Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura


(updated 02/08/2023)






National scientific qualification for the functions of associate professor (Call D.D. 2175/2018, Competition Sector 10/B1 Art History), valid from 21/12/2020 to 21/12/2031. Certificate number 17610 of 29/05/2023.

PhD in "Fonti scritte della civiltà mediterranea" and in "Ciències humanes i de la cultura" obtained at the University of Cagliari and the Universitat de Girona (cotutelle regime) on 27/05/2014. Thesis title: Tra Sardegna e Catalogna. Artisti e committenti nella prima età moderna alla luce delle fonti documentali. Judgment: Excellent with honors. Scientific Disciplinary Sector L-ART/02.

Master's degree in Art History (LS 95) obtained at the University of Cagliari on 18/07/2006. Thesis title: Scultura lignea della diocesi di Cagliari dagli inventari delle visite pastorali. Judgment: 110/110 with honors and publication dignity.

Three-year degree in historical-artistic heritage obtained at the University of Cagliari on 12/11/2003. Thesis title: Il Crocifisso doloroso di Assemini. Judgment: 110/110 with honors.



Participation, with certificate of passing the learning test, in the multimedia course "Statistiche per la cultura". The course is organized by the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. Certificate number 060133 dated 06/04/2023.

Participation, with certificate of passing the learning test, in the multimedia course "L’archivio al centro della transizione digitale". The course is promoted and implemented by the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. Attested number 046102 dated 10/04/2022.

Participation, with certificate of passing the learning test, in the multimedia course «Catalogazione tra tutela e valorizzazione». The course is supervised by the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione (ICCD) and carried out in collaboration with the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali as part of the annual training plan prepared by the Direzione Generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturali of the MiC. Certificate number 041047 dated 11/01/2022.

Participation, with certificate of attendance, in the Workshop «La personalizzazione e l'individualizzazione nel percorso universitario degli studenti con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento ai sensi della legge 170 del 2010 e normativa successiva». The training activity, organized by the University of Cagliari as part of the Discentia Project, took place on 22/11/2018 from 15.00 to 18.00.

E-learning training course "Lo sviluppo di competenze didattiche", with a total duration of 20 equivalent hours, organized by the University of Cagliari as part of the Discentia Project, with passing of the online learning assessment test (31/10/2018).

Annual master's degree in «Comunicazione multimediale strategica» obtained at R&M Servizi (viale Mons. Virgilio 91 - 08010, Tortolì) on 10/10/2009. Topics addressed and skills acquired: Models of communication, cognitive and communicative strategies, multimedia communication, usability, accessibility, design of services and multimedia content, socializing.

Quarterly internship (01/06/2003 – 31/08/2003) carried out at the Soprintendenza BAPSAE per le province di Cagliari e Oristano. Tasks performed: Data collection, archive research, assistance for: organization and management of art exhibitions; direction of restoration of furniture works.



   International projects

01/02/2023 – ONGOING (2026)
Member of the research group involved in the four-year project «ÉNÉIDE, PeindrE daNs les villEs de l'Europe MérIDionalE, Péninsule Ibérique-royaumes de Naples et Sicile (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)», director prof. dr. J. Lugand, University of Perpignan.

01/09/2021 – ONGOING (31/08/2025)
Member of the research group involved in the four-year project «Reflejos de lo sagrado. El ciclo del retablo en Cataluña, del finale de la Edad Media al Academicismo. Modelos, Fortuna patrimonial y Perspectiva de género», director prof. dr. J. Bosch Ballbona, Universitat de Girona, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España, Proyecto I+D 2020, PID2020-114339GB-C21.

01/01/2018 – 31/12/2020
Member of the research group involved in the three-year project «Geografias de la movilidad artística. Valencia en época moderna», director Prof. Dr. M. Gómez-Ferrer, Universidad de Valencia, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Proyecto I+D, HAR2017-83070-P.

05/03/2016 – 01/12/2019
Component of the project «Pictor. Le métier de peintre en Europe à la Renaissance», directors prof. Michel Hochmann, G.-M. Leproux, A. Nassieu Maupas, École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.

01/01/2016 – 31/12/2019
Member of the research group involved in the four-year project «Art, oficio and mercado: the condition of the artist in Cataluña and Baleares during los siglos XV to XVIII», director prof. dr. J. Bosch Ballbona, Universitat de Girona, funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, Proyecto MINECO I+D, HAR2015-66465-C2-1-P.

01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015
Member of the research group involved in the three-year project «Collection and artistic taste of the Catalan and Mallorcan aristocracy in the modern era. Creation and dispersion of a heritage", director Prof. dr. J. Bosch Ballbona, Universitat de Girona, funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, Proyecto MINECO I+D, HAR2012-39182-C02-01.

   National projects

19/09/2022 – 31/05/2023
Contract for «Ricerca e analisi della documentazione e della letteratura relativa a opere d’arte o programmi artistici realizzati in Sardegna tra l’inizio del XV secolo e il primo XVIII secolo, con eventuali raffronti con quelle delle regioni Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia incluse nel progetto nazionale. Individuazione e catalogazione di fonti documentarie, analisi delle opere d’arte e della loro nomenclatura tecnica. Ricerca e analisi della documentazione e della letteratura tra l’inizio del XV secolo e il primo XVIII secolo contenente riferimenti alla 2cultura classicista della Sardegna. Programma di lavoro: catalogazione fonti letterarie, opere, iconografia e documenti; produzione di una relazione conclusiva di analisi dei materiali documentari e delle opere e confronti con lo scenario mediterraneo» as part of the PRIN 2017 Project - The Renaissance in Southern Italy and in the Islands. Cultural Heritage and Technology - University of Cagliari Research Unit, with the University of Naples Federico II (lead partner), University of Palermo and University of Messina, funded by MIUR - Scientific director Prof. Marco Cadinu, Department of Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura of the University of Cagliari.

22/07/2019 – 21/09/2019
Contract for «rilevazione dalle fonti archivistiche e manoscritti letterari di notizie relative alla mobilità di artisti e maestranze specializzate (retablistica, pittura, scultura e arti decorative) lungo le rotte mediterranee che passavano per la Sardegna, con sguardo privilegiato alla direttrice Cagliari-Valencia e viceversa», responsible Prof. Alessandra Pasolini, Department of Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali of the University of Cagliari.

