Department of Political and Social Sciences

Guidelines for undergraduates

Thesis request

The student who intends to apply for a three-year or master's thesis with Professor Ippolito must:

Send a thesis request email containing three research project proposals, bearing:

A title proposal.

A very brief exposition of his thesis project (500 words maximum). Priority will be given to thesis projects related to research areas similar to those of the teacher (international human rights law; international environmental law; international migration law; international organizations).

An indication of 7-10 essential bibliographic sources (monographs, articles or encyclopedic entries).

The teacher will then indicate a date for an appointment, to discuss the assignment of a thesis with the student concerned.

Thesis writing

The research work starts with the preparation of a list of bibliographic references that must be approved by the teacher.

For the preparation of a thesis in international law it is useful to consult

any monographs published on the subject with extrapolation from footnotes? of page of the material selected for the references to the main authors who already had? contributed to the theme

the Peace Palace Library database (

the Athenian databases including in particular JSTOR; WESTLAW, EBSCO and HEINONLINE

the following bibliographical sources:

  • Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
  • Journal of international law
  • Journal of private and procedural international law
  • Human rights and international law
  • International Trade Law
  • The international community
  • Law, immigration and citizenship
  • Italian Yearbook of International Law
  • Global Community
  • British Yearbook of International Law
  • European Journal of International Law
  • American Journal of International Law
  • International Community Law Review
  • International Organization Law Review
  • International Journal of refugee Law
  • European Law Journal
  • European Journal of Migration Law
  • Human Rights Law Review
  • International and Comparative Law Quarterly
  • The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
  • Questions of International Law (telematic journal)
  • Italy's Practice (telematic magazine)
  • Revue Trimestrelle des droits de l'homme
  • Revue Generale de droit international public

After the approval of the thesis project and the related bibliography, the student will define a provisional index which must in turn be approved by the teacher. It is not? It is possible to indicate a priori a "correct" or "optimal" method of structuring the index. IS? generally advisable to have previously formulated the so-called research question, i.e. the question that the thesis aims to answer

After approval of the provisional index, the student will be able to start writing the thesis, according to terms and times set with the teacher. Whether the thesis is compilation or concept, its nature is? that of the original work, and therefore the mere repetition or listing of the opinions of others does not qualify a dissertation title. What? does this not mean that one should not take account of the doctrinal elaborations of which one is? became aware during the bibliographic research and reading of the materials in fact and? the exact opposite is true. Will the graduate student have to? However? critically relate to these theses, indicating the reasons why he adheres to them or deviates from them: this is? in itself? sufficient to integrate the element of originality? necessary in a thesis. Further consequence and? that reporting the thoughts of others places on the student the obligation to correctly indicate the source, and a fortiori not to appropriate it; the tool to fulfill this obligation and? the bibliographic citation, what will it be? more? carefully discussed in the next bullet point. Can you? nevertheless, state from now on the general rule according to which the correct bibliographic citation is? the one that allows the reader to easily trace the exact source of the aforementioned thought. The introduction is often unfairly underestimated, the introduction, on the other hand, has a crucial importance in winning, if well written, the reader's interest. Will it be necessary? then explain the reasons why the argument of the thesis is? important or compelling, and submit the research question. Will follow? the explanation of the method that it is? followed to answer you, a brief presentation of what? what will we go? to develop in the individual chapters of the thesis accompanied by a summary anticipation of the results achieved. can? be resumed after the drafting of the conclusions in the individual chapters of the thesis accompanied by a summary anticipation of the results achieved (a part that can be resumed after the drafting of the conclusions. Please note that:

The correction of the research work will take place for single complete chapters, adequately formatted according to the instructions provided by the student secretariat for the filing of the thesis file

The graduate student is required to update the teacher of any impediment or delay in writing the thesis.

The final and complete paper must be delivered at least two weeks after the deadline for the official filing of the thesis, in order to allow a final check of all the parts.

N.B. Formal rules of writing

Bold and underlined:

- they should never be used;


- for all words in Latin and for foreign ones that are not commonly used in the Italian language (however, it should not be used for proper names and for citations reported from texts or documents, unless italics appear in the original );

- to give emphasis to a term (where it is done for a term that appears within a quotation, it will be indicated in the margin of the same or, depending on the note, the phrase "adj.

Capital letters, abbreviations, abbreviations:

- the capital initial is used following the reference language (in Italian, for example, "Constitutional Court", or "European Convention on Human Rights", or "European Union" etc.):

- small capitals: only for authors, in the bibliographic notes at foot? page and in the final bibliography.


