Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Architecture)

UPDATED: April 19, 2023


Present position

From 1 October 2015: Full Professor (Scientific educational sector ICAR/20 Urban and regional planning and technique, Competitive sector 08/F1 Urban and regional planning and design), at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, DICAAR) of the University of Cagliari.

Past positions

15 September 2001 – 30 September 2015: Associate Professor, permanent position confirmed from 15 September 2004 (Sector ICAR/20) at the University of Cagliari.

6 September 1995 – 14 September 2001: University Researcher (in Italian “Ricercatore universitario”), permanent position confirmed from 6 September 1998 (Sector ICAR/20 Urban and regional planning and technique), at the University of Cagliari.


1.      “Project multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (RETURN)”, finanby the European Union – NextGenerationEU, within the Italian National Recovery and Resilinece Plan (PNRR), Mission 4 “Education and Research” – Component 2 “From reserach to entrepreneurship” – Investiment 1.3 – Creation of “Partnerships which include univresities, research centers, companies to finance basic research projects” - Project duration: 36 months (December 2022 – November 2025) – Corrado Zoppi is a Senior Researcher within the "critical mass" of the Project at the University of Cagliari..

2.      “SOSLabs. Laboratori di ricerca-azione per la Sostenibilità urbana” [SOSLabs. Research-action laboratories for urban sustainability], financed by the Ministry of the Environment and of the Protection of the Territory and the Sea of the Italian Government within the “Bando per la promozione di progetti di ricerca a supporto dell’attuazione della Strategia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - Bando Snsvs 2” [“Public selection for the promotion of research projects focusing on the implementation of the National Strategy for sustainable development – Public selection Snsvs 2”] – Project duration: 22 months (September 2020 – September 2022) – Corrado Zoppi is the Researcher Responsible for the Action n. 1 of the Specific Objective O2. SOSLab 1 “Definition of a model of assessment and monitoring of policies, plans and projects” , at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

3.      “Paesaggi rurali della Sardegna: pianificazione di infrastrutture verdi e blu e di reti territoriali complesse” [Rural landscapes of Sardinia: Planning of green and blue infrastructures and complex spatial networks], financed by the Region Sardinia within the public selection for “La presentazione di progetti di ricerca fondamentale o di base in attuazione della Legge Regionale n. 7 /2007” [“Presentation of fundamental or basic research project to implement the Regional Law n. 2007/7], financial year 2017 –  Project duration: 24 months (June 2019 – June 2022) – Corrado Zoppi is the Researcher Responsible for the Research Unit n. 1 of project, at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

4.      “TSulki: Turismo e Sostenibilità nel Sulcis” [“TSulki: tourism and sustainability in Sulcis”], financed by the Region Sardinia (one of the twenty Italian regional administrations) within the public selection for “La presentazione di progetti di ricerca fondamentale o di base per l’attuazione degli interventi nell’ambito della ricerca per il “Piano Sulcis”” [“Presentation of fundamental or basic research project to implement the operations of the “Plan for Sulcis””], financial year 2015 –– Project duration: 12 months (1 October 2018 – 30 September 2019) – Corrado Zoppi is the Principal Investigator of the project.

5.      Research Contract with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Department of the Environment Protection) aimed at the goals of the European Projetct “GIREPAM Gestione Integrata delle Reti Ecologiche attraverso i Parchi e le Aree Marine” [“GIREPAM Integrated Management of Ecological Networks through Parks and Marine Areas”] financed by the INTERREG Programme Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020, Axis II – Project duration: 34 months (21 February 2017 – 31 December 2019) – ) – Corrado Zoppi is the Principal Investigator of the project.

6.      “Natura 2000: Valutazione dei piani di gestione e studio dei corridoi ecologici come Rete complessa” [“Natura 2000: Assessment of the management plans and study of ecological corridors as complex Networks”], financed by the Region Sardinia within the public selection for “La presentazione di progetti di ricerca fondamentale o di base in attuazione della Legge Regionale n. 7 /2007” [“Presentation of fundamental or basic research project to implement the Regional Law n. 2007/7], financial year 2013 –– Project duration: 36 months (22 September 2015 – 21 September 2018) – Corrado Zoppi is the Principal Investigator of the project.

7.      “Pianificazione e partecipazione delle comunità alla definizione ed attuazione delle politiche del territorio: sperimentazione di metodologie innovative nel contesto della pianificazione paesaggistica” [“Planning and participation of communities to the definition and implementation of spatial policies: innovation-oriented experimental methodologies in the context of landscape planning”], financed by the Region Sardinia within the public selection for “La presentazione di progetti di ricerca fondamentale o di base in attuazione della Legge Regionale n. 7 /2007” [“Presentation of fundamental or basic research project to implement the Regional Law n. 2007/7], financial year 2008 –– Project duration: 36 months (I January 2010 – 31 December 2012) – Corrado Zoppi is the Principal Investigator of the project.

