Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali


They are an associate professor of Early Modern History in the Department of Letters, Languages, and Cultural Heritage at the University of Cagliari. They are a member of the doctoral college in History, Cultural Heritage, and International Studies.


Ph.D. in History from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2009). Diploma in Archival Studies, Paleography, and Diplomatics from the State Archives of Cagliari (2005). Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Cagliari, with a thesis on modern history concerning abandoned and newly founded villages in 17th and 18th century Sardinia (2002).



  • Directeur d'étude associé at the Fondation Maison de sciences de l'homme in Paris (FMSH) 2023.
  • Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Hellenic Studies at King’s College in London (2019);
  • Profesor invitado at the Department of Modern History at the University of Barcelona (2016);
  • Visiting fellow at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies (IGRS-SAS) at the University of London (2011-12);
  • Research collaborator at the Department of History at the University of Bristol (2010).

His studies primarily focus on Modern Age History (16th-19th century) within the Euro-Mediterranean context. He has authored essays, articles, and internationally circulated books on the relationship between diasporas and internal colonization, with specific attention to the insular world of the Tyrrhenian Mediterranean in the early modern period (Genoese and French Corsica, British Minorca, Tuscany, Sardinia); on the social and institutional history of the Kingdom of Sardinia; on the relationship between the Cult of Saints and settlement dynamics; on Digital Humanities, Digital History, and Public History.

In 2018, he founded LUDiCa, the Digital Humanities laboratory of the University of Cagliari. He is among the promoters of the Digital Humanities Research Center at the University of Cagliari (Dh.UniCa.it), where they coordinate development groups for historical-documentary digital software applications, in collaboration with international, national, and local research institutions. He coordinates the 400.unica.it multimedia gallery platform, developed to celebrate the four centuries of history of the University of Cagliari.

He also coordinate sand/or participates in various research groups

  • PI of the two-year research program titled "The Digital Atlas of Sardinia's maritime history," funded by the "Fondazione di Sardegna annualità 2020," evaluated by international anonymous reviewers.
  • Member of the research team for the five-year program "Gouverner les îles. Territoires, ressources et savoirs des sociétés insulaires en Méditerranée (XVIe- XXIe siècle)," funded by the École Française de Rome. Additionally,
  • member of the international research program "Ganar y perder en las sociedades hispánicas del Mediterráneo occidental durante la Edad Moderna (PID2022-142050NB-C21)," coordinated by Daniel Muñoz and Juan Francisco Pardo at the Universitat de Valencia (Spain).
  • PI of the two-year research program titled "Migrazioni straniere e colonizzazione interna nel Mediterraneo d’età moderna," funded by the "Legge Regionale 7 agosto 2007, n. 7 annualità 2015 della Regione Sardegna - Capitale Umano ad Alta Qualificazione," evaluated by anonymous reviewers not operating in the regional area.


The updated list of publications is available at this address.


He has been invited to participate in conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions organized by national and international universities and research centers, including London, Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, Bristol, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Venice, Alicante, Genoa, and more.


In the Faculty of Humanities:

- Early Modern Mediterranean History (M-STO/02, 30 hours, 6 ECTS credits), for the History and Society degree program, Faculty of Humanities, University of Cagliari.
- History of Early Modern Europe (M-STO/02, 30 hours, 6 ECTS credits), for the Master's degree program in History and Society, Languages, Philology.
- Digital and Public History of Early Modern Sardinia (M-STO/02, 30 hours, 6 ECTS credits), for the Master's degree program in History and Society with a modern focus.
- History of Sardinia (M-STO/02, 30 hours, 6 ECTS credits), for the Letters and Cultural Heritage degree program.

Together with Marcello Schirru, they are responsible for the course "Historical Landscapes and Digital Humanities (M-STO/02)" in the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage – SSBAP, University of Cagliari.


- Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Public History (AIPH).
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Interuniversity Center for Public History Research and Development (CISPH).
- Member of SISEM (Italian Society for the Study of the Modern Age), SISSD (Italian Society of 18th-Century Studies), AIUCD (Association for Humanities Informatics and Digital Culture).
- Director of the educational series "Quaderni del LUDiCa" under UNICApress.


Winner of the "Gian Paolo Treccani" award established by the journal "Storia urbana"

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