01/03/2018 – 30/08/2018
Research grant ("Trasformazioni iconografiche lungo le vie del mare. Rappresentazioni mariane tra Italia meridionale, Sardegna e Levante iberico in età moderna, secoli XVI-XVIII") for the project "Know the sea to live the sea", responsible scientific professor R. Martorelli, unit manager prof. A. Pasolini, University of Cagliari, funded by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna and the Fondazione di Sardegna, CUP F72F16003200002.

12/01/2015 – 11/04/2015
Research grant for the project «Architettura, arte e luoghi urbani degli acquedotti storici, delle fonti e delle fontane nei paesi e nelle città della Sardegna tra medioevo e modernità. Metodi di analisi e riconoscimento dei significati culturali e simbolici, in relazione con i processi di tutela e programmazione della città e del territorio storico. Costruzione di itinerari tematici e di nuovi programmi di formazione sulla risorsa acqua», director prof. Marco Cadinu, University of Cagliari, funded by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R. 7/2007, year 2010, Project CUP F71J11001360002.

29/11/2010 – 15/12/2012
Participation in the project «Studio dei retabli pittorici del Quattro-Cinquecento in Sardegna attraverso analisi diagnostiche», director prof. Maria Grazia Scano Naitza, University of Cagliari, funded by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R. 7/2007, year 2008, Project CRP2_685.

   Other international experiences

03/06/2013 – 05/07/2013
Research stay at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Institución Milá y Fontanals of Barcelona aimed at the establishment of a database on the main Mediterranean maritime routes and on the economic-merchant dynamics connected to the trade of artistic and valuable goods in the XV-XVI centuries. Researcher in charge of the procedure: dra. Roser Salicrú i Lluch.



02/08/2023 – ONGOING
Appointment of Designer (OS2 Category) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for “CAGLIARI (CA) CHIESA DI SAN MICHELE. Rimozione e messa in sicurezza della statua marmorea di San Michele Arcangelo” (Service assignment prot. 13124-I dated 08/02/2023).

31/07/2023 – ONGOING
Appointment of Designer (Category OS2) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for "CAGLIARI, CHIESA DI SANTA CHIARA – Intervento di smontaggio e messa in sicurezza dell'altare ligneo policromo" (Service assignment protocol 12875-P dated 07/31/2023).

26/07/2023 – ONGOING
Scientific verification of n. 100 OA catalogue-entries relating to historical-artistic assets previously reviewed on the SIGECWEB system (assignment prot. 12678-P dated 07/26/2023).

From 30/05/2023
Reviewer for the Spanish scientific journal «Locus Amoenus» (1 referee).

31/03/2023 – ONGOING
Appointment of Designer (Category OS2) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the Restoration of a wooden Crucifix, Church of San Pietro, Assemini CA (Assignment of service prot. 5838-P dated 31/03 /2023).

25/11/2022 – 03/04/2023
Expert evaluator and commission member (Comisario Vocal; Expert evaluator: Doctoral Thesis Assessment) for a doctoral thesis at the Doctorado en Historia del Arte of the Universitat de València, thesis director Prof. Yolanda Gil Saura (position n. REGAGE22e00053794781).

09/11/2022 – 30/12/2022
Scientific verification at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the cataloging campaign "Compilazione di n. 100 schede di beni storico-artistici su SigecWeb. CIG Z6B37540F9 e CIG ZC23753FE9 – S252_OA_Beni vincolati I e S252_OA_Beni vincolati II” (34 OA files, 54 S files) (service assignment prot. 39739-P dated 09/11/2022 and 42056-P dated 28/11/2022).

From 05/11/2022
Reviewer for the scientific journal «ABside (1 referee).

31/10/2022 – 30/12/2022
Scientific verification at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the cataloging campaign "Revisione di n. 200 schede di beni storico-artistici su SigecWeb – S252_OA_2021_5” (200 OA files) (Service assignment prot. 38829-P dated 10/31/2022).

From 26/05/2022
Reviewer for the scientific journal «RiMe. Journal of the Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe, Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (CNR)», ISSN 2035-794X (1 referee).

25/02/2022 – 30/06/2022
Cataloging on SigecWeb at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the cataloging campaign "Revisione_beni mobili OA_2021" (191 OA files) (Service assignment prot. 6736-P dated 02/25/2022 ).

25/02/2022 – 30/06/2022
Design (OS2 Category) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the restoration of a sculpture in gilded and polychrome wood depicting Christ crucified (16th century) and his wooden cross, Church of San Pietro , Assemini CA (Assignment of service prot. 6736-P dated 02/25/2022).

25/02/2022 – 30/06/2022
Design (OS2 Category) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the restoration of twenty-four sculptures in gilded and polychromed wood (16th-18th centuries), a cloth frontal (18th century) , two wooden confessionals (20th century), a harmonium (19th-20th century)”, Church of San Francesco, Masullas OR (Assignment of service prot. 6736-P dated 02/25/2022).

15/15122021 – 31/12/2021
Design (OS2 Category) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the restoration of a wooden sculpture depicting the Madonna and Child, Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Siddi SU (Assignment of appointment prot. 45657-P dated 12/15/2021).

26/11/2021 – 31/12/2021
Scientific verification on SigecWeb at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the cataloging campaign of the artistic ceramics collection of the Municipality of Assemini (389 OA files, 415 IMR, 32 BIB; 144 AUT). Municipality of Assemini filing body, ABAP Superintendence competent body for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia (Appointment assignment prot. 43572-P dated 11/26/2021).

09/09/2021 – 31/12/2021
Design (OS2 Category) at the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna for the restoration of two tables depicting San Francesco and Sant'Angelo by Bartolomeo Castagnola, Convent of San Francesco, Oristano (Assignment of appointment prot 32620-P dated 09/09/2021).

24/06/2021 – 23/07/2021
Commissioner for the assignment of n. 2 research grants on the theme "Valorizzazione dei beni culturali di età moderna di Neoneli: aspetti storico-architettonici degli edifici pubblici" (Municipality of Neoneli, Determination n. 66 dated 06/24/2021).

22/06/2020 – 18/12/2020
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference «Geografías de la movilidad artística. Valencia en Época Moderna», 17-18/12/2020, Facultat de Geografía i Història, Universitat de València (Comité científico: Yolanda Gil Saura; Mercedes Gómez-Ferrer; Sonia Jiménez Hortelano; Mauro Salis; Alessandra Pasolini; Domenica Sutera; Francesca Funis).

29/09/2020 – 25/11/2020
Realization of n. 85 ICCD files (OA, D, S, BDM, PST, SM), commissioned by the Soprintendenza ABAP per le province di Sassari e di Nuoro.

20/12/2019 – 30/11/2020
Realization of n. 200 ICCD files (CF), commissioned by the Soprintendenza ABAP per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna.

