Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering



31 march 2022

Personal Details

Luisa Pani

Born in Cagliari (Italy) on 22.12.1957

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Degree in Civil Engineering, specialization in Structural Engineering, at the University of Cagliari (Italy) on July 22, 1982 with the score of 110/110 cum laude, with a Thesis entitled: “Ductility of reinforced concrete structures”.

Diploma at the Liceo Scientifico “Pacinotti” in Cagliari (Italy) on July 1976 with the score of 58/60.

Teaching diploma of Construction, Technology of Construction and Drawing in High School on 1983.

Teaching diploma of Technical Applications in High School on 1983.

Positions held

From 1982 to 1996 she was Teacher of Construction, Technology of Construction and Drawing in High School.

From 1996 to present, Confirmed Research of Structural Design to Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

From 2000 to present, Teacher of Structural Design to Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

Teacher in Professional training of reinforced concrete structures extra university.

Teacher in School of Specialization to High School graduate students (IFTS).

Teacher in School of Specialization for Secondary School Teachers, University of Cagliari (Italy) (SSIS).

From 2009 to 2015 Manager of GAV (Auto Evaluation Team) of Environmental and Land Engineering Degree.

From 2009 to 2015 Manager of Assurance Quality of Environmental and Land Engineering Degree.

From 2013 to 2015 Member of Technical Unity – Public Works Sardegna District.

From 2014 to 2018 Member of Committee SUA-RD of Department Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture.From 2015 to 2021 ManaExperi

ger of Students and Teachers Committee of Engineering and Architecture Faculty – University of Cagliari.

From 2019 to present Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Manager of “Percorso formativo 24 CFU”.

From 2019 to the present University of Cagliari Manager of Regional Price List of Autonomous Sardinia Region Public Works Sardinia District.

From September 2021 to the present member promoting Committee or the establishment of the degree course LP01 

From April 2022 to the present member Committee CAV of Environmental and Land Engineering Degree

Research areas

Experimental and theoretical behaviour of normal, high and very high strength concretes

Experimental and theoretical behaviour of fiber reinforced concrete

Experimental and theoretical behaviour of concrete made with recycled aggregates

precast hollowed slabs

Structural restoration

Experimental and theoretical behaviour of cementitious mortars with anhydrous calcium sulfate, by-product chemical industry

Experimental and theoretical behaviour of steel-concrete composite slabs with recycled aggregate concrete

International partnerships

University of Cape Town (South Africa), Department of Civil Engineering (main contact person: Prof. P. Moyo), within the III executive programme of scientific and technological co-operation between Italy and South Africa for the years 2008-2010.

2013: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en el Plan Nacional de I+D (Spagna) “Sustainable prefabrication: reuse of construction and demolition waste on structural and nonstructural precast” Responsabile Scientifico Prof. Ing. Fernando Lopez Gayarre, Membro.

2016: Sostenibilidad de las estructuras de hormigon de muy alto rendimiento (hmar) a lo largo de su vida util - BIA2016-78460-C3-2-R, Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón, Responsabile Scientifico Prof. Ing. Fernando Lopez Gayarre, Membro

Research grants, contracts and sponsorships

1994-96: “New materials”, Regione Sardegna Project, Manager Prof. Ing. Ettore Pozzo;

1999: Granded about £ 4.500.000 at University of Cagliari. “Properties of unbonded prestressed concrete beams”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani

2000: Granded about £ 4.750.000 at University of Cagliari “Strain performance of flexural reinforced high strength concrete beams”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2001: Granded about € 1.700 at University of Cagliari “Phisical-mechanical performance of recycled aggregate concrete”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2002: Granded about € 1.900 at University of Cagliari “Experimental and theoretical behaviour of fiber reinforced concrete”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2003-2004: PRIN “Sicurezza strutturale dell’edilizia muraria tradizionale e strategie di interventi. Un caso di studio in Calabria: sistema informativo per il recupero del borgo antico di Laino Castello” Manager Prof. Ing. Mauro Mezzina

2004: Granded about € 900 at University of Cagliari “Compression strength evaluation of concrete submitted at accelerated concrete curing”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2005: Granded about € 1000 at University of Cagliari “Special concrete reinforced by steel fiber”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2006: Granded about € 1600 at University of Cagliari “Experimental and theoretical behaviour of structural elements made with SCC and reinforced by polypropylene fiber”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2007: Granded about € 1100 at University of Cagliari “Behaviour of reinforced concrete beams reinforced by FRP and PBO”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2007: III executive programme of scientific and technological co-operation between Italy and South Africa “Diagnosis, restoration and conservation of buildings: methodology, technologies, instrumentation”;

2007: “Comportamento teorico sperimentale sotto carichi orizzontali e verticali di pannelli mono e multistrato in legno” Legge regionale 7 agosto 2007, N. 7 “Promozione della ricerca scientifica dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sardegna”

2009: Granded about € 1100 at University of Cagliari “Recycled aggregates and recycled aggregates concrete”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2010: Granded about € 800 at University of Cagliari “Recycled aggregates and recycled aggregates concrete”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2011: Granded about € 600 at University of Cagliari “Recycled aggregates and recycled aggregates concrete”, Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2012: Granded about € 130.000 at Regione Sardegna “Il recupero di rifiuti inerti per il confezionamento di aggregati riciclati da impiegare nel calcestruzzo. Sperimentazioni e applicazioni nelle Province di Cagliari e Carbonia-Iglesias” Manager Dott. Ing. Luisa Pani;

2012: Granded about € 200.000 at Regione Sardegna “L'applicazione delle nuove Norme tecniche per le Costruzioni nella Regione Sardegna con riferimento all’obbligatorietà dell’impiego dei criteri antisismici e al quadro normativo esistente, sotto l’aspetto scientifico, tecnico ed economico”. Manager Prof. Ing. Barbara De Nicolo, Associate Investigator.

2012: Master & Back Program “Production, performance and durability Technologies of special recycled aggregate concretes” Manager Luisa Pani.

2012: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en el Plan Nacional de I+D (Spagna) “Sustainable prefabrication: reuse of construction and demolition waste on structural and nonstructural precast” Associate Investigator.

2016: Sostenibilidad de las estructuras de hormigon de muy alto rendimiento (hmar) a lo largo de su vida util - BIA2016-78460-C3-2-R, Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón, Manager Prof. Ing. Fernando Lopez Gayarre – Associate Investigator.

2017: Granded about € 237.000 at Regione Sardegna POR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020 - Asse Prioritario I “Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione” Azione 1.1.4 “Materials for Building and Sustainable Infrastructures, Recycled Aggregates” Manager Luisa Pani.

2019: Fluorsid S.p.A. "Research and experimentation on calcium sulphate by-product in road construction and infrastructure"

 Publication: n. 87

SCOPUS: Total citations:163; h-Index:5


Updated on 2022 March 31



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