8.      Other scientific reponsibilities in national research projects financed after a peer-reviewed refereeing process: Scientific Director of the Research Units at the University of Cagliari of three Cooperative Research Projects financed by the Italian Minister for Education, University and Research (MIUR), which involved several Research Units of Italian Universities. The projects were funded by the Program for Relevant National Interest Research Projects (PRIN) in the following periods: 2010-2012; 2006-2008; 2000-2002.


1.      1997: Doctor of Philosophy in Economics at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Dissertation in urban economics on “Building Abusivism and Condono: An Estimate for a Metropolitan Area of Sardinia, Italy”.

2.      1992: Doctor of Research in Spatial Planning at University of Reggio Calabria, Dissertation on “Aree protette marine e costiere e pianificazione del territorio” [“Coastal and Marine Protected Areas and Spatial Planning”].

3.      1990: Master in Economic Policy and Planning at Northeastern University, Boston.

4.      1986 Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Cagliari (final grade: 110/110 Summa cum laude), Thesis on: “Ipotesi per un intervento nel Centro Storico della città di Cagliari, Quartiere Marina” [“Hypothesis Concerning an Intervention within the Historic Center of the City of Cagliari, Marina Neighborhood”].



Since 2000 Corrado Zoppi has published: five monographs, of which two written in English (2022 and 2016) and three in Italian (2006, 2003 and 2000); one edited special issue of the Sustainability journal (2021; this journal is indexed on Web of Science and on Scopus (Scopus code: 21100240100), and classified by the Italian Agency for the Assessment of University and Research (ANVUR) among the Class A scientific journals of Scientific Area 08); one edited special issue of the Italian Journal of Regional Science (2013: this journal is indexed on Scopus (Scopus code 21100211748) and classified by the Italian Agency for the Assessment of University and Research (ANVUR) among the scientific journals of Scientific Area 08); and, five edited books (2013, 2012a, 2012b, 2008, 2003), of which one in English (2012a) and four in Italian.


Since 2002 Corrado Zoppi has published 111 essays, of which 41 written in English and 70 in Italian. Among the publishers: Springer International (Basel, Switzerland); Nova Publishers (Hauppauge, NY, United States); FrancoAngeli (Milan, Italy); Bruno Mondadori (Milan, Italy); Gangemi (Rome, Italy).


Since 2007 Corrado Zoppi has published the following articles in indexed international journals classified as A-class journals by ANVUR.

"Il divenire della disciplina urbanistica: il contributo di Corrado Zoppi - The becoming of spatial planning: the contribution of Corrado Zoppi, in: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, Conversations with TeMA 1.2023: For the evolution of spatial planning, pp. 155-169; WOS: 000939261300015.

“Land take and landslide hazard: Spatial assessment and policy implications from a study concerning Sardinia” (saggio preparato in collaborazione con Federica Isola, Sabrina Lai e Federica Leone), in: Land, vol. XII, n. 2 (359), 2023, 23 pp.; WOS: 000940495800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85149210297).

“Strengthening a regional green infrastructure through improved multifunctionality and connectedness: Policy suggestions from Sardinia, Italy” (with Federica Isola, Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. XIV, n. 15 (9788), 2022, 22 pp.; WOS: 000838998700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85136293786).

“Mapping of ecological corridors as connections between protected areas: A study concerning Sardinia, Italy” (with Federica Isola and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. XIV, n. 11 (6588), 2022, 31 pp.; WOS: 000808824500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85131523827.

“Misure di conservazione e piani costieri: uno studio sul Sulcis” [“Conservation measures and coastal plans: A study regarding Sulcis”] (with Federica Leone), in: iQuaderni di U3, Rivista di studi urbani, vol. VIII, n. 24, 2022, pp. 35-43.

“Assessing the potential of green infrastructure to mitigate hydrogeological hazard. Evidence-based policy suggestions from a Sardinian study area” (with Sabrina Lai, Federica Isola and Federica Leone), in: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, Special Issue 1.2021: The Emergency Plan for the use and management of the territory, 2021, pp. 109-133; WOS: 000723914100008.

“Carbone e pianificazione del territorio: retorica del declino e criticità della transizione energetica in Sardegna” [“Coal and spatial planning: Rhetoric of decline and critical issues within the energetic transition of Sardinia (Italy)”] (with Sebastiano Curreli), in: Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, vol. LII, n. 131 supplement, 2021, pp. 166-185; Scopus: 2-s2.0-85122155647.

“Consumo di suolo e sequestro di carbonio nella Regione Sardegna: uno studio basato sull’utilizzo del normalized difference vegetation index” [“Land-taking and carbon sequestration processes in the Sardinian Region: A study based on the use of the normalized difference vegetation index”] (with Maddalena Floris), in: BDC, Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, vol. XX, n. 2, 2020, pp. 357-373.

“Land surface temperature and land cover dynamics. A study related to Sardinia, Italy” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, vol. XIII, n. 3, 2020, pp. 329-351; WOS: 000605021200004.

“Ecosystem services and spatial planning: A study on the relationship between carbon sequestration and land-taking processes” (with Maddalena Floris), in: Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, vol. LI, n. 127 supplement, 2020, pp. 11-33; Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091437399).