22/07/2019 – 21/09/2019
Research for the "rilevazione dalle fonti archivistiche e manoscritti letterari di notizie relative alla mobilità di artisti e maestranze specializzate (retablistica, pittura, scultura e arti decorative) lungo le rotte mediterranee che passavano per la Sardegna, con sguardo privilegiato alla direttrice Cagliari-Valencia e viceversa», entrusted by the Department of Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali of the University of Cagliari.

06/12/2017 – 15/01/2019
Scientific manager of the Project for the enhancement of the cultural heritage of the modern age of Neoneli (Municipality of Neoneli, Determination n. 284 dated 06/12/2017).

13/06/2017 – ONGOING
Investigador adscrit (Affiliate Researcher) at the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural of Girona (ICRPC: http://icrpc.cat/) with statutory duties of active participation in the research projects and scientific activities of the Institute.

01/01/2017 – 31/12/2019
Collaborator of the Grup de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural de Catalunya (Grup de recerca preconsolidat – GRPRE, 2017 SGR 00835; Funding body AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya), Principal investigator prof. Joaquim Nadal Farreras, Members: Joan Bosch Ballbona, Gemma Domènech Casadevall, Saida Palou Rubio, Antonio Rojas Rabaneda, Collaborators Nina Kammerer, Rosa Maria Gil, Mauro Salis.

From 23/05/2017
Reviewer for the category A scientific journal (sector 10/B1) «Il Capitale Culturale», Edizioni Università di Macerata, ISSN 2039-2362 (6 referees).

19/12/2016 – 31/07/2017
Realization of n. 80 ICCD files (OA, S, D), commissioned by the Soprintendenza ABAP per le province di Sassari, Olbia-Tempio e Nuoro.

From 12/05/2016
Reviewer for the scientific journal «Medea», University of Cagliari, ISSN 2421-5821 (1 referee).

05/10/2015 – 30/04/2021
Coordinator, at the Department of Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali (formerly the Department of Storia, Beni culturali e Territorio) of the University of Cagliari, of the modern art section of the cataloging project «Corpora dei manufatti medievali, moderni e contemporanei», with tasks scientific validation of the ICCD files and coordination of the activities of cataloguers, photographers and other professionals involved in cataloging (44 files OA, 298 S, 1381 IMR). Scientific coordinator of the project prof. Rossana Martorelli, funding from the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

14/10/2014 – 11/11/2014
Scientific director of the cycle of seminars "L’altare europeo tra Rinascimento e Barocco: il dialogo fra le arti", divided into four meetings and intended for students of the master's degree course in Archeology and History of Art of the University of Cagliari (A.Y. 2014-2015).

16/07/2014 – 30/09/2014
Realization of n. 31 ICCD files (OA, S, MI) for the project «Servizi catalografici e informatici relativi al sistema informativo regionale del patrimonio culturale», contracting entity Space SPA, client Regione Autonoma Sardegna.

From 17/01/2013
Reviewer for the scientific journal «Archeoarte», University of Cagliari, ISSN 2039-4543 (2 referees).

May 2010 – February 2022
Expert in the subject ("Cultore della materia") at the Faculty of Studi umanistici of the University of Cagliari, for the disciplinary field History of Modern Art (L-ART/02).



   Lectures (institutional courses):

31/05/2023 – ONGOING (31/12/2023)
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the teaching «Figures, spaces, images between the Renaissance and the Baroque», 20 hours of frontal teaching, student reception, exams, attendance at school council meetings.

03/03/2023 – ONGOING (31/10/2023)
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Sassari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage Sciences for the course "History of Modern Art", 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams.

06/03/2023 – 16/05/2023
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in History of Art for the teaching «Digitalization of historical-artistic heritage», 6 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams , participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

01/10/2022 – 30/09/2023
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Architecture for the teaching «Integrated course of history of architecture and contemporary art - History of contemporary art module», 3 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams, participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

22/02/2022 – 31/10/2022
A.A. 2021-2022, University of Sassari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage Sciences for the course «History of Modern Art», 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams.

06/10/2021 – 30/09/2022
A.A. 2021-2022, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Architecture for the teaching «Integrated course of history of architecture and contemporary art - History of contemporary art module», 3 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams, participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

01/04/2021 – 31/10/2021
A.A. 2020-2021, University of Sassari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage Sciences for the course «History of Modern Art», 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, thesis supervision degree.

01/03/2021 – 28/02/2022
A.A. 2020-2021, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, thesis direction degree, participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

05/10/2020 – 30/09/2021
A.A. 2020-2021, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Architecture for the teaching «Integrated course of history of architecture and contemporary art - History of contemporary art module», 3 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, exams, participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

03/04/2020 – 26/02/2021
A.A. 2019-2020, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, thesis direction degree, participation in the meetings of the Council of the course of study.

13/11/2019 – 30/10/2020
A.A. 2019-2020, University of Sassari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage Sciences for the course "History of Modern Art", 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, thesis supervision degree.

12/10/2018 – 30/09/2019
A.A. 2018-2019, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the course "Theory and technique of restoration", 6 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, direction of degree thesis, participation in the meetings of the Council of the study course.

20/09/2018 – 27/09/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, Universitat de Girona, Erasmus+ lecturer at the Departament d'Història i Història de l'Art with lessons on History of Modern Art, one-week stay (8 teaching hours).

06/11/2017 – 31/10/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Sassari, adjunct professor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage Sciences for the course «History of Modern Art», 12 credits, 60 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, thesis supervision degree.

05/10/2017 – 15/12/2017
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the course "Theory and technique of restoration", 6 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, direction of degree thesis, participation in the meetings of the Council of the study course.

13/10/2016 – 21/12/2016
A.A. 2016-2017, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the teaching «Theory and technique of restoration», 6 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, direction of degree thesis, participation in the meetings of the Council of the study course.

26/10/2015 – 03/12/2015
A.A. 2015-2016, University of Cagliari, adjunct professor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the teaching «Theory and technique of restoration», 6 credits, 30 hours of frontal teaching, weekly student reception, direction of degree thesis, participation in the meetings of the Council of the study course.

   Supplementary teaching (mandatory and elective workshops):

07/06/2023 – 17/07/2023
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Art History and in the degree course in Cultural heritage and entertainment for the laboratory «Iconography and iconology from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age», 1 CFU, 25 hours of didactics.

