; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Donnaloia, Marilena; Fernandez-Arcaya, Ulla; Gancitano, Vita; Gaudio, Palma; Marongiu, MARTINA FRANCESCA; Mulas, Antonello; Pesci, Paola; Porcu, Cristina; Rossetti, Ilaria; Sion, Letizia; Vallisneri, Maria; Carbonara, Pierluigi SCIENTIA MARINA -
Long-term spatiotemporal dynamics of cephalopod assemblages in the Mediterranean Sea 1-Jan-2019 Quetglas, A.; Valls, M.; Capezzuto, F.; Casciaro, L.; Cuccu, D.; Gonzalez, M.; Ikica, Z.; Sifner, S. K.; Lauria, V.; Lefkaditou, E.; Peristeraki, P.; Piccinetti, C.; Vidoris, P.; Keller, S. SCIENTIA MARINA -
Genetic population structure and phylogeny of the common octopus Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 in the western Mediterranean Sea through nuclear and mitochondrial markers 1-Jan-2018 Melis, Riccardo; Vacca, Laura; Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Cau, Alessandro; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cannas, Rita HYDROBIOLOGIA -
Age determination of Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesii using eye lens analysis. 1-Jan-2018 Agus, Blondine; Mereu, Marco; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Alessandro; Coluccia, Elisabetta; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cuccu, Danila ZOOMORPHOLOGY -
Artificial dens as a management tool for Octopus vulgaris: evidence from a Collaborative Fisheries Research project (central western Mediterranean Sea). 1-Jan-2018 Mereu, M.; Cau, A.; Agus, B.; Cannas, R.; Follesa, M. C.; Pesci, P.; Cuccu, D. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT -
Coral forests diversity in the outer shelf of the south Sardinian continental margin 1-Jan-2017 Cau, Alessandro; Moccia, Davide; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Alvito, Andrea; Canese, Simonepietro; Angiolillo, Michela; Cuccu, Danila; Bo, Marzia; Cannas, Rita DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS -
Environmentally driven synchronies of Mediterranean cephalopod populations 1-Jan-2017 Keller, S; Quetglas, A; Puerta, P; Bitetto, I; Casciaro, L; Cuccu, Danila; Esteban, A; Garcia, C; Garofalo, G; Guijarro, B; Josephides, M; Jadaud, A; Lefkaditou, E; Maiorano, P; Manfredi, C; Marceta, B; Micallef, R; Peristeraki, P; Relini, G; Sartor, P; Spedicato, Mt; Tserpes, G; Hildago, M. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY -
Temporal dynamics of demersal chondrichthyan species in the central western Mediterranean Sea: The case study in Sardinia Island 1-Jan-2017 Marongiu, MARTINA FRANCESCA; Porcu, Cristina; Bellodi, Andrea; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Mulas, Antonello; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA FISHERIES RESEARCH -
Demersal cephalopod communities in the Mediterranean: a large-scale analysis 1-Jan-2017 Keller, Stefane; Hidalgo, Manuel; Alvarez-Berastegui, Diego; Bitetto, Isabella; Casciaro, Loredana; Cuccu, Danila; Esteban, Antonio; Garofalo, Germana; Gonzalez, Maria; Guijarro, Beatiz; Josephides, Marios; Jadaud, Angelique; Lefkaditou, Eugenia; Maiorano, Porzia; Manfredi, Chiara; Marceta, Bojan; Micallef, Reno; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Relini, Giulio; Sartor, Paolo; Spedicato Maria, Teresa; Tserpes, George; Quetglas, Antonio MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES -
Habitat constraints and self-thinning shape Mediterranean red coral deep population structure: implications for conservation practice 1-Jan-2016 Cau, Alessandro; Bramanti, L; Cannas, Rita; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Angiolillo, M; Canese, S; Bo, M; Cuccu, Danila; Guizien, K. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
Large-scale spatio-temporal patterns of Mediterranean cephalopod diversity 1-Jan-2016 Keller, S; Bartolino, V; Hidalgo, M; Biletto, I; Casciaro, L; Cuccu, Danila; Esteban, A; Garcia, C; Garofalo, G; Josephides, M; Jadaud, A; Lefkaditou, E; Maiorano, P; Manfredi, C; Marceta, B; Massutí, E; Micallef, R; Peristeraki, P; Relini, G; Sartor, P; Spedicato, Mt; Tserpes, G; Quetglas, A. PLOS ONE -
Genetic monitoring of deep-water exploited banks of the precious Sardinia coral Corallium rubrum (L., 1758): Useful data for a sustainable management 1-Jan-2016 Cannas, Rita; Sacco, F; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cau, Angelo AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS -
The deep-water squid Octopoteuthis sicula Ruppell, 1844 (Cephalopoda: Octopoteuthidae) as the single species of the genus occurring in the Mediterranean Sea 1-Jan-2016 Jereb, Patrizia; Cannas, Rita; Maiorano, Porzia; Bello, Giambattista; Garibaldi, Fulvio; Mereu, Marco; Ancona, Francesco G.; Ammendolia, Giovanni; Battaglia, Pietro; Duysak, \onder; Hoving, Hendrik Jan T.; Lefkaditou, Eugenia; Lipinski, Marek R.; Melis, Riccardo; Peristeraki, Panagiota N.; Ragonese, Sergio; Romeo, Teresa; Salman, Alp; Santos, Begonia M.; Villari, Alberto; Cuccu, Danila MARINE BIOLOGY -
