Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

He is a PhD in Building Engineering and Associate Professor of Technical Architecture at the DICAAR Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering.

In the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture he is the coordinator of the Integrated Laboratory of Design and Construction of Architecture 3 (modules of Architectural Composition and Technical Architecture) in the third year of the course of Studies in Architectural Sciences.

He is currently coordinator of the three-year course of study in Architectural Sciences L17 and member of the Board of Professors of the Doctorate in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

From 2009 to 2012 he was scientific coordinator of the ARCILAB project international workshop - Projects for archaeological landscapes and from 2010 to 2016, together with Adriano Dessì and Silvia Mocci, he was coordinator of the thesis laboratory “Reinventing habitat. Continuity and rupture in the Sardinian settlement system between history and design ”which was attended by over 100 students of the five-year degree courses in Building Engineering-Architecture, in Building Architecture, and Masters in Architecture. He has been coordinator in numerous international project workshops: Salvador de Bahia - Brazil 2005 - 2010, Mindelo - Cape Verde 2006, Marrakech - Morocco 2006, Santiago del Chile 2008-2013-2017, Pavia 2011-2012-2013, Cagliari 2009 -2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018, Ghoufy - Algeria 2017.

He is the coordinator of the "Azienda Rurale 3.0" Thesis Laboratory aimed at students enrolled in the Master's Degree Course in Architecture.

His main research experiences are related to the study of basic architecture in Sardinia and the Mediterranean, to the drafting of the Manuals for the recovery of the Historical Centers of Sardinia, to the investigation of new habitat forms for the edges of inhabited centers of inland areas. of Sardinia, to the relationship between contemporary architecture and consolidated historical contexts, to the architecture of Mediterranean rural landscapes, to the relationship between design and construction in basic architecture and contemporary design, to modern architecture in colonial areas, to temporary architecture and self-built, with particular reference to the spatial potentials connected to structural systems.

He has been part of numerous research groups for national and international projects on the themes of knowledge and recovery of the basic architecture of the Mediterranean.

Between 2004 and 2008 he was scientific co-director (with Oriol Cusido) of the research group "Manuals of the recovery of traditional Mediterranean architecture" within the European RehabiMed Project (ME8 / AIDCO / 2000 / 2095-12) - Euromed Heritage III program, developed in 15 Euro-Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Spain, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Rehabimed research group as an expert for recovery manuals, participating in numerous conferences and seminars as a guest.

Between 2009 and 2012 he was scientific director of the research unit Algeria - Pilot Project "Manual for the recovery of the city of Dellys in Algeria" within the European Project Montada (ENPI 2008 / 150-692), of the Euromed Heritage Program IV, developed in the Maghreb countries, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia in the years 2009 and 2012.

Between 2012 and 2014 he was scientific co-director (with Xavier Casanovas and Nada Atrash) and technical-operational coordinator (with Nada Atrash) of the Palestine research unit for the definition of the methodological approach and guidelines aimed at drafting of the Manuals for the recovery of the cities of Bethlehem (UNESCO World Heritage City) and Ramallah in Palestine, as part of the European Heritage for Development Her4Dev Project (DCI-HUM / 2011 / 272-034), of the ENPI Program, developed in Palestine and Jordan .

He is the author of numerous scientific publications including in particular:

- Manual for the recovery of the historic centers of Marmilla, Sarcidano and Arci-Grighine, with Maurizio Manias, Dei Tipografia del Genio Civile, Rome 2006;

- Manuals of the recovery of the historical centers of Sardinia. vol. I.1, Land Architecture, with Antonello Sanna, Dei Tipografia del Genio Civile, Rome 2008;

- Manuals of the recovery of the historical centers of Sardinia. vol. IV Architecture of the central-southern hills, Dei Tipografia del Genio Civile, Rome 2009;

- Between urban and rural, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2012;

- Manuel pour la Réhabilitation de la Ville de Dellys, with Xavier Casanovas and others, Rehabimed, Barcelona 2012;

-Projects for Archaeological Landscapes. The construction of architecture, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2016;

- In the Historic city. Contemporary architecture and consolidated contexts between project theory and teaching, Libria, Melfi 2017;

- Sustainable Habitat. In the utopia of the competition, with Adriano dessi and Silvia Mocci, Recolectores Urbanos, Malaga 2018;

- Resilient Modernity. Habitat experiences in Algeria, with Silvia Mocci, Quodlibet, Macerata 2018.

His applied research activities and his architecture projects have received numerous prizes and mentions in national and international architecture competitions, among which the first prize at Europan 9 for the Carbonia Italia site, and at Europan 10 for the site by Seilh Toulouse France.

In 2007 and 2008 he was included in the yearbook of young Italian talents awarded in the world.

He was an architecture consultant and project coordinator in the context of consulting groups of the former Department of Architecture of the University of Cagliari for the following works:

- extension of the Faculty of Engineering - alpha and beta classrooms (2000-2006);

- Recovery of the mechanical workshops of the large Serbariu mine as a Paleontological Museum of the city of Carbonia (2002-2008);

- Recovery of the Tornerie and Forge pavilions of the Great Mine of Serbariu as a pole of higher university education in the city of Carbonia (2002-2008);

- Recovery of the former Workers' Hotel No. 1 in Carbonia as the headquarters of the C.E.G.I. (2004-2008);

- Recovery of the former Albergo Operai n. 2 of Carbonia as a moderate fee residential complex (2004-2008);

He is currently scientific coordinator with Antonello Sanna of the consultancy project for the redevelopment of the complex of the former Macciotta Pediatric Clinics as a new university center in Cagliari.

He is the scientific coordinator of the feasibility study necessary to announce the international design competition for the new Casa Antonio Gramsci Museum Complex in Ghilarza.

He was the designer of the following urban redevelopments:

- Porta Nuova square in Sanluri (2006-2012);

- Piazza IV novembre in Furtei (2008-2013);

- Piazza Costituzione and via Sanluri in Villanovaforru (2008-2013);

- public furniture in Corso Cattedrale and redevelopment of via Brigata Sassari-Via Cesare Battisti;

- urban redevelopment project along the Rio Pau in Segariu, with which he won a mention for the RAS landscape award in 2010.

He was the designer of the following recovery and requalification interventions of the built heritage:

- former Villasanta oil mill as a house-museum of bread in Sanluri (2006-2012);

- former Casa Borrelli as a new social gathering center and library of Pau (2006-2013);

- former Cauli house as the new social center of Pau (2006-2013);

- former tonnara di Calasetta as a holiday home (2008 - ongoing) with which it won the landscape award of the RAS in 2008.

He is an architectural consultant for the projects of the parish complexes of Nostra Signora di Bannari in Villa Verde (2009 nearing completion) and of Santa Chiara in Sini (2010 - completed work).

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