“Covid-19 and spatial planning. A few issues concerning public policy” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, Special Issue: Covid-19 vs City-20. Scenarios, insights, reasoning and research, June 2020, pp. 231-246; WOS: 000542692000018.

“Ecosystem services, green infrastructure and spatial planning”, in: Sustainability, vol. XII, n.11 (4396), 2020, 4 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000543391800059, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85085945790.

“Spatial distribution of surface temperature and land cover: A study concerning Sardinia, Italy” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. XII, n. 8 (3186), 2020, 20 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000535598700119, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85084586565.

“Local development and protection of nature in coastal zones: A planning study for the Sulcis Area (Sardinia, Italy)” (with Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. XI, n. 18 (5095), 2019, 21 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000489104700281, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85072615831.

“Editorial Preface: TeMA Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 2 (2019). The times they are A-changin'”, in: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, vol. XII, n. 2, August 2019, pp. 123-125; Impact Factor not available yet, WOS: 000504894100001).

“Assessment of municipal masterplans aimed at identifying and fostering green infrastructure: A study concerning three towns of the metropolitan area of Cagliari, Italy” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. XI, n. 5 (1470), 2019, 17 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000462661000254, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062907011.

“Implementing green infrastructures beyond protected areas” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. X, n. 10 (3544), 2018, 16 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000448559400186, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85054223978.

“Integration of conservation measures concerning Natura 2000 sites into marine protected areas regulations: A study related to Sardinia”, in: Sustainability, vol. X, n. 10 (3460), 2018, 18 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000448559400102, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85054103969.

“Green infrastructure and ecological corridors: A regional study concerning Sardinia” (with Ignazio Cannas, Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. X, n. 4 (1265), 2018, 21 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000435188000369, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85045692534.

“Anthropization processes and protection of the environment: an assessment of land cover changes in Sardinia, Italy” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. IX, n. 12 (2174), 2017, 19 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000419231500023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85035075950.

“Land cover changes and environmental protection: A study based on transition matrices concerning Sardinia (Italy)” (with Sabrina Lai and Federica Leone), in: Land Use Policy, vol. LXVII, n. 1, 2017, pp. 126-150; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000413280200013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85020278332).

“The influence of Natura 2000 Sites on land-taking processes at the regional level: an empirical analysis concerning Sardinia (Italy)” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Sustainability, vol. IX, n. 2 (259), 2017, 26 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000395590500101, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85013420467.

“Conservation measures and loss of ecosystem services: a study concerning the Sardinian Natura 2000 Network” (with Federica Leone), in: Sustainability, vol. VIII, n. 10 (1061), 2016, 15 pp.; Impact Factor 2019: 2,576, WOS: 000389314600101, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84994851824.

“Perceived urban quality of the historic centers: a study concerning the city of Cagliari (Italy)” (with Anania Mereu), in: Land Use Policy, vol. XLVIII, n. 1, 2015, pp. 495-504; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000362152800041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84937033286.

“Determinants of land take at the regional scale: A study concerning Sardinia (Italy)” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Environmental Impact Assessment Review, vol. LV, n. 1, 2015, pp. 1-10; Impact Factor 2019: 4,135, WOS: 000362136000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84934918354.

“Factors influencing the value of houses: Estimates for the city of Cagliari, Italy” (with Michele Argiolas and Sabrina Lai), in: Land Use Policy, vol. XLII, n. 1, 2015, pp. 367-380; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000347018700034, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84907379983.

“Land-taking processes: an interpretive study concerning an Italian region” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Land Use Policy, vol. XXXVI, n. 1, 2014, pp. 369-380; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000329881400036, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885780724.

“Differentials in the regional operational program expenditure for public services and infrastructure in the coastal cities of Sardinia (Italy) analyzed in the ruling context of the Regional Landscape Plan” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Land Use Policy, vol. XXX, n. 1, 2013, pp. 286-304; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000311193400029, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84860178974.

“Urban development and expenditure efficiency in the 2000–2006 regional operational program of Sardinia” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Land Use Policy, vol. XXVIII, n. 3, 2011, pp. 472-485; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000287626700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78751622833.

“Assessment of the Regional Landscape Plan of Sardinia (Italy): a participatory-action-research case study type” (with Sabrina Lai), in: Land Use Policy, anno XXVII, n. 3, 2010, pp. 690-705; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000276734300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77649343002.

“A Multicriteria-Contingent Valuation Analysis concerning a coastal area of Sardinia, Italy”, in: Land Use Policy, vol. XXIV, n. 2, 2007, pp. 322-337; Impact Factor 2019: 3,682, WOS: 000245577000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33847119389.


Since Academic year 1998-1999 until now, Corrado Zoppi has taught continuously in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses. Its teaching activity has been implemented mainly at the former Faculty of Engineering, now (since the academic year 2011-2012, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture) of the University of Cagliari. The topics of his courses are, among many: spatial planning, environmental planning, urban planning, regional planning, strategic environmental assessment, urban and regional economic development, investment analysis and assessment, protection and conservation of nature and natural resources, historic centers-related public policies.

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