Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e architettura


Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Novel Neural Network Applications to Mode Choice in Transportation: Estimating Value of Travel Time and Modelling Psycho-Attitudinal Factors".  Academic year 2021-2022.


Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Construction of discrete choice models for the assessment of a new bike-sharing service" Academic year 2023-2024.

Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Identification of the factors influencing the use of the bike-sharing. The case study of BikeMi of the city of Milan". Academic year 2022-2023.

Co-supervisor of the thesis : “Modelling the impact of neighbourhood effects and psychosocial factors on commuting travel behaviour: an application in the metropolitan city of Cagliari”. Academic year 2021-2022.

Co-supervisor of the thesis:  “Construction of a Multivariate Ordered Probit model for the assessment of consumers' propensity to buy on-line and on-site”. Academic year 2021-2022.

Co-supervisor of the thesis “Analysis of the path alternatives extracted from Google Maps Api through a GIS procedure”. Academic year 2018-2019.

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