- always in capital letters: UN, EU, WTO (note that the article must be agreed).

Quotation marks:

- low quotation marks («») should be used for words and / or phrases reported by texts or

documents; high quotation marks ("") must be used in the case of internal quotations and where you want to mark the particular use (allusive, translated, ironic) of any expression.


- use the long dash (-) unless: a) in the indication of the pages (43- 56); b) when the hyphen is not? preceded and followed by a space (eg: "technical-legal", "socio-economic" etc.).

Footnotes? page:

- the reference to the note must precede the punctuation (eg: "as underlined by the doctrine2," and not "as emphasized by the doctrine, 2");

The quote: examples

The rules set out so far will now be exemplified. The citation standard used in the examples is not? the only one or the most? correct, but what is the choice of style of the student and? fundamental that it is maintained from the beginning to the end of the thesis, that is? that the elaborate is perfectly coherent, even from a formal point of view.

a) Monographs
First citation: G. Tesauro, European Union Law, VI ed., Padua, 2010,

p. 128 T. Tridimas, The General Principles of E.U. Law, III ed., Oxford, 2006, p. 31

Subsequent citations: G. Tesauro, supra, note 8, page 46 T. Tridimas, supra, note 9, loc. cit. *

b) Contributions in collective works:

First quote: S. Prechal, “Rights vs. Principles, or how to remove Fundamental Rights from the Jurisdiction of the Courts ", in The European Union, an ongoing Process of Integration, edited by J.W. Dezwann, J. Jans and A. Kellerman, Leiden, 2004, p. 178 or also M. Condinanzi, "The community level of protection of the fundamental rights of the individual", in P. Bilancia, G. De Marco (ed.), The multilevel protection of rights, Milan, 2004, p. 35

Subsequent citations: As for monographs

c) Articles in periodicals:

First quote: K. Lenaerts and J.K. Gutie? Rrez-Fons, The Constitutional Allocation of Powers and General Principles of E.U. Law, in "Common Market Law Review", 47 (6), 2010, p 1629 O. Pollicino and V. Sciarabba, The Charter of Nice today, between 'jurisprudential clearance' and the Lisbon Treaty, in "Comparative and European Public Law ", 101, 2008, p. 106

Subsequent quotations: K. Lenaertse J.K. Gutie? Rrez-Fons, supra, footnote 11, p1641

d) Contributions found on the web

First quote: G. Arestis, Fundamental Rights in the E.U .: three years after Lisbon, the Luxembourg perspective, College of Europe Research Paper, 3, 2013, consulted on on 18.11.2013 **

Subsequent citations: As for articles in periodicals

e) Community regulatory sources:

1. First quote:

Council Directive 83/189 / EC of 28 March 1983 providing for a procedure

of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, [1983] *** G.U. L109 / 8, art. 4

* "Loc. cit. " calls up the same page mentioned above. ** Report the last consultation date *** The year shown in square brackets refers to the Official Gazette.

2. Subsequent citations:
Directive 83/189 / EC, supra note 12, art. 8

f) Community jurisprudence

First citation: Case C-144/04 Werner Mangold v. Rudiger Helm, 2005, ECR I-1234, paragraph 34 Joined Cases C-402/05 and C-415/05 Yassin Abdullah Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of the European Union, 2008, ECR I-416, point

86 Opinion of the A.G. Trstenjak in the case of Maribel Dominguez v. Center Informatique du Center Ouest Atlantique and Pre? Fet de la Re? Gion Center, C- 282/10, [2011] not yet published, para. 82

Subsequent citations M angold, see note 13, point 45 Opinion of the A.G. Trstenjak on Dominguez, see note 15, loc. cit.

g) C.E.D.U. Jurisprudence

First summons European Court of Human Rights, judgment 19 February 1996, Gu? L

c. Switzerland, Recueil 1996-I, 174, par. 38

Subsequent citations: C.E.D.U., Gu? L judgment, see note 17, par. 42

h) International treaties

First citation: European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised), opened for signature in Strasbourg on 27.11.2008, entered into force on 01.09.2011, ETS No. 202 (Strasbourg Convention on Adoption), art. 5 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, concluded in Geneva on 28.08.1951, entered into force on 22.04.1954, UNTS vol. 189, p. 137, (Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees) art. 5

Subsequent citations: Strasbourg Adoption Convention, art. 7 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 8

For any question that has not been clarified by these Guidelines, it is recommended to contact the supervisor by e-mail.


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