Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali


• Retail Digitalization 
• Augmented Reality 
• Place and Town Centre Management

• Italian: Native Language
• English: Full Professional proficiency
• Spanish: Elementary proficiency


2020- to date Assistant Professor of Business Communication. University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).

2020-2022 Visiting Researcher AIM (Attraction International Mobility) - University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN), School of Business, Economics and Law (Centre for Retailing and Marekting Section), Department of Business Administration

2018- 2019 Lecturer Business Communication. University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).

2016 - 2020  Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).

2017–2019 Visiting Scholar and Lecturer - University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN), School of Business, Economics and Law (Centre for Retailing and Marketing Section, Department of Business Administration).

2011–2014 PhD Candidate - University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).



2017- 2019  Visiting Scholar - University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN), School of Business, Economics and Law (Centre for Retailing and the Marketing Section, Department of Business Administration).

2014  PhD Business Administration - University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).

2012–2013  Visiting PhD Candidate - Stockholm University (SWEDEN), School of Business, Marketing Section  (STOPP “Stockholm Programme of Place Branding”).

2010  MSc in Managerial Economics - University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences (Department of Economic and Business Science).


2021 Workshop partecipation "The past, the present and the future of Retail education in Europe". Univerisity of Bristol, UK, Organizer Dr. Eleonora Pantano, 9 May 2021.

2019  “Book writing” Elsevier academy course based on three steps:1) Why write a book?; 2) How to get your book published; 3) Discoverability: top tips to get your book out there. Elsevier research academy. 9 September 2019.

2019  “Social Impact” Elsevier academy course based on three steps:1) How to create impact with patient and public involvment; 2) How to write a lay summary; 3) How your research can make an imapct on society. Elsevier Research Academy. 3 Settembre 2019.

2018 Pedagogical Course (20 Hours): DISCENTIA “The development of pedagogical skills”. University of Cagliari. November.

2018 “Architecture of the Horizon 2020 program and rules for participation”. European Office. Sardinian research Organization, Cagliari (ITALY). 27 November.

2017 “How to write a successful project in Horizon 2020: from theory to practice”. European Office. Sardinian research Organization, Cagliari (ITALY)  - December 19-21.

2017  “Digital Transformation – Is there a future for human skills?”. Daniel Akenine, Chief Technology officer for Microsoft and Teresa Jonek, Senior Advisor public affairs at Almega. University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law. 15 November.

2017   “How to publish a paper”. Elsevier Author Workshop. Dr. Jan Willem Wijnen, Elsevier Executive Publisher, and Dr. Massimiliano Bearzot, Elsevier Customer Consultant. University of Cagliari. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Cagliari (ITALY). May 29.

2017   “How To get Published: Preparing your Manuscript”. Interactive Elsevier course. Elsevier Publishing Campus.

2017  “Humanistic Management for Small and Medium Business. Innovation and Legitimacy as Levers of Resilience”. Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science. Cagliari (ITALY). May 24-25.

2012-2013 Seminars for PhD Student at the Stockholm University (SWEDEN), School of Business, Marketing Section

2012  “Narrowing the research question, Case study section. The case for Mixed Methods”.  Sally N. Cummings, Assoc. Professor, School of International Relations, University of St Andrew (UK).

2012  “Function and Identity – On how to use a treatment as research Method in Next Organizations”. Prof. Steffen Roth,  HWZ Universit, Zurich (SWITZERLAND).

2012  “Writing for high-impact Journals”.  Dr. Wilson Ng, University of Roehampton Business School, London (UK).

2012  “Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis course”.  Prof. Vincenzo Vinzi, ESSEC, Paris (FRANCE).

2011   “European Project Planning and Management 2007/2013”. Seminar Master, EuroGiovani Research Center and European Studies, Cagliari (ITALY).


2020- to date Assistant Professor Business Communication. University of Cagliari (ITALY). Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department  of Economic and Business Science.

2018 - 2019 Lecturer Business Communication. “Business communication course”. Master Degree in International Management.University of Cagliari (ITALY). Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department  of Economic and Business Science.

2018  Visiting Lecturer. “Retail digitalization and Augmented reality”. Master Degree course, Retail Marketing. University of Gothenburg, (Sweden), School of Business, Economics and Law (Centre for Retailing and the Marketing Section, Department of Business Administration). 19 November 2018.

2018 Visiting Lecturer. “Retail and Digital Technologies”. Master Degree Course, University of Sassari (Italy). 3 October, 2018

2018  Teaching activity. “How to prepare your case study?” for PhD Students. University of Cagliari (Italy). Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences, Department  of Economic and Business Science. January/February 2018

2018 - 2020  Research Project financed by European and Regional Funds. “Evolutionary perspectives of retail: analysis and study of immersive suggestions’ role”.

2016 - 2018  Research Project financed by European and Regional Funds. “Study of the potential forms of places and the development of immersive experiences”.

2017  Visiting Lecturer. “Retail experience and New Technologies”. Master Degree course Retail Marketing. University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN), School of Business, Economics and Law. Centre for Retailing and the Marketing Section, Department of Business Administration. November 2017.

2017  Visiting Lecturer. “New Technologies for Town Centre Retailers”. Seminar  at the University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN), School of Business, Economics and Law. Centre for Retailing and the Marketing Section, Department of Business Administration. September, 2017.

2016 - 2018  Lecturer. “Corporate Social Responsibility”. University of Cagliari (ITALY). Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department  of Economic and Business Science.

2016 to date  Teaching and Student support. “Innovation and corporate social responsibility”. Economics and Business Management Course (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.

2016 to date  Teaching and Student support. “Digital storytelling, Customer Experience, technology role”. Business Communication course (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science. 

2015  Lecturer, Master course.“Management of the Tourism Sustainable Organizations”. “Sustainable Tourism: Stockholm, Milan, Vasteras and Cagliari Experiences”. University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science. 

2015  Industrial research activity and experimental development “Myfaircity”. ?Development of methodology targeting the urban digitalization. Funded by the Campania Region (ITALY) with FERS funds for the Innovation development in collaboration with the company SPACE S.p.A. From 26/05/2015 to 31/12/2015

2014 Industrial research activity and experimental development “COMUNIMATICA”. Development of a methodology useful to the customer experience evaluation according to the Pay Per Experience Value (PPEV). European and Regional fund, in collaboration with SPACE S.p.A. e la F2 Srl. From 1/03/2014 to 31/12/2014 

2012 - 2013 “STOPP” research group, attendance. “Stockholm Programme of Place Branding” Stockholm University.

2012 Academic research project, financed by Banco di Sardegna Bank. “Study and defining model for the innovation diffusion within Sardinian firms”. University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.

2012 Academic Tutor.Economics and Business Management Course. (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.

2012 - 2013 Lecturer. Management Course - Degree Course. “Storytelling and Business Storytelling”.  University of Cagliari (ITALY). Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Prof. M. Floris)

2012 Workshop Co-Organizer.  “Towards the global by improving local resources”. Organizations Development and Change Division, Academy of Management, Annual Conference, Boston (USA).

2012 Lecturer. “Europeando Nuovi Imprenditori” ( European New Entrepreneurs). Teaching activity on Business plan; Human Resourse Management; Marketing. Pedagogical project financed by Sardinian Region  POR FSRE 2007-2013 funds.

2011 - 2012 Lecturer. “Business Strategy”. Economics and Business Management Course. (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.

2011 - 2012 Lecturer. “Decision-making process”.  Economics and Business Management Course. (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.

2011 - 2012  Lecturer. “Storytelling” and “Managing the corporate story” Business communication course. (Prof. E. Giudici). University of Cagliari (ITALY), Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. Department of Economic and Business Science.


1) Caboni F., Pizzichini L., (2021). The retail industry in the Covid-19 pandemic: what opportunity from the AR? Sinergie SIMA Management Conference. Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice. University of Palermo. 9-11 June 2021.

2) Caboni F., Del Chiappa G., (2019), How to shape and to deliver a memorable experience in a phygitalized retail store. SIM Conference. Marketing 4.0: le sfide della multicanalità. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. 24-25 October 2019.

3) Bruni R., Caboni F., Tregua M., (2019), The role of digital technology in food retail ecosystem, 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, IFKAD 2019.Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth. Special Track Ecosystem approach in retail industry. Matera (Italy). 5-7 June 2019.
4) Caboni F., Hagberg J., (2018), Augmented Reality Apps and the Digitalization of Retail Settings, Nordic Retail and Whole Sale Association (NRWA), 6th Conference.  Reykjavík, 7-9 November. 
5) Caboni F., Bruni R., Colamatteo A. (2018), Augmented reality (AR) in expressing place through food. Tomorrow`s Food Travel (TFT) Conference. Gothenburg, 8-10 October. 
6) Dettori A., Caboni F., Giudici E., (2018) Concept store and service quality: real or fake increase? The 21th Excellence in Services International Conference (EISIC). Paris, 30-31 August. 
7) Dettori A., Caboni F., Giudici E., (2018). New Education Perspective: The Humanistic Management Paradigm. The Future of Education International Conference. Florence, 28-29 June. 
8) Caboni F., Dettori A., Giudici E., (2018). The Silent Revolution Affecting Digital and Physical Stores. Sinergie-SIMA 2018 Conference Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation. Venice, 14-15 June. ?
9) Caboni F., (2017), Town Centre Management. Evidence from Italy and Sweden. 4th International SME Conference. Town Centre Management: Active, smart and connected towns. Ljubljana, 27-28 March. 
10) Caboni F., Dettori A., Giudici E., Loddo G., (2016), Towards a Smart Town Centre: an integrated approach of real and digital worlds. 13th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (Association for Information Systems), Verona, 7-8 October. 
11) Caboni F., Giudici E., (2016), Can the town centre be a territorial infrastructure? XXVIII Convegno annuale di Sinergie: “Management in a Digital World”, Udine 9-10 June. 
12) Caboni F., Dessì S., Giudici E., (2013), Storytelling: a strategy for brand communication. XXV Convegno annuale di Sinergie: “L’innovazione per la competitività delle imprese”, Ancona 24-25 October. 
13) Caboni F., Giudici E., (2013), Are social commerce websites capable of increasing the Town Centre value?, 3rd International Place Branding and 2nd Institute of Place Management Conference. Manchester, 14-15 February. 
14) Caboni F., Giovanardi M., Giudici E., (2013), A tale of a place, a tale of a brand: the case of Cantine Mesa winery. 4th International Colloquium on Place Brand Management: Strategic Marketing of Cities, Regions and Nations. Aosta, 5-6 September. 
15) Caboni F., Giudici E., (2012), Towards a ‘model of sustainable tourism’ for small hotels IABPAD Winter Conference. Orlando, 2-5 January. 
16) Dessì S., Caboni F., Giudici E., (2012), The new territorial orientation of international companies. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton, 2-5 July. 
17) Atzori R., Caboni F., Giudici E., (2012), Involving guests in the achievement of sustainable experiences. 15th QMOD, Poznan, 5-7 September. 
18) Giudici E., Caboni F., (2012), Are Salt flats eligible as place brand? IV International Conference Destination Branding & Marketing, Welsh Centre for Tourism Research, Cardiff, 5-7 December. 
19) Giudici E., Pettinao D., Caboni F., (2011), Brand-Storytelling relationship: What’s New? 27th EGOS Colloquium. Göteborg, 6-9 July. 


• 2017 to date - Member of CAV (Commissione Autovalutazione della Qualità), Department of Economic and Business Science. University of Cagliari, Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences. CAV (Quality Evaluation Commission) looks at research and quality guidelines, and awards research funding on behalf of  the Italian Department of Education and Research. 

• Member of: Italian Society of Marketing (SIM)
• Member of: Italian Society of Management (SIMA)


• Reviewer, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (A, Anvur)
• Reviewer, Psycology and Marketing (A, Anvur)
• Reviewer, EURAM, European Academy of Management, Annual Conference
• Reviewer, EMAC, European Marketing Academy, Annual Conference
• Reviewer, International Journal of Business and Management (A, Gev)
• Reviewer, International Business Research


2018 Research Grant. Italienska Kulturinstitutet C.M. Lerici, Stockholm. ?To support my research project at the University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN).

2014 Doctor Europaeus Label Award. University of Cagliari. Doctor Europaeus, European PhD Label. 

2012 – 2013 Research Grant. “Consorzio Uno”, Oristano (ITALY), organization aiming at promoting University Studies.

2012 Research Grant. Italienska Kulturinstitutet C.M. Lerici, Stockholm. To support the research visiting period at the Stockholm University.


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