Department of Literatures, Languages, and Cultural Heritage

Qualifications. Enrico Emanuele Prodi (Bologna 1985) holds a BA from the University of Bologna with a thesis on Euripides' fragmentary Oedipus (110 cum laude, 2007; published 2011), an MPhil from the University of Oxford with a dissertation on Pindar's likewise fragmentary Prosodia (Distinction and examiners' commendation for the best Master's thesis, 2009), and a DPhil from the same university with an extension of his research on Pindar's Prosodia (2014; Conington Prize, 2017). He also holds a diploma in Greek Palaeography from the Vatican Library (2019). He has been awarded the Italian Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale for the rank of Associate Professor in Greek Language and Literature and in Classical Philology.

Work experience. He has held a Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church, Oxford (2012-2016), a Non-Stipendiary Lectureship at Oriel College, Oxford (2014-2016), an EU-funded Marie Curie European Fellowship at Ca' Foscari, Venice (2016-2018), a Stipendiary Lectureship in Greek and Latin language at Balliol College, Oxford (2018-2019), a Departmental Lectureship in Greek Literature at Magdalen College, Oxford (2019-2022), and a Research Fellowship in Papyrology at University College, London (2022-2023). Since October 2023 he has been Assistant Professor ("RTDb") at the University of Cagliari.

Research. His main research interests are literary papyrology in the context of the history of the book in antiquity; archaic and classical Greek lyric; Hellenistic and imperial-age scholarship on Greek literature; and fifth-century Attic tragedy. The running thread is fragmentariness and how to deal with it, in the present day and in antiquity: from the edition and re-edition of texts on papyrus to the study of the Hellenistic "canonical" edition of the lyric poets. His critical edition and commentary to Pindar's Prosodia, arising from his doctoral dissertation, is in preparation for Oxford University Press. Most of his publications are accessible through IRIS (from the "Research" menu on the right) or on his page (link below). Some of them cannot be uploaded publicly, but the author will be happy to share an electronic copy privately upon request.

Teaching. His teaching activity has covered numerous areas of Greek literature: early hexameter poetry (Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns), lyric, tragedy, comedy (Aristophanes), historical and philosophical prose (Herodotus, Thucydides, Plato), and Hellenistic poetry. He has taught both Greek and Latin language (grammar, translation of specific authors, prose composition), Greek metre, and papyrology, including at Master's level. He has taught graduate students as a Visiting Professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (2019) and at the University of Milan (2021) and doctoral seminars at the Universities of Padua (2021) and Messina (2024). In Cagliari he teaches Beginners' Greek, Greek Literature I for the BA, and Greek Literature II for the MA.

Dissemination and international collaborations. Outside Italy, he has spoken at conferences and seminars in Belgium (Liège), Canada (Montréal), Croatia (Zadar), Denmark (Odense), France (Bordeaux, Lille, Paris), Germany (Cologne), Greece (Spetses), the Netherlands (Nijmegen), Poland (Warsaw), Spain (Barcelona), Sweden (Stockholm), Switzerland (Lausanne), the United Kingdom (Bristol, Durham, Edinburgh, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Newcastle, Reading, St Andrews, Swansea, Warwick), and the United States (Berkeley, Boston, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle). He has been a member of the AHRC-funded research team "Hexameters Beyond the Canon" (Oxford-UCL, PI Prof. Lucia Prauscello), with which he continues to collaborate. He is also a member of the GreekSong Network and of several scholarly societies.

Public engagement. He has given several talks, in person and online, on topics to do with papyrology, Greek poetry, and other aspects of ancient Greek culture, tailored either to school-age students or to adult audiences, in Italy, the UK, and the US. He remains available and keen to continue, both in Sardinia and, remotely, elsewhere. He can be reached at the e-mail address indicated in his personal webpage on this website. page.

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