Department of Economics and Business Sciences

Some recent papers have the Hurst index as their main theme. This tool is used to identify a classic example of long range dependence (LDR). Other phenomena having these characteristics are quite common in nature, just think of meteorology, therefore the alternation between cold periods, perhaps characterized by glaciations, and much warmer centuries, or geophysics, in particular with reference to volcanic activity during the time.
The LDR was then better explored and studied in the following decades, both from the statistical-econometric point of view, with the creation of models able to explain and predict it, and from the mathematical one, in particular following the great diffusion of fractal geometry starting from since the seventies of the last century.
Several authors began to apply the phenomenon to the study of financial markets, trying to use it as a basis for developing new predictive models that were more efficient than those then, and currently in use.

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