18/01/2023 – 20/02/2023
A.A. 2022-2023, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Art History and in the degree course in Cultural heritage and entertainment for the laboratory «Notions of artistic techniques», 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

24/01/2022 – 08/02/2022
A.A. 2021-2022, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History and in the degree course in Cultural heritage and entertainment for the laboratory "Notions of artistic techniques", 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

06/05/2021 – 19/05/2021
A.A. 2020-2021, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary Education Sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 20 teaching hours (two 10-hour shifts).

22/12/2020 – 28/02/2021
A.A. 2020-2021, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Iconography and iconology from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age», 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

13/05/2020 – 20/05/2020
A.A. 2019-2020, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary education sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

16/12/2019 – 10/02/2020
A.A. 2019-2020, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Systems and methods of cataloging historical-artistic heritage», 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

24/06/2019 – 05/07/2019
A.A. 2018-2019, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the «Art Techniques» laboratory, 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

02/05/2019 – 16/05/2019
A.A. 2018-2019, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary Education Sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

28/01/2019 – 28/02/2019
A.A. 2018-2019, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Systems and methods of cataloging historical-artistic heritage», 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

13/12/2018 – 30/09/2019
A.A. 2018-2019, University of Cagliari, tutor in the three-year e-learning degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 26 hours.

02/07/2018 – 06/07/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the «Artistic Techniques» laboratory, 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

21/06/2018 – 30/06/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Systems and methods of cataloging historical-artistic heritage» (II edition), 2 credits, 30 teaching hours.

11/05/2018 – 19/05/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary education sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

29/01/2018 – 28/02/2018
A.A. 2017-2018, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Systems and methods of cataloging historical-artistic heritage» (I edition), 1 CFU, 25 teaching hours.

24/05/2017 – 29/06/2017
A.A. 2016-2017, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the master's degree course in Archeology and Art History for the laboratory «Systems and methods of cataloging historical-artistic heritage», 2 credits, 30 teaching hours.

22/05/2017 – 30/05/2017
A.A. 2016-2017, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary education sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

07/03/2017 – 27/07/2017
A.A. 2016-2017, University of Cagliari/Unitel Cagliari, tutor in the three-year e-learning degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 48 hours.

09/05/2016 – 17/05/2016
A.A. 2015-2016, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary education sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

26/02/2016 – 12/09/2016
A.A. 2015-2016, University of Cagliari/Unitel Cagliari, tutor in the three-year e-learning degree course in Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 48 hours.

14/05/2015 – 26/05/2015
A.A. 2014-2015, University of Cagliari, expert tutor in the single-cycle degree course in Primary education sciences for the compulsory laboratory «Education to the image», 1 CFU, 10 teaching hours.

03/03/2014 – 05/14/2014
A.A. 2013-2014, University of Cagliari, tutor in the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage for the teaching «History of Modern Art 1», 30 hours of teaching, 20 hours of exercises.



   As first director (Theory and technique of restoration, master's degree course University of Cagliari):
     1. La chiesa di Sant’Eulalia a Cagliari. Storia, architettura e arredi sacri della parrocchiale della Marina (25/02/2021)
     2. Il Barocco perduto. La cattedrale di Cagliari. Ipotesi di rinascita e valorizzazione (25/02/2021)
     3. Storia, culto e iconografia di Santa Chiara d'Assisi in età moderna. Ricerca e studio delle opere presenti in Sardegna (03/12/2020)
     4. Il Retablo di Tuili: restauri e analisi diagnostiche (03/12/2020)
     5. La chiesa di Nostra Signora d'Itria a Orani. Storia, decori, arredi e restauri (03/12/2020)
     6. Il monumento a Jenny Nurchis nel contesto cimiteriale di Bonaria a Cagliari: cause di degrado e ipotesi di restauro (30/4/2020)
     7. Il cimitero monumentale di Bonaria attraverso l’arte di Giuseppe Sartorio. Ipotesi di restauro del gruppo scultoreo di “Letizia e Pinuccia Mauri” (30/04/2020)
     8. La falsificazione dell’opera d’arte, dal Medioevo ai giorni nostri. Tra contraffazione e alterazione 30/04/2020)
     9. Restauro del contemporaneo. Analisi e ipotesi di intervento su tre opere scultoree (26/02/2020)
     10. Iconografia dell'Assunzione della Vergine. Il caso della Sardegna di età moderna tra retaggio bizantino e tradizione iberica (26/02/2020)
     11. Teoria e pratica del restauro della scultura in legno. Casi studio di età moderna in Sardegna (03/12/2019)
     12. Per un laboratorio didattico sulle tecniche artistiche: una ipotesi di progetto tra gioco e apprendimento (18/07/2019)
     13. Conservazione e restauro della scultura in legno. Il caso del San Nicola di Narcao (18/04/2018)
     14. Conservazione, restauro e tutela della scultura in legno. Il caso delle statue per il Museo diocesano di Oristano (22/02/2018)
     15. Conservazione e restauro dei retabli lignei. Pratiche di ricomposizione e ricontestualizzazione tra Sardegna e Catalogna (19/07/2017)
     16. Scultura di età moderna nella diocesi di Ozieri. Statue restaurate e nuove ipotesi attributive (21/04/2017)
     17. Scultura in legno a Serrenti: studio di un gruppo di statue alla luce dei dati emersi dal restauro (22/02/2017)

   As first director (History of Modern Art, three-year degree course, University of Cagliari):
     1. Il tema dell’estasi nel Barocco (23/02/2022)
     2. Storia dell'architettura nel Cinquecento: Bramante e la sua eredità (23/07/2021)
     3. Iconografia del Pellicano mistico (26/02/2021)
     4. ''Il flagello di Dio'': come la peste non fermò le committenze artistiche in età moderna (04/12/2020)
     5. Il Mito secondo Caravaggio (24/07/2020)
     6. La Bibbia nell’arte veneta: Tintoretto e i sacramenti alla Scuola Grande di San Rocco (30/04/2020)

   As first director (History of Modern Art, three-year degree course at the University of Sassari):
     1. Scultura in legno del Cinquecento ad Alghero (12/10/2021)
     2. Rapporti artistici tra Sardegna e Maiorca durante il XVI secolo. Il caso di Pietro Cavaro: la tavola del Santo vescovo (13/07/2021)
     3. Barocco: la rappresentazione delle estasi dei santi nella scultura di Bernini (13/10/2020)
     4. Iconografia tradizionale e reinvenzione del mito di Leda intorno a Leonardo (15/10/2018)