Reproductive status of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, during migration off the coast of Sardinia (western Mediterranean) 1-Jan-2016 Addis, Pierantonio; Secci, Marco; Biancacci, Cecilia; Loddo, Daniela; Cuccu, Danila; Palmas, Francesco; Sabatini, Andrea FISHERIES RESEARCH -
Oviducal gland microstructure of Raja miraletus and Dipturus oxyrinchus (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae) 1-Jan-2015 Marongiu, MARTINA FRANCESCA; Porcu, Cristina; Bellodi, Andrea; Cuccu, Danila; Mulas, Antonello; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY -
Comparative cytogenetics of six Indo-Pacific moray eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) by chromosomal banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization 1-Jan-2015 Coluccia, Elisabetta; Deidda, Federica; Cannas, Rita; Lobina, Cinzia; Cuccu, Danila; Deiana, ANNA MARIA; Salvadori, Susanna JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY -
Diet and feeding behaviour of longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchus 1-Jan-2015 Mulas, Antonello; Bellodi, Andrea; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Marongiu, MARTINA FRANCESCA; Porcu, Cristina; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY -
Mark-recapture investigation on Octopus vulgaris specimens in an area of the central western Mediterranean Sea 1-Jan-2015 Mereu, Marco; Agus, B; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Alessandro; Coluccia, Elisabetta; Cuccu, Danila JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM -
Movement estimation of Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 from mark recapture experiment 1-Jan-2015 Mereu, Marco; Agus, Blondine; Addis, Pierantonio; Cabiddu, Serenella; Cau, Alessandro; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cuccu, Danila JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY -
Homing and orientation of Palinurus elephas (Fabricius) in three no-take areas of the central-western Mediterranean: implications for marine reserve design 1-Jan-2015 Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Angelo; Cuccu, Danila; Mulas, Antonello; Porcu, Cristina; Saba, S; Cau, Alessandro MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH -
Distribution of spawning and nursery grounds for deep–water red shrimps in the central western Mediterranean Sea 1-Jan-2015 Palmas, Francesco; Addis, Pierantonio; Cabiddu, Serenella; Cuccu, Danila; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Mura, M; Olita, A; Pesci, Paola; Sabatini, Andrea MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE -
Artificial dens for Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 in the Sardinian Sea 1-Jan-2014 Mereu, Marco; Agus, Blondine; Alvito, Andrea; Atzori, G; Fois, Maurizio; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Male reproductive system and spermatophores production and storage in Histioteuthis bonnellii (Cephalopoda: Histioteuthidae): A look into deep-sea squids' reproductive strategy 1-Jan-2014 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Agus, B; Cau, Angelo; Culurgioni, J; Sabatini, Andrea; Jereb, P. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS -
Further insights on the genetic structure and connectivity in Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) inferred by mitochondrial COI sequences 1-Jan-2013 Melis, R; Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, M; Cau A., L; Marcias, S; Cau, Angelo; Cannas, Rita RAPPORTS ET PROCÈS VERBAUX DES RÉUNIONS - COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA MER MÉDITERRANÉE -
Finding of two Loliginidae egg masses in the Sardinian waters 1-Jan-2013 Mereu, Marco; Agus, Blondine; Cau, A; Marongiu, MARTINA FRANCESCA; Jereb, P; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Development of sexual organs and fecundity in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 from the Sardinian waters (Mediterranean Sea) 1-Jan-2013 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Porcu, Cristina; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cau, Alessandro; Cau, Angelo MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE -
On the first record of the genus Octopoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Octopoteuthidae) in the Sardinian Channel (central western Mediterranean Sea) 1-Jan-2013 Cuccu, Danila; Cannas, Rita; Mereu, Marco; Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Jereb, P; Cau, Angelo MOLLUSCAN RESEARCH -
Reproductive development versus estimated age and size in a wild Mediterranean population of Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) 1-Jan-2013 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Cau, Alessandro; Pesci, Paola; Cau, Angelo JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM -
Parasitofauna of Histioteuthis reversa (Verril, 1880) and H. bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) from Sardinian waters (western Mediterranean) 1-Jan-2012 Culurgioni, J; Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Agus, Blondine; Mattiucci, S; Paoletti, M; Figus, V; Cau, A. - -
Parasitofauna of Histioteuthis bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) and H. reversa (Verril, 1880) (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) from Sardinian waters (western Mediterranean) 1-Jan-2012 Culurgioni, Jacopo; Cuccu, Danila; Mereu M., 1; Agus, Blondine; Mattiucci S., 2; Paoletti M., 2; Figus V., 1; Cau, A. - -
On a female of Tremoctopus sp. (Octopoda: Tremoctopodidae) caught in the Sardinian Sea = Su una femmina di Tremoctopus sp. (Octopoda: Tremoctopodidae) catturata nel mare di Sardegna 1-Jan-2012 Mereu, Marco; Agus, Blondine; Cau, Al; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
On the growth rings on Histioteuthis bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) upper beaks 1-Jan-2011 Mereu, Marco; Stacca, D; Cannas, Rita; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
On the morphometric relationship between beaks and body size in Histioteuthis bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) = Relazione morfometrica tra i becchi e le dimensioni del corpo in Histioteuthis bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) 1-Jan-2011 Mereu, Marco; Cau, Alessandro; Porcu, Cristina; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Spillover effects of a Mediterranean marine protected area on the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) resource 1-Jan-2011 Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cannas, Rita; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila; Gastoni, A; Ortu, A; Pedoni, C; Porcu, Cristina; Cau, Angelo AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS -
Male reproductive system in Neorossia caroli (Joubin 1902) (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) from the Sardinian waters (western Mediterranean Sea) with particular reference to sexual products 1-Jan-2011 Cuccu, D; Mereu, Marco; Masala, P; Cau, Angelo; Jereb, P. INVERTEBRATE REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT -
Tagging Octopus vulgaris (Octopoda: Octopodidae) in an area of central western Sardinian waters 1-Jan-2010 Mereu, Marco; Masala, P; Maccioni, A; Stacca, D; Cau, Alessandro; Cuccu, Danila BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Spillover effects of a marine protected area on a exploited lobster Palinurus elephas resource 1-Jan-2010 Follesa, MARIA CRISTINA; Cuccu, Danila; Cau, Angelo RAPPORTS ET PROCÈS VERBAUX DES RÉUNIONS - COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA MER MÉDITERRANÉE -
First record of Stoloteuthis leucoptera (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) in the Sardinian waters = Primo rinvenimento di Stoloteuthis leucoptera (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) nelle acque sarde 1-Jan-2010 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Masala, P; Cau, A; Jereb, P. BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Characterization of chitinolytic bacteria and histological aspects of Shell Disease Syndrome in European spiny lobsters (Palinurus elephas) (Fabricius 1787) 1-Jan-2010 Mancuso, M.; Costanzo, M. T.; Maricchiolo, G.; Gristina, M.; Zaccone, R.; Cuccu, Danila; Genovese, L. JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY -
An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) egg clutch 1-Jan-2010 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Cannas, Rita; Marcias, Sandro; Cau, Angelo; Jereb, P. SCIENTIA MARINA -
Larval anisakid nematodes of Histioteuthis reversa (Verril, 1880) and H. bonnellii (Férussac, 1835) (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) from Sardinian Channel (western Mediterranean) 1-Jan-2010 Culurgioni, J; Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Figus, V. BULLETIN OF THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF FISH PATHOLOGISTS -
Chiroteuthis veranii and Ommastrephes bartramii (Cephalopoda: Teuthidae) in the Sardinian waters 1-Jan-2009 Cuccu, Danila; Mereu, Marco; Masala, P; Cau, Angelo; Jereb, P. BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
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