Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente

Position held

Associate Professor (disciplinary sector 05/BIOS-03 - ZOOLOGIA E ANTROPOLOGIA, SSD BIOS-03/A ) Department of Life and Environment Sciences - University of Cagliari

Education and academic career:

From 30/12/18 to 29/12/2018: Assistant Professor (RTDB) in Zoology. University of Cagliari – Department of Science of Life and Environmental Via Tommaso Fiorelli, 1 09126 Cagliari

from 14/03/2001 to 29/12/15 Graduate technician with function of research in marine biology. University of Cagliari – Department of Science of Life and Environmental Via Tommaso Fiorelli, 1 - 09126 Cagliari

21/02/2000 - PhD in “Biochimica Comparata degli ecosistemi Ciclo XII- University of Sassari.

Title of thesis:” Biologia ed Ecologia dell’aragosta rossa (Palinurus elephas, Fabricius 1787). Proposte gestionali per il recupero dello stock”. Top grade

1996- Regional research contract (art. 37, L.R. n. 2/94) "Modellistica per la valutazione delle Risorse Demersali". University of Study of Cagliari.

From 1992 to 1995– Grant regional study " Valutazione delle risorse demersali di interesse commerciale con particolare riferimento all’analisi quali-quantitativa del prodotto pescato in tutte le marinerie sarde". Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

1992 - Qualification to the profession of biologist

1991 – Degree in Biology – University of Study of Cagliari,

Thesis "Aspetti della biologia del gambero rosso Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827)". Top grade (magna cum laude)

Main research activity: She is engaged in the valuation of the exploitation of the marine resources and on their biology and ecology. Some of her studies are linked to the commercial fishery activities with the aim to improve their management. Most interest is represented by the cephalopod taxa within it in the last years she has focused on the biodiversity, systematic, distribution, morphology, growth and reproductive aspects and strategies.

Technical skills and competences: sampling, monitoring in marine waters; invertebrate tagging

She participates actively in search of international research projects, national and regional, as coordinator, scientific responsible and / or member of the local operating UR, contributing to the drafting of the technical reports and final reports.

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