13/04/2023 – ONGOING (31/12/2023)
Appointment for carrying out technical-operational activities strictly aimed at carrying out actions for the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage and landscape of the Superintendency of Archaeology, fine arts and landscape for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia, in particular in the : specialist support with the execution of surveys and inspections, technical drawings, expertise; support for process management optimization and innovation projects, through the use of management software used by the Administration; support to the officials responsible for the preparation of reports and opinions in the context of the preliminary investigation activity of the Superintendency aimed at issuing measures for the protection of historical-artistic assets and in the context of loan procedures for shows and exhibitions; technical-scientific support for the actions aimed at carrying out maintenance, restoration, safety measures for the decorated surfaces of real estate and movable assets subject to protection and falling within the territory of competence, even in cases in which the Superintendency is assigned loans or in any case performs the role of Contracting Authority, also on behalf of other Bodies/Institutes; collaboration in the activities of: historical-artistic studies and research, documentation and cataloging of historical-artistic assets aimed at support activities for protection; consultancy to the Export Office; planning and management of conservation, restoration, valorisation interventions; planning, management and organization of inventory and cataloging works for the relevant assets; verification of the compatibility between the historical and artistic aspects of the assets of competence and the investigation and conservation treatments; collaboration in events, exhibitions, conferences and seminars, with scientific and popular purposes; preparation of historical-artistic verification reports and declaration of cultural interest of the relevant assets; support for documentation activities and historical-artistic research; data processing, also with the use of IT tools and statistical methodologies; preparation and execution of accounting documents and operations, calculations and reports. Contract no. 7 of 04/05/2023 at the ABAP Superintendence for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia, Cagliari.

21/02/2023 – 21/05/2023
Assignment for «Support, in agreement and synergy with the Superintendent and with the managers of the functional areas or with the officials in charge, for the project being implemented relating to the organizational evolution and computerization of the Superintendence's offices in the experimentation and launch of the new procedure management platform and implementation of the preliminary investigations for the related administrative procedures; care of the pre-investigation and support to the procedure for the procedures concerning the protection disciplines for the historical-artistic sector relating to the second part of the Code of cultural heritage and landscape 42/2004; collaboration in relation to the aforementioned procedures with the art historian responsible for the procedure and, where necessary, will take care of relations with the officials of the area, archaeologists and architects competent for the area; having read the requests directly on the new Archiweb application, and possibly assume the duties directly assigned by the area manager, with production of the related supporting documentation", CUP F29D22000240001, client ABAP Superintendency for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia, Cagliari.

19/09/2022 – 31/05/2023
Occasional service for «Research and analysis of documentation and literature relating to works of art or artistic programs created in Sardinia between the beginning of the 15th century and the early 18th century, with possible comparisons with those of the regions of Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily included in the national project. Identification and cataloging of documentary sources, analysis of works of art and their technical nomenclature. Research and analysis of documentation and literature between the beginning of the 15th century and the early 18th century containing references to the classicist culture of Sardinia. Work programme: cataloging of literary sources, works, iconography and documents; production of a final analysis report of the documentary materials and works and comparisons with the Mediterranean scenario», commissioned by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering, University of Cagliari.

01/07/2021 – 31/12/2022
Work contract for collaboration assignment at the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia with functions of support to the activity of the Superintendence in order to ensure the performance of protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage in the respective territorial areas of competence, client General Directorate of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape (Ministry of Culture), Rome.

23/06/2021 – 30/11/2021
Collaboration contract for the technical-scientific collaboration and support of the final stages of testing and animation of the platform underlying the RiVa prototype (support for loading, reviewing and completing the fields and descriptive metadata according to the RiVa prototype form; production of the selection of files in English; editing and drafting of the contents intended for the RiVa prototype; filing of a section of the works of the permanent collection of the Ilisso Space according to the form of the RiVa prototype; management support in the reporting phases), client Ilisso editions srl, Nuoro (unitary programming funds 2014-2020 POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020 Axis 1 Action 1.1.3 Strategy 2 "Creating job opportunities by promoting the competitiveness of enterprises" Intervention program 3 "Competitiveness of enterprises" Aid for research and development projects - CUP G68C17000200006).

29/09/2020 – 25/11/2020
Collaboration contract for the construction of n. 85 ICCD cards (OA, D, S, BDM, PST, SM), commissioned by the ABAP Superintendency for the provinces of Sassari and Nuoro.

20/12/2019 – 30/11/2020
Collaboration contract for the construction of n. 200 ICCD cards (CF), commissioned by the ABAP Superintendency for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia.

22/07/2019 – 21/09/2019
Holder of a two-monthly self-employment contract for «detection from archival sources and literary manuscripts of news relating to the mobility of artists and specialized workers (tablistic art, painting, sculpture and decorative arts) along the Mediterranean routes that passed through Sardinia, with a privileged view of the director Cagliari-Valencia and vice versa», responsible Prof. Alessandra Pasolini, Department of Letters, Languages and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari.

03/06/2019 – 31/12/2019
Continuous coordinated collaboration, for the teaching of the subject «Elements of history, art, culture and traditions of the territory» (12 hours) in the context of the public notice «Integrated activities for empowerment, professional training, certification of skills, support to work, promotion of new entrepreneurship, transnational mobility in the fields of green & blue economy – CLP N. 10011031811GA160009 CUP N. E87B16001460009: Sardinia: tourism, culture, environment. Technical course for local tourism development», client Sardegna Sapere Impresa Sociale, Cagliari.

06/12/2017 – 15/01/2019
Collaboration contract with scientific responsibility for the design and implementation of the project to enhance the cultural heritage of the modern age of Neoneli (Municipality of Neoneli, Determination n. 284 of 06/12/2017).

19/12/2016 – 31/07/2017
Collaboration contract for the construction of n. 80 ICCD cards (OA, S, D), commissioned by the ABAP Superintendence for the provinces of Sassari, Olbia-Tempio and Nuoro.

05/10/2015 – 04/10/2016
Collaboration contract for the coordination, at the Department of History, Cultural Heritage and Territory of the University of Cagliari, of the modern art section of the cataloging project «Corpora dei artefacts medieval, modern and contemporary», with tasks of scientific validation of the ICCD files and coordination of the activities of cataloguers, photographers and other professionals involved in cataloguing. Scientific coordinator of the project prof. Rossana Martorelli, funding from the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

16/07/2014 – 30/09/2014
Collaboration contract for the construction of n. 31 ICCD files (OA, S, MI) for the project «Catalogographic and IT services relating to the regional information system of cultural heritage», contracting entity Space SPA, client Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

01/04/2012 – 30/06/2012
Holder of a quarterly collaboration contract for the project «Study of pictorial altarpieces of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Sardinia through diagnostic analyses», director prof. Maria Grazia Scano Naitza, University of Cagliari, funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, L.R. 7/2007, year 2008, Project CRP2_685.

20/10/2010 – 15/11/2010
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Space spa, Prato.

05/10/2009 – 30/04/2011
Project collaboration, Editor (planning, editing, validation of contents on the cultural heritage of Sardinia. Iconographic research and photographic campaign support. Drafting of captions and photographic credits) at Ilisso editions srl, Nuoro.

07/06/2009 – 15/06/2009
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Ilisso edizioni srl, Nuoro .

10/04/2009 – 10/05/2009
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Space spa, Prato.

01/08/2007 – 28/11/2008
2nd level employee, qualification: Cultural heritage expert (Design, editing, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia [www.sardegnacultura.it] and for SardegnaDigitalLibrary, website of the digital memory of Sardinia [www.sardegnadigitallibrary .it]) at Sardegna IT srl, Cagliari (in house company of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia).

Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts on the cultural heritage of Sardinia, client Sarditinera snc, Cagliari.

10/05/2006 – 31/07/2007
Continuous coordinated collaboration, qualification: Cultural heritage expert (Design, drafting, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia [www.sardegnacultura.it]) at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, General Directorate of the Presidency, Transparency and Communication Service, Cagliari.

Occasional collaboration, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia (www.sardegnacultura.it), commissioned by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport, Cagliari.

20/10/2010 – 15/11/2010
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Space spa, Prato.

05/10/2009 – 30/04/2011
Project collaboration, Editor (planning, editing, validation of contents on the cultural heritage of Sardinia. Iconographic research and photographic campaign support. Drafting of captions and photographic credits) at Ilisso editions srl, Nuoro.

07/06/2009 – 15/06/2009
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Ilisso edizioni srl, Nuoro .

10/04/2009 – 10/05/2009
Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia: Homogeneous System of Visual Identity of Places and Institutes of Culture: "Cultural Heritage of Sardinia" PO FESR Sardinia 2007-2013 Line of Activity 1.2.3.a, client Space spa, Prato.

01/08/2007 – 28/11/2008
2nd level employee, qualification: Cultural heritage expert (Design, editing, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia [www.sardegnacultura.it] and for SardegnaDigitalLibrary, website of the digital memory of Sardinia [www.sardegnadigitallibrary .it]) at Sardegna IT srl, Cagliari (in house company of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia).

Occasional collaboration, Drafting of texts on the cultural heritage of Sardinia, client Sarditinera snc, Cagliari.

10/05/2006 – 31/07/2007
Continuous coordinated collaboration, qualification: Cultural heritage expert (Design, drafting, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia [www.sardegnacultura.it]) at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, General Directorate of the Presidency, Transparency and Communication Service, Cagliari.

Occasional collaboration, content editing for SardegnaCultura, website of the cultural heritage of Sardinia (www.sardegnacultura.it), commissioned by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport, Cagliari.



     1. M. Salis, Scultura in legno in Sardegna nei secoli XV-XVI. Apporti esterni e produzione locale, Roma 2020
     2. M. Salis, I tesori dell’Angelo. Beni culturali di età moderna a Neoneli, Neoneli 2018
     3. M. Salis, Rotte mediterranee della pittura. Artisti e committenti tra Sardegna e Catalogna nella prima età moderna, Perpignan 2015

   Papers in A-class journal
     1. M. Salis, Workshops and tools for the knowledge and enhancement of cultural heritage. Experiences and synergies between University, Ministry of Culture and local authorities in Sardinia, “Il Capitale Culturale”, 27, 2023, pp. 359-376
     2. M. Salis, The Augustinian Way: Religious Otherness through the Images of Augustinian Devotion in 16th- and 17th-Century Sardinia, “Ikon”, 15, 2022, pp. 205-214
     3. M. Salis, When did Amphitrite Cross the Tyrrhenian Sea? Some Reflections on the Appearance of Grisaille, Myth and the Classical Renaissance Style in the Periphery of the Crown of Aragon, “Ikon”, 13, 2020, pp. 109-120
     4. M. Salis, Redimere, convertire, riconvertire. Produzione, risemantizzazione e uso di immagini mariane nelle isole mediterranee dell’Impero spagnolo (secoli XVI-XVII): il caso Sardegna, “Il Capitale Culturale”, 20, 2019, pp. 13-42
     5. M. Salis, The Virgin Hodegetria Iconography in the Crown of Aragon in the Early Modern Period. Canons, Allotropies and Variants, “Ikon”, 10, 2017, pp. 187-200

   Papers in non-Italian journal
     1. Un’aggiunta al Maestro di Castelsardo: il frammento di predella con «San Francesco rinuncia ai beni terreni»: Lettura preliminare e restauro, “Locus Amoenus”, 14, 2016, pp. 49-61

   Papers in Italian journal
     1. M. Salis, Tabernacoli eucaristici della prima età moderna in Sardegna (secoli XV-XVI). Modelli formali e iconografici fra tradizione iberica e linguaggi rinascimentali prima del Concilio di Trento, “Theologica & Historica”, XXVIII, 2019, pp. 409-424
     2. M. Salis, Promozione della hispanidad nella Sardegna del Settecento attraverso le immagini devozionali. Culto e iconografia di Sant’Isidoro Agricola tra modelli aulici e produzione popolare, “Medea”, vol. V, n. 1, 2019, pp. 1-26
     3. M. Salis, Su alcune opere sarde di Pietro Nittolo, in M. Salis, M.G. Scano Naitza, Approdi sardi per la scultura campana del Settecento. Pietro Nittolo e Lorenzo Cerasuolo, “Kronos”, 14, 2011, pp. 225-234
     4. M. Salis, Un inedito bassorilievo del XVI secolo. Studio preliminare, “Archeoarte”, Supplemento 2012 al n. 1, pp. 681-685
     5. M. Salis, La chiesa parrocchiale di San Pietro in Assemini. Note per una cronologia, “Archeoarte”, 1, 2010, pp. 183-196
     6. M. Salis, Scultura lignea della Diocesi di Cagliari dagli Inventari delle Visite pastorali, “Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Cagliari”, XXVI anno 2008-2009, 2009, pp. 143-159

   Academic Conference proceedings
     1. M. Salis, Tecniche, materiali e processi produttivi nelle botteghe pittoriche della prima età moderna in Sardegna, in R. Martorelli (ed.), Ancient and modern knowledges. Transmission of models and techniques in the artistic and handicraft products in Sardinia through the centuries (Atti del Convegno, Cagliari, Cittadella dei Musei, 7-8 ottobre 2022), Cagliari 2022, pp. 331-346
     2. M. Salis, Tra strategie comunicative e prassi devozionali. Finalità e significati delle committenze artistiche nei centri rurali della Sardegna spagnola (secoli XVI-XVII), in R. Ladogana, S. Campus (eds.), Percorsi nella storia dell’arte (Atti del convegno Giornate di studi in onore di Maria Luisa Frongia, Cagliari, Cittadella dei Musei, 7-8 giugno 2016), Cagliari 2021, pp. 81-99
     3. M. Salis, Trasformazioni iconografiche lungo le vie del mare. Rappresentazioni mariane tra Italia meridionale, Sardegna e Levante iberico in età moderna, in R. Martorelli (ed.), Know the sea to live the sea. Conoscere il mare per vivere il mare (Atti del Convegno, Cagliari, Cittadella dei Musei, Aula Coroneo, 7-9 marzo 2019), Perugia 2019, pp. 563-577
     4. M. Salis, Per una rilettura autoriale del Retablo maggiore di Ardara. Status quaestionis e proposta attributiva, in T. Cabizzosu, D. Mascia (eds.), Il Retablo Maggiore di Ardara. Cinquecento anni di storia, arte, fede, (Atti della giornata di studio, Ardara, 25 settembre 2015), Sassari 2018, pp. 46-61, 178-184
     5. M. Salis, Migrazione di statue in legno campane in Sardegna tra Sei e Settecento e nuove proposte di attribuzione, in P. Leone de Castris (ed.), Sculture e intagli lignei tra Italia meridionale e Spagna, dal Quattro al Settecento, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Napoli, 28-30 maggio 2015, Napoli 2015, pp. 203-210
     6. M. Salis, Percorsi d'indagine sui retabli pittorici dal tardo '400 al primo '500 negli archivi sardi e catalani, in A. Pasolini (ed.), I retabli sardo-catalani dalla fine del XV agli inizi del XVI secolo e il Maestro di Castelsardo, Atti delle giornate di studio, Cagliari 12-13 dicembre 2012, Cagliari 2013, pp. 117-128

   Book chapters
     1. M. Salis, La ricostruzione post bellica della chiesa barocca di Sant’Anna in Cagliari. Il restauro tra teoria e pratica sotto la direzione del soprintendente Raffaello Delogu, in L. D’Arienzo (ed.), Studi in memoria di Renata Serra, Cagliari 2023, vol. II, pp. 371-398
     2. M. Salis, «Probans de apendre lo offici de pintor». Apprendimento del mestiere e organizzazione del lavoro nelle botteghe pittoriche nella Sardegna del XVI secolo, in M. Hochmann, G.-M. Leproux, A. Nassieu Maupas (eds.), Le métier de peintre en Europe au XVIe siècle, Paris 2023, pp. 435-442
     3. M. Salis, «Ponner totu bonu ordine in sos pintores». Ordinamenti e regolamentazione del mestiere di pittore nella Sardegna del XVI secolo, in M. Hochmann, G.-M. Leproux, A. Nassieu Maupas (eds.), Le métier de peintre en Europe au XVIe siècle, Paris 2023, pp. 325-332
     4. M. Salis, Le chiese di Gonnostramatza e il retablo di Lorenzo Cavaro, in R. Cicilloni, C. Concu, M. Cabras (eds.), Gonnostramatza attraverso i secoli: dalla preistoria all’età moderna, Gonnostramatza-Ortacesus 2022, pp. 219-232
     5. M. Salis, Production, use and resemantisation of Marian images between evangelisation of mendicant orders and political propaganda in Spanish Sardinia (16th –17th centuries), in G. Capriotti, P.-A. Fabre, S. Pavone (eds.), Eloquent Images. Evangelisation, Conversion and Propaganda in the Global World of the Early Modern Period, Leuven 2022, pp. 81-97
     6. M. Salis, Iconografia della Madonna d’Itria in Sardegna, in M. Marubbi (ed.), Sofonisba Anguissola e la Madonna dell’Itria, Busto Arsizio 2022, pp. 27-30
     7. M. Salis, Il ruolo del disegno e dell’incisione nella progettazione dell’opera d’arte, in R. Martorelli, R. Ladogana, A. Pasolini, S. Campus, M. Salis (eds.), La Sardegna medievale moderna contemporanea. Storia e materiali (Corpora delle antichità della Sardegna), Sassari 2021, pp. 109-120
     8. M.G. Scano Naitza, M. Salis, Un disegno inedito del pittore tardomanierista Francesco Pinna, in N. Cleopazzo, M. Panarello (eds.), “Oltre Longhi”: ai confini dell’Arte. Scritti per gli ottant’anni di Francesco Abbate, Roccagloriosa 2019, pp. 159-169
     9. M. Salis, La promoción de la hispanidad en la Cerdeña del siglo XVIII a través de la actividad de los talleres escultóricos. Culto e iconografía de san Isidro Labrador entre modelos cultos y producción popular, in C. Vincent-Cassy, P. Civil (eds.), Hacedores de Santos. La fábrica de santidad en la Europa católica (siglos XV-XVIII), Aranjuez 2019. pp. 375-388
     10. M. Salis, Simulacri in legno di Sant’Efisio tra prototipi, modelli, repliche e varianti, in R. Concas, A.M. Marras, M. Puddu, Efisio. Martirizzato dai Romani, santificato dai cristiani, venerato dai contemporanei, Cinisello Balsamo 2018, pp. 108-111
     11. M. Salis, Migrazione e variazione di iconografie mariane nel Mediterraneo occidentale tra Italia meridionale, Baleari e València, in M. Gómez-Ferrer, Y. Gil Saura (eds.), Ecos culturales, artísticos y arquitectónicos entre Valencia y el Mediterráneo en Época Moderna, Valencia 2018, pp. 227-245
     12. M. Salis, Una storia per frammenti. Episodi artistici di età moderna, in R. Ladogana (ed.), La Collezione Luigi Piloni dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Nuoro 2018, pp. 99-110
     13. M. Salis, Tra norma e capriccio. Una proposta di lettura per la fontana manierista di Rosello di Sassari, in M. Cadinu (ed.), Ricerche sulle architetture dell’acqua in Sardegna, Wuppertal 2015, pp. 125-135
     14. M. Salis, Il tabernacolo del vescovo Torrella, in R. Coroneo (ed.), La cattedrale di Santa Giusta. Architettura e arredi dall’XI al XIX secolo, Cagliari 2010, pp. 203-206
     15. M. Salis, La statua di Santa Giusta, in R. Coroneo (ed.), La cattedrale di Santa Giusta. Architettura e arredi dall’XI al XIX secolo, Cagliari 2010, pp. 207-208
     16. M. Salis, Arredi della chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Barbara di Sinnai dagli inventari delle Visite Pastorali, in S. Ledda (ed.), Sinnai. Storia Arte Documenti, Quartu Sant’Elena 2009, pp. 67-72
     17. M. Salis, L’architettura religiosa, in B. Sanna, A. Pillittu, M. Salis, Ales, Cagliari 2011, pp. 19-32
     18. M. Salis, Museo diocesano d’Arte Sacra, in A. Pillittu, M. Salis, Alghero, architettura e arte sacra, Cagliari 2011, pp. 49-64
     19. M. Salis, Le chiese di San Michele e del Carmelo e il santuario della Madonna di Valverde, in A. Pillittu, M. Salis, Alghero, architettura e arte sacra, Cagliari 2011, pp. 39-48
     20. M. Salis, Ittiri, chiesa di San Pietro, in AA.VV., Il Sassarese, Cagliari 2011, pp. 21-25
     21. M. Salis, Tertenia, Torre di San Giovanni di Sarrala, in C. Cossu, M.A. Fadda, M. Salis, L’Ogliastra, archeologia, Cagliari 2011, pp. 57-64
     22. M. Salis, Mara, chiesa di Nostra Signora di Bonuighinu, in AA.VV., Il Basso Meilogu arte e archeologia, Cagliari 2011, pp. 55-64
     23. M. Salis, Il Convento dei Cappuccini, in AA.VV., Bosa, Cagliari 2011, pp. 44-47
     24. M. Salis, La cattedrale dell’Immacolata, in AA.VV., Bosa, Cagliari 2011, pp. 40-43
     25. M. Salis, Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie con il Cristo Nero, in AA.VV., Castelsardo, architettura e arte sacra, Cagliari 2011, pp. 29-32
     26. M. Salis, Casa aragonese, in AA.VV., Fordongianus, Cagliari 2011, pp. 59-64
     27. M. Salis, La cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta. L’età moderna, in AA.VV., Oristano, Cagliari 2011, pp. 38-48
     28. M. Salis, La chiesa di San Francesco e il Cristo di Nicodemo, in AA.VV., Oristano, Cagliari 2011, pp. 49-58
     29. M. Salis, La chiesa del Carmine, in AA.VV., Oristano, Cagliari 2011, pp. 59-64
     30. M. Salis, Cattedrale dell’Immacolata Concezione, in F. Nurra, L. Campus, M. Salis, Ozieri, Cagliari 2011, pp. 19-24
     31. M. Salis, Tessuto urbano, in F. Nurra, L. Campus, M. Salis, Ozieri, Cagliari 2011, pp. 25-32
     32. M. Salis, San Vero Milis, chiesa di Santa Sofia, in AA.VV., L’Oristanese, arte e archeologia, Cagliari 2011, pp. 24-27
     33. M. Salis, Orosei, chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore, in AA.VV., Le Baronie, Cagliari 2011, pp. 44-49
     34. M. Salis, Il Museo del Risorgimento “Duca D’Aosta”, in B. Sanna, A. Pala, M. Salis, Sanluri, il Castello, Cagliari 2011, pp. 19-23
     35. M. Salis, Teatro Civico, in AA.VV., Sassari, architettura civile, Cagliari 2011, pp. 47-51
     36. M. Salis, Mus’a – Museo Sassari Arte: la Pinacoteca, in AA.VV., Sassari, musei e spazi espositivi, Cagliari 2011, pp. 31-39
     37. M. Salis, Introduzione, in M. Salis, C. Deplano, F. Masala, Cagliari aragonese e spagnola, Cagliari 2011, pp. 2-8

     1. R. Martorelli, R. Ladogana, A. Pasolini, S. Campus, M. Salis eds., La Sardegna medievale moderna contemporanea. Storia e materiali (Corpora delle antichità della Sardegna), Sassari 2021

     1. M. Salis, Recensione a: La forma del Rinascimento. Donatello, Andrea Bregno, Michelangelo e la scultura a Roma nel Quattrocento, Catalogo della mostra a cura di Claudio Crescentini e Claudio Strinati (Roma, Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia, 16 giugno - 5 settembre 2010), Rubettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli 2010. ISBN 978-88-498-2772-9, “Archeoarte”, 2, 2013, pp. 355-358

   Catalog entries
     1. M. Salis, Giovan Francesco Barbieri detto il Guercino: San Nicola da Tolentino, in G. Capriotti, F. Coltrinari (eds.), Crivelli Lotto Guercino. Immagini della predicazione tra Quattrocento e Settecento, Cinisello Balsamo 2017, sch. 20 p. 162
     2. M. Salis, Pantaleone Calvo: Madonna d'Itria, in G. Capriotti, F. Coltrinari (eds.), Crivelli Lotto Guercino. Immagini della predicazione tra Quattrocento e Settecento, Cinisello Balsamo 2017, sch. 22 pp. 163-164
     3. M. Salis, Prima parte di Architetture e Prospettive, in M.G. Scano Naitza (ed.), Piranesi. L'ideologia del bene comune per la città, catalogo della mostra (Cagliari, Ghetto, 9/12/12-29/3/2013), Iglesias 2013, pp. 20-22
     4. M. Salis, Le Carceri, in M.G. Scano Naitza (ed.), Piranesi. L'ideologia del bene comune per la città, catalogo della mostra (Cagliari, Ghetto, 9/12/12-29/3/2013), Iglesias 2013, pp. 69-70

   Didactic-informative guides
     1. M. Salis, Area di Barumini, Cagliari 2011
     2. M. Salis, Area di Cagliari, Cagliari 2011
     3. M. Salis, Area di Carbonia, Cagliari 2011
     4. M. Salis, Area di Goni, Cagliari 2011
     5. M. Salis, Area di Guspini, Cagliari 2011
     6. M. Salis, Area di Iglesias, Cagliari 2011
     7. M. Salis, Area di Orroli, Cagliari 2011
     8. M. Salis, Area di Pau, Cagliari 2011
     9. M. Salis, Area di Pula, Cagliari 2011
     10. M. Salis, Area di Torralba, Cagliari 2011
     11. M. Salis, Area di Tortolì, Cagliari 2011

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