Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura

Alessandro Seoni is research assistant and technical-scientific supervisor of the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering (DICAAR). He is also Subject Expert in Hydraulics (ICAR/01) and Hydraulic Constructions (ICAR/02).

He earned his Master's Degree in Hydraulic Civil Engineering at the University of Cagliari and his Ph.D. in Territory Engineering, focusing on the topic "Forecasting models for preventing flash floods in small basins and uncertainties related to the rainfall network density".

He has over a decade of experience in freelance work and has served as a consultant and scientific collaborator for the Italian Ministry of Environment and Territory Protection, and for the Region of Sardinia.

He has taught courses on monitoring weather-hydrological variables and on softwares for semi-distributed hydrological modeling in the second-level Master's program in Hydraulic Risk organized by the University of Cagliari. He has also been a lecturer in advanced courses for public administration officials.

He is a member of various multi-sectoral scientific and technical groups and participates in scientific projects on the evaluation of hydraulic risk for civil protection purposes and the monitoring of weather-hydrological and environmental variables.

He is the author of publications in indexed international scientific journals on hydrology and hydraulics.

Research topics:
- Hydrology, meteorology, and environmental climatology
- Territorial planning aimed at preventing hydrogeological risk
- Hydraulic and environmental fluid dynamics
- Measurement of hydrological, meteorological, and hydraulic variables
- Numerical modeling

He currently teaches the Hydraulics module in the course on Hydraulic Infrastructures and the Laboratory on Territory and Infrastructures (Hydraulic Infrastructures section) within the professionalizing Bachelor's Degree program "Techniques for Construction and Territory."


Updated on 23/04/2024

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