Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

CV updated August 2023

Vincenzo Bagnolo graduated in Civil Engineering, and holds a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering. He is Associate Professor in architectural drawing and representation (SSD ICAR/17) at the Department of Civil Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR) in the University of Cagliari. Member of the scientific and cultural society Unione Italiana del Disegno (U.I.D.). Member of the College of Teachers of the PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari. From 1st July 2021 Coordinator of the Study Program in Architectural Sciences. His research interests are mainly addressed to the themes of drawing in his speculative and explorative dimension, survey and representation of architecture and environment, and drawing as an instrument of expression and communication of creative and planning thought.

University career

· Tdb researcher since April 2014 for the ICAR / 17 SSD – Drawing at the Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari

· Associate Professor (L.240 / 2010) from April 2017 for the ICAR / 17 SSD - Drawing at the Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari

Teaching activity

· He teaches the course of “Architectural Drawing” in the degree course in Architectural Sciences, the “Architectural Survey” module in the “Integrated Architectural Survey and Restoration Laboratory” and the course of “Drawing and visual communication” both of the master's degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

· Since 2008 he has been teaching Architectural Drawing in the degree course in Architectural Sciences

· From 2010 to 2013 he taught the Drawing course, Degree Course in Primary Education.

· From 2010 to 2013 he teaches the Laboratory of Drawing course, Degree Course in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory.

· From 2011 al 2014, he teaches the Laboratory of Drawing course, Degree Course in Civil Engineering

· In Academic Year 2012/13, he taught the course "Methods and techniques of Graphic Representation, Degree Course in Communication Sciences

· Lecturer in IFTS courses and TFA courses.

· Since 2017 he has been teaching Drawing and Visual Communication, Master's Degree Course in Architecture

· Since 2014 he has taught the “Architectural Survey” module in the “Integrated Architectural Survey and Restoration Laboratory” of the master's degree course in Architecture

· Since 2023 he has been teaching Digital techniques for the survey of historical assets, School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage (SSBAP Unica).

Scientific activity

· Speaker at national and international conferences, he is the author of over 100 scientific papers.

· He has participated in numerous research projects in the architecture sector.

· Reviewer for national and international scientific journals and national and international congresses.


See the section